

The rest of the day passed by without any issues. After passing the borders of the capital's lands the air ship continued to head towards the sea port. Night quickly came as they passed the mountains that formed a natural wall and barrier between the two main territories of the empire and the last line of defense against enemy invasions.

"Kade..." Asta was about to go to sleep when she noticed Kade had fallen asleep on one of the tables. "Kade..." This time she tugged on his sleeve gently while rubbing her eye. Kade was sound asleep. Seeing as he wasn't moving Asta went to the kitchen and brought out a pot full of cold water. She thought about only splashing him with a little bit of water but changed her mind at the thought of Kade flustered. Laughing to herself Asta gently lifted the pot over Kade's head and tipped it over. The moment the cold water hit his face Kade sprang up. He stood up so fast that he wobbled and fell backwards.

"Ha aha ha!" Asta was laughing hard.

"Wh-Asta?" Still confused about what was going on Kade tried to stand up but due to being shocked at Kade's reaction Asta had dropped the pot and so, when Kade stepped forward he stepped on the pot. His foot slipped out from under him and he fell backwards again.

*pfft! * "Ha ha ha!" Asta was leaning against the table now and gently tapping the top in a fit of laughter. Internally Kade felt like he wanted to die! To show such an unsightly act in front of his precious sister twice in the same minute was an embarrassment nothing could remove.

Grin who had been keeping watch on the deck overhead had come down just in time to witness Kade's second slip.

*pfft! * *ahem... cough cough* "What's going on Princess?" Grin tried to hide his smile with his hand.

"Ah, Grin! Kade fell over just like those clowns who slip on banana peels!" Asta was still laughing. Grin glanced over to Kade and noticed that he was curled into a ball on the floor, covering his face with both hands.

"Emperor?" Kade looked up and Grin could see that his cheeks and ears were bright red. Seeing how he was soaked and in a pitiful situation Grin felt a little sorry for him. Sighing he walked over and placed his dry overcoat on Kade.

"Until we reach your room use this so you don't catch a cold." Grin offered Kade a helping hand and Kade took it gratefully. Seeing this Asta was reminded of right before they left and how Kade was gripping Grin's shoulders. Again, her impure imagination was running wild.

"Ah, I... I just remembered that it is very late and I must return to my chambers!" After bowing quickly Asta disappeared through the doors toward the sleeping chamber.

"What was that all about?" Grin shot a questioningly look as Kade.

"I don't know. One moment I'm asleep on the table and the next there's cold water all over me. Then I'm slipping like a fool. Ahhh! Grin! What'll I do now?! What if she hates me now that I did something that wasn't Emperor-like at all?" Kade was shaking Grin, seeking any kind of rejection at his statement.

"A-ah... Of course not!" Grin was feeling very uncomfortable. Kade opened his mouth to say something else when Grin flipped him around. "First you need to change clothes. Soaking in cold and wet clothes is asking to catch a fever." Before Kade could say anything else Grin was already dragging him away.

After Kade had changed he opened the door to see Grin as he was leaning against the wall beside the door.

"Done?" Kade sighed and closed the door behind him.

"Yeah, wanna spar a bit?" Kade's smile curved in a mocking way.

"Really now. Don't be getting cocky just because you haven't been getting beaten for the past month. I was busy." Grin lightly punch ed Kade's shoulder. "But, sure. Let's spar. It might help to release this stress." Kade brushed off Grin's arm.

"I could say the same to you. I was busy working out the paperwork so I'm sure you'll get beaten like always again."

"Listen here, it's not always got it? If I remember correctly my score was 672 wins to 634 losses."

"No way! I definitely had the 672 wins."

"Ha, you wish. My memory is better than yours. We had 538 draws too right?" Kade paused and made motions in the air with his finger.

"So what? I'm positive I had the 672 wins." Kade and Grin were practically butting heads by this point.

"Oh no YOUR MAJESTY I'm sure you had the 634 wins."

"Oh really HEAD CAPTAIN? Well I'm sure your memory is wrong as I recall having the 672 wins." Sparks were flying as they debated over who had the most wins. Right at the climax of the moment there was a loud crash that shook the ship.

"Wh- what's going on?" Kade stumbled and leaned against the wall. Grin was doing the same as another crash hit, causing the ship to shake again.

