
How Seasons Travel; part 1


Single drops of rain from drifting round clouds poured without warning or wary over the cultured gardens of the Saturni manor, lit by shard lamps in the middle of midmorning, looking like the perfect scenario of darkest before dawn with additional blurred vision from the collected fog of the cold drizzle. The days passing since Yphemu adopted Mitt were like a fever dream rushing into a sudden river of ice, breaking the heat from her exhausted soul only to find herself dazed, in a confused reverie, on certain days.

These are one of those days when Yphemu could not take in the pressure of the outskirts. Killing all the monsters without remorse. Making sure to spend her days in the presence of Mitt her adopted son to keep him from being lonely, and choosing, in the end, to bask in pain heart, body, and mind.