
The Present: The Trip To The City Of Hemon.

Years have passed. Amanda is now fifteen. Such a grown girl. If you ask her mother, she will tell you Amanda has grown fast. And today Amanda joins High School.

The drive to school is a rather long one. Amanda is to join Hemon High which is five cities away, in the City of Hemon. She drives in her mothers car and all the while she stares at her mother. She will be staying with aunty Rose but she seems to have a lot on her mind.

"Honey. What's on your mind?" Ruby asks. She sees it in her daughter's eyes. Amanda has something on her mind. "I don't know. I guess I'm nervous. Never been to High School before." Amanda says. "Oh! I see. You are afraid you will be far from mom." Ruby says. "Technically yes. I'm not used to being this far from you mom. And I don't know if you will be fine." Amanda says "Oh honey... that's why I love you so much. You care for me even when you get a chance to care about yourself." Ruby says.

The road they drive on is silent. And it's evening. The Sun is setting into nightfall and the drive towards the Sun. Sun kissed in the rays mother and daughter drive to the daughter's dream. "But you'll be lonely mom. And I have never lived with aunty Rose. I don't know how she is." Amanda says. "Take me, then have a clone of me. That's aunty Rose. She's my twin. And you're going to like her." Ruby says. "And I'm not going to be lonely honey. I'll visit every weekend." Ruby says.

Ruby turns the music on. It's a sweet blend of pop and rock. And it warms their Souls. Mother and daughter sing along driving into the sunset. And Amanda stares outside through her window. Into the golden light countryside. Into the flowery farms along the road. The music in her background. And the countryside draws itself into her mind. She wishes there is a way she could keep this picture in her mind.

Amanda takes her phone and snaps a picture of the countryside. Her mother watches and smiles. She sees something in Amanda. Something she can't quite understand but she knows it's greatness. Just like every mother sees in her daughter. Just like every single mother knows their child will be great. A father or not.

"You know you might be the most beautiful girl in the World honey." Ruby says. And smiles at her daughter. "How do you know mom?" Amanda asks as she pockets her phone. "I don't know. Have you seen all the models on tv? You sure look way better than them." Ruby says. "Well... I don't care about beauty mom." Amanda says. "You are starting High School honey. You definitely will start caring about beauty." Ruby says. "What does that even mean mom?" Amanda asks. "Don't ask questions Amanda... just enjoy the music with me. You'll definitely know what I mean." Ruby says.

And as the Sun sets they drive off into the City of Hemon. A whole new Life for Amanda and a whole new City for her.