From further down the hall the Valkyrie leader Svala rushed out of Asta's room.

"Frida! Ingrid! What's happening?" A Valkyrie with a golden blond braid Rushed inside the room.

"Leader! There are some pirates trying to board the ship! Their numbers are crazy. It's like a swarm on the deck, they even have guns and cannons! Ingrid went to warn the other members of the ship but I don't know when will we be able to drive away the intruders. "

"Damn!" Svala slammed her hand on the wall, denting it. She put two fingers to her mouth and blew hard, the high-pitched whistle waking up the other Valkyries instantly. A few seconds later and the doors to all of their rooms opened at the same time, the fully equipped Valkyries ready for battle.

"Leader, where are the enemies?" A Valkyrie with an auburn braid kneeled by Svala.

"There is a swarm of pirates on deck. Frida has engaged them alone; Ingrid has gone to warn the other ship members. The safety of the Princess is a top priority so I'll stay here, Ysra, you're the temporary leader."

"Yes!" The kneeling Valkyrie stood up and turned to face the rest of the Valkyries.

"Also, I permit the usage of your blessings." Ysra stopped and turned around, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"If I may be so bold but, are you sure leader?"

"Yes. Filth that doesn't know it's place has no purpose to live in this world. Especially if they dare to tread on royal property! Their ignorance will be the end of them!" Ysra nodded and turned back to face the other Valkyries.

"By my command, all Valkyries are to engage and defeat the pirates who dare taint this holy journey! Destroy all and leave none breathing! For Vanaheimr, for Reinnsson! Odin owns you all!" The other Valkyries raised ther weapons and repeated the last sentence of the chant in unison.

""Odin owns you all!""

They marched out of the hall and in a second were enveloped in a white light, disappearing after.


Outside on the deck Frida was surrounded by pirates.

"Hey, I thought giants were exterminated?" One who was wearing a metallic eye nodded at his buddy.

"You idiot. Don't you know what she is? She's a Valkyrie. I heard that they're huge but this is something else." His buddy with a wispy beard stroked his saber. "I also heard that they're highly valued in the main lands. Seems like people there have a thing for tall girls." *bleeh* They laughed and joined their swarm of buddies in cornering Frida. The circle was getting smaller and smaller. Frida swung her sword in one direction and one of the pirates jumped at her. Without looking she raised her arm shield and jabbed him in the stomach with the side of it. The pirate was stopped midair and he fell to the floor, drool escaping from his mouth as he laid there unconscious.

"She's still feisty huh?" A tall man stood on the railings of the upper deck. His pirate hat showing the symbol carried on their flag. A broken lock with a swarm of evil mist seeping out. As he stood facing the wind it blew away his dirty black cloak to reveal his scarred upper body. An equally tall man was standing to the side of the pirate leader.

"Yes, although our sorcerers have already cursed her countless times it looks like blessings received directly through her blood and a pact aren't easy to block." The man standing to the side suddenly smiled creepily. "Shall I deal with her?" His malicious intent was seeping out of him, creating the illusion of black tendrils around him.

"Hmm... Let's wait a bit longer." Just as he finished speaking a gentle light enveloped the Valkyrie. Pirates standing within a two-meter radius of her were sent flying with only one swing.

Seconds later the door leading to the sleeping quarters opened, and the remaining Valkyries came out in full armor.

"Fools who only know greed and death, rejoice for you have the honor of being slain by our holy blades!" Ysra pointed her sword at the pirate leader. Seeing this as a challenge he smiled.

"I wonder who the true fools are?" He laughed and took out a dual pair of pistols.

"Vasso, stay out of our fight."

"Yes Alekos." Vasso nodded and stepped away. Alekos pointed his gun at Ysra.

"Come at me you unsightly giant!"

Hello there!

We haven't met for a long time. If you all wonder where I dissapeared, I was just extremely busy with school, as I just started University.

Now that I have time I will publish the last chapter that was written by OneInchMillionarie. Altought we haven't talked for a while I thank you all the help I got. From now on I will write the story, I hope it won't be a huge drop in quality.

Thank you for waiting to this chapter!

Have a good time while reading.

IISashikacreators' thoughts