
Cousin Crush 2.

Mayah stays away from everyone for the rest of the night. And she orders an uber to take her home. Fiona feels bad about herself. She should not have kissed Mayah. She wants to call Mayah and tell her she is sorry, but she doesn't have Mayah's number. And she can't tell Ashton or Amanda what she has done.

The three of them go home together after calling Mayah and she told them that she had to rush home. They take a taxi and Ashton ensures that Amanda has reached home safe. As Ashton kisses Amanda goodbye, Fiona watches and Ashton notices. "What are you looking at? You want a kiss too?" Ashton asks smiling. And Fiona punches him lightly on his shoulder. "No... say hi to Mayah for me." She tells Amanda. And walks away with Ashton.

*. *. *.

Amanda gets home and finds Mayah on the bed. She is frozen on her phone playing Candy Crush. And she doesn't even notice Amanda walking into the room. Amanda slowly walks to Mayah's bed and sits next to her, making her gasp and drop her phone.

"You scared me! What's up?" Mayah asks. "What's up with you, I should be asking." Amanda says. "Nothing... why?" Mayah says. "Liar... you left the race without us and you are acting weird. What happened at the rave?" Amanda asks. "I don't even know where to start." Mayah says. "Just start." Amanda says.

"Okay... Fiona kissed me. And I freaked out and ran." Mayah says. And Amanda breaks into a laugh. She laughs so loud that Mayah pets her to calm down not to wake aunty Rose. "Please stop laughing. What's so funny?" Mayah asks. And Amanda continues laughing. Then after about a minute she puts herself together and starts speaking.

"You have a cousin crush! Finally!" Amanda says. And Mayah seems surprised. "So you don't think it's weird that I might be a lesbian?" Mayah asks. "No... so you liked it." Amanda says. "No... I did not say that." Mayah says defensively. "You didn't. But I see it in your eyes. You want to kiss her again." Amanda says. "Okay maybe. But my mom should not know. She's against people like me. I didn't even know I can like girls until now." Mayah says.

"Don't worry. It will be our little secret." Amanda promises. And Mayah smiles. She is still thinking of Fiona. She wants to kiss her again. Maybe one more time. Maybe two more times. Maybe a hundred more times.