
Holding Hands With Fiona.

It's morning. The Sun shines bright and Mayah walks to school with Amanda. It seems like a perfect day. Nothing can mess this up. Amanda is thinking about Ashton. He is the only boy in her mind. And Mayah realizes it.

"So when are you going to make it official?" Mayah asks. "Make what official?" Amanda asks. She knows what Mayah is talking about. But she just wants to mess with her head. "You know what. You said that you kissed him. Just make it official. Tell him you want to be his girlfriend." Mayah says. "Is it really a must? I mean, we're already kissing. He knows I'm his girlfriend." Amanda says.

And as they take a corner down the street they see someone familiar ahead of them. They both go silent and look for a while before Mayah speaks up. "I think that's Ashton." Mayah says. And it's Ashton. He is ahead of them and with him is another girl. And he is holding the girl's hand as they walk downtown. "Yeah that's him. Is he holding that girl's hand?" Amanda asks. Mayah can hear the heartbreak in her voice. "I know that girl. I think I heard someone call her Fiona." Mayah says.

Amanda cannot believe it. Just the other day Ashton was kissing him and today he is with another girl holding hands. She wants to rush there and ask him why he lied to her. She wants to rush to them and separate them. But her mind tells her to stay calm. Maybe it's a misunderstanding. Her heart tells her to go. Her mind tells her to stay.

"Don't do it. I know what you are thinking. Don't go there." Mayah says. "But..." "No... Just let it go." Mayah says. They continue walking behind Ashton and Fiona gets closer to him and they lock arms. Ashton does not pull back. Instead he laughs along with her and it breaks Amanda's heart. Amanda starts rushing. And Mayah follows her trying to grab her. She grabs Amanda who thrushes her away and rushes on. "Please don't do it." Mayah says as Amanda walks on.

As she gets closer to them her eyes fill with tears. She cannot believe this is what she was getting into. If this is what people call love then it's not what she wants. She doesn't want to feel this way. She thought that there was something special when Ashton saved her from being molested. But now he just holds another girl as if there's nothing going on between them.

Ashton hears the rushing footsteps behind them. And he turns to check who is rushing towards them. Fiona turns too and they are surprised to see a mad and sobbing Amanda. Ashton lets go of Fiona's hand and turns to Amanda. "Hey... Amanda. What's wrong? Why are you..." He asks as he holds her arms but she shoves him away before he can finish. "Amanda!" Ashton calls rushing after her. He does not seem to know why Amanda is in a mood. "Amanda!" He calls as he rushes buy Fiona grabs his hand. "Don't..." Fiona says.

Ashton stops following Amanda, who starts running down street. Mayah follows running after her and when she passes them she cusses Ashton. "Fuck you!" Ashton does not know why Mayah is rude to him. He exchanged surprised glances with Fiona and they continue walking. "What was that about?" Fiona asks. "I don't know." Ashton says.