
Pop Night.

Rose lets Amanda go out, but with the condition that she goes with Mayah. Rose is not the kind of parent to hold her children back with the fear that something bad will happen when they have too much fun. She does not think it's bad parenting, because she has seen what happens to children whose parents are overcautious.

And that evening Amanda leaves with Mayah. They walk to Ashton's place which is not far off. And when they reach they ring the door bell. A transexual female opens up the door. And she is beautiful. She gives Amanda and Mayah the best smile ever and she seems to have a bright spirit.

"Hello girl... I believe you are here to get Ashton." She says. And her voice is deep. Deeper than a girl's voice could be, but she has that femininity in her voice. You can tell that since she was born she never wanted to be a Man. "Yes." Amanda says. "Ashton!" The Woman shouts at Ashton who responds faintly from his room. "My name is Clara. I'm Ashton's mother... and once father." She says. And that beautiful smile never seems to leave her face.

Before they can converse more, Ashton comes downstairs already dressed and he kisses his mother goodbye. His mother too does not seem to care if he goes out at night and haves fun. But she tells him to be careful and come back home on time.

*. *. *.

The night is beautiful. And it comes as they slowly walk into the setting Sun and a rising Moon. Ashton is the funniest boy they have walked with. And now that they know Fiona is not a threat to Amanda's relationship they have let her come with them.

"You know we thought you two were dating." Mayah says. And Fiona laughs. "Oh my! You are not the first ones. Everyone thinks we are dating. No one understands Ashton is like a brother to me. We have known each other for so long we can't just date. It will be weird." Fiona says. "Yeah... let the love birds do their thing." Mayah says. "What about you Mayah. You have anyone you are dating?" Ashton asks. And Amanda can't stop staring at his cute smile as he has his hand around her shoulders.

"Well... the person I like loves another person. So I don't see it happening ever." Mayah says. "Never say never. You always find someone." Ashton says. "What about you Amanda? Anyone you are seeing?" He asks Amanda with a wide grin. "Yeah... there's someone I'm dating but let's not talk about him. Today I have a cute boy with his arm around me. I have no time to think." Ananda says. "Oh! You know that I also have the most beautiful girlfriend in the World." Ashton says. "Really... what's her name?" Amanda says. "Her name starts with an 'A', but I have my arm around another beautiful girl tonight and I don't want to ruin it." Ashton says.

They are both lost in their conversation that they do not notice they are far behind Mayah and Fiona.

Ahead of them Fiona and Mayah walk and they talk about Ashton and Amanda. "You know I envy those two." Mayah says. "I would say you have a crush on Ashton." Fiona says, and Mayah gasps. "What? No! I don't!" Mayah says. "Don't hide it. The more you hide it the more people will know. But don't mind. My secret is safe with you." Fiona says. "I just wish I could find some boy who will love me in the same way." Mayah says. "I'm done with boys. I'm done with relationships. I tried dating some months ago and it did not end well. I guess dating is not for kids." Fiona says.

"Let's just go and have some fun. By the way where is Ashton taking us?" Mayah asks. "I have heard that there's a big rave in town. And Ed Sheeran will be performing." Fiona says. "But Amanda does not know. We will surprise her." She adds.

*. *. *.

Just as planned, Ashton surprises Amanda. She enters the rave and her face lights up than it has ever lit before. She has never been to a rave before. And her heart rushes. He blood boils. Her chills get even merrier when she sees Ed Sheeran and he starts performing. She feels like she is in Heaven.

Ashton dances with Amanda while Mayah dances with Fiona. The lights change the rave into a wild party. The songs turn the rave into a mad party. And they are not the only kids in this rave. It's the most dangerous thing Amanda has ever done. Being out in a rave with adults, unsupervised and having all the fun in the World.

The party goes on for hours. And later in the night Ed Sheeran starts performing 'Perfect'. Everyone grabs their lover and starts slow dancing. The rave turns into a romance meet out. Everyone with the person they love. Under the dim pale light of the Moon and the distant Stars. Only Mayah and Fiona have no one to dance with. And they find themselves laughing awkwardly in the middle of a love rave.

"Let's dance together. I have no one to dance with and you have no one to dance with." Fiona says. "Okay... let's be lonely together." Mayah agrees. And they hold hands and start dancing to the song. The World seems to stand still. The Stars seem to shine brighter. And as the song ends under that pale moonlight, Fiona kisses Mayah lightly on the lips. And Mayah jumps back from Fiona's grip.