
Chapter One

Jane turned the quill in her hand over and over again, not quite deciding on what to write on the parchment paper before her. Groaning, she dropped the quill and stood up from her writing desk. She thought about what to write to her sister about the news she had received from her father. Her father, she sneered, her biological father. The news was devastating to say the least. It altered all she had known for her eighteen years in life. Taking to pacing round her bedchamber, she mulled over the letter she had received from Lord Hadley Eckhart, or should she say, her father. A strangled laugh escaped her lips. She never really knew Lord Eckhart having lived all her life in a quiet cottage on a farm with her parents, or so she thought. Mr. and Mrs. James Miller were the only parents she knew alongside their daughter, Emily Miller, who had managed to secure a place at the famous London boarding school. Lord Hadley, her father? Good grief. Perhaps the letter hadn't been intended for her. Perhaps the mail boy had made a mistake. But no matter how long she tried to convince herself otherwise, she knew the letter was for her because it was directed to her. How? She asked herself. Picking up the letter again, she spared it a cursory glance. It bore the Eckhart's seal, which was unmistaken.

Dear Jane Miller,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. I had thought to relay the very contents of it but decided against it choosing to put it , into writing. I'm sure you'll be aghast hearing this .I am your father. Yes, it's shocking but it is true. Mr. James Miller is aware of it. I did not wish to tell you like this , I want you to know. I'm quite certain you must be disheartened knowing this, do not fret, I shall resolve this. Likewise, I intend to invite your parents over for a talk , so this can be settled. I apologize for whatever mishap this letter might bring.

Yours truly,

Lord Hadley Eckhart.

Sighing solemnly, she dropped the letter and turned to the window. A brief knock at her door startled her. "Jane?" It was her mother. "I'm here, Mama" she called. Mrs. Beth Miller slipped in." Dinner's ready, I was going to ask the maid to relay this to you, but I'm here already" Her footsteps padding across the carpeted room." Are you alright, my dear?" She paused upon seeing her near the window. No response. "Jane?" She tried again. " Did you know, Mama?" Jane spins to face her. A lifted brow signals her mother's confusion. Jane stares at her.

Beth was a petite woman with locks of brown hair that turned really light brown when caught in sunlight, which Jane had always thought did not complement her tanned skin. With hazel eyes and a round shape, one could tell that she was pretty in her maiden days. The more Jane stared, the more she realized she looked nothing like this woman. Her blond curls stood out the most with icy blue eyes and pale skin which, no matter the amount of time she spent in the sun gardening, did not become brown or tan. She shook her head sorrowfully. Why hadn't she seen it before?.

"Are you ill?" She gazed upon her mother's eyes which filled with warmth. Taking long strides to her writing desk, she snatched the letter from it and thrust it into the poor woman's hand forcefully. "Did you know about this, Mama?" She queried, almost losing her composure. "Did you?" Her tone was laced with so many emotions. Beth read the letter in her hands. A gasp, the look of surprise on her face as she glanced up, there and then, Jane was hit by realization.

Hey guys ☺️

That's the first part so just tell me how it goes

Your support will go a really long way

Thanks ☺️

PS. It's my first historical fiction

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