
Of Blood and Bonds

Ivy is a werewolf girl who just wants love and to be loved. Little did she know that fate had other plans in store for her. Her mate selection ceremony sparks a turn of events for the entire werewolf community and somehow, amidst all the calamity she wants to find that love.

LOTS_Fiction · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Chapter 9

Charles found himself in a peculiar situation. The past five years of his life had been pretty the same event occurring over and over with the exception of some things he wasn't comfortable with. This time though, things had been different since coming to this city. His first night strolling and he had come across Ivy and since then things had been well exciting. It had been five years since he fought a vampire and he had pretty much enjoyed it.

For the first time in those five years, he was in front of angry wolves. And what's more? They're her family. His eyes glanced between all wolves that were in front of him.

All five of them were in their feral state, speaking of which, she didn't look like she could.

He saw the oldest one step forward and his form faded slowly until he was once again human. As a response Charles let his slip away too. He had to show the man some respect.

Ivy's dad watched as the wolf in front of him revealed his human form and smiled. He seemed young, about the same age as Colton but he didn't show inferiority in his stance.

"So, you're the Omega?" he asked.

"I am an omega, not sure about the "the" part though." He laughed and Colton didn't take it likely.

"You seem a little bit too relaxed for someone who's in an interrogation."

Charles heard the snarl that ended the statement but he couldn't care less. "Who said I was in an interrogation?"

That made Colton mad. "Don't push your luck."

"I'd advise you not do the same."

The brothers were practically steaming at that. The wolf in front of them was cocky, at least to them he was.

"Why are you here?"

"Who's asking?"

"The name's Edward Ainsworth. Call me Mr. Ainsworth."

"Mr. Ainsworth. So, your name's Ivy Ainsworth, nice ring to it."

Colton was getting pissed. Here their dad was, talking to this… wolf and he was thinking about how nice their sister's name sounded. Disrespectful.

"Stop Colton," their father's voice sounded before he could do anything rash. Edward wasn't a barbarian or barbaric even by wolf standards. He saw reason and the fact that this guy wasn't doing anything to provoke them meant that he wanted to hear him out. What he did however find disturbing was the fact that this guy seemed to be playing around. "However, I must warn you. Colton is not the type of foe many wish to fight."

Charles' expression remained the same as he didn't even acknowledge the statement or even bother to assess Colton. Colton on the other hand had backed down, content with thinking that the earlier statement about him had some effect on the wolf in front of them.

"Now, unto more important things. Why are you here and why do I smell blood on my daughter?"

That was what was riling the Ainsworth brothers up. The blood they smelt on their sister. Did he beat her or worse wound her?

"Did you do that to her?" it was another brother who had asked the question.

"Of course not. Why hurt someone I don't know? We were attacked."

And that confirmed it, at least for their father. The vampires were on the move. Those unpredictable bastards.

"You fought them off?"

He nodded. "And it wasn't them. It was one."

"One vampire and she was already this injured. I find that hard to believe." This was what the only brother with blond hair said. He didn't know his name so he didn't speak to him directly, but to their father.

"Vampires are strong. I don't know where you all must have gotten the idea that a werewolf could just take on a vampire, but I can assure you that it's a lie. Vampires are far more vicious and far deadlier than wolves. Though it comes with a catch. They get stronger the longer they live, enough that most wolves won't be able to contend with one that's over five hundred years old."

Edward was slightly impressed. This matched their findings about that the undead bloodsuckers but how did he know so much. Could he have had the opportunity to read as much as he could or was he someone with firsthand experience on the matter?

"I'm guessing none of you have faced or even seen a vampire."

Edward turned to his sons. The wolf was right. None of his children had seen a vampire fight. Even he had only come across the terrors once and that was an event that scarred his life.

"Only those who haven't faced them can be bold as to say that they can fight them."

"And how do you know all this?" Colton asked, feeling infuriated at the turnout of things. He was concerned about his sister's silence throughout the matter which seemed to confirm the wolf's statements, but he had to ask.

Charles raised a finger and wagged it slightly.

"Information is power. With time you may come to know the things that I myself have, but that is up to you."

"Hold on," Edward said as he stepped in front of Colton. "Why not join us, join the pack? Wolves are stronger when in a pack. If they are as you say they are, this way we can increase our chances of survival."

Charles didn't even give it any thought before speaking up. "I disagree."

"Why is that?"

His expression seemed to change for a split second before returning back to being neutral. "I'd rather not say."

He turned and was about to leave but Edward gave a signal. They were not to let the Omega go as he was a threat to the pack.

Colton heeded the signal and lunged for him. Charles knew it wouldn't do him well to hurt one of her brothers.

He wasn't barbaric so he just prepared to dodge and he wasn't stupid so as to not see the rest of them boxing him in to keep him close. He didn't want to use force to get out of this one, so luck must have been smiling at him when Ivy ran forwards to intercept her brother's attack.

Colton stopped as he appeared in front of him and their father howled. He was calling the rest of the pack to their location.

"Stop! Please don't hurt him." She was talking to Charles and not her brothers or father. She hadn't seen her brothers fight in a while but she didn't think that individually they would be able to bring him down.

Charles understood her intent and muttered something they could all hear. "Sorry."

He lunged for Ivy before grabbing her by the neck in a lock. One of his claws was extended and the tip of it was pointing at her neck. He had taken her hostage.

"What are you doing?"

"This guarantees my freedom," he said as he started watching them from the corners of his eyes. "We are all wolves here and each one of has better senses than we should. Try anything funny and I'll gore at her neck. Unless you think that you can reach me within a second."

That stopped them all in their tracks. Not a single one of them wanted anything to happen to her.

He nodded. That was good. "Now back off." As they inched backwards from him, his mind wondered how she was just playing them for a fool with her acting. He could see through it but they could not. Probably because they thought that her life could be in danger. Fear had its way of blinding people.

All eyes were on him and soon the eyes of those who just arrived were also on him. He had doubts that this was the entire pack but it was impressive to say the least. They too were very cautious and didn't move as they watched him slowly back away towards a corner of the alley where he would be able to escape the quickest. He had drawn out his escape so that he could identify at least some members of the pack and no the best routes to take when avoiding them.

"You're a crazy girl Ivy. Thank you and I apologise in advance," he said in a hushed voice that all but her could hear. At least that was what he thought. He eased the choke on her neck that he had forced himself to increase as the pack members came, before tossing her at Colton and bolting out of sight. He was fast, enough to leave awe in their minds.

Colton's eyes didn't leave the place where Charles had escaped from, but what he heard him say was bothering him. He turned to watch everyone make sure his sister was okay and focused on her expression. It didn't belong to someone who thought that she was in danger.

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