
How Seasons Travel; part 6

If he was correct in his assumptions, he will be there to see how the Prime Magicians do their work and it is such an honor he’s been drilled since his childhood that he would rather miss sleep than not take his magic lessons seriously, again. He was practicing his skills in swordsmanship as a form of exercise to keep his young body built and healthy, but he found himself an unwanted rival in the form of his closest comrade, Hulari.

Hulari was his first friend after spending time in the Verbasi residence. The way he remembered their first encounter, it was like wanting to bite off a nasty plant’s head because of how much competitive Hulari was in their first meeting.

Not that small Hulari was mean, to begin with, but he was precautious, not enough to be antisocial but quite unfriendly. His eyes looked uninterested and when Mitt was the one who gave the effort to approach him because he wanted to be on good terms with his mentor’s family, all he did was look at him angrily.