





The plutonium gate opened by itself and a black range rover sport drove in, All the guards bowed as Mr Clark emerging from the Range Rover, he was putting on black suit with golden wristwatch.

The sun was too hot as it beamed down on the guards who did their duties under the scotches of the sun. Slight wind blew eerily while Mr Clark advanced to the mansion. Each step he took caused slight crack on the ground but the guards never noticed it.

Mr Clark was confused about the heavy crack on the glass door, The door was built with great and strong scientific acid and experiment. It isn't easy to make it crack except you are a supernatural, Mr Clark kept his cool and he entered into the mansion.

" Guess what, daddy is back " Mr Clark voice boomed and echoed back to him, Mr Clark scanned the entire sitting room as it looked tattered, everywhere was completely scattered, it was like a mad person inside the mansion of wonders.

" Jones " Mr Clark called out but no body answered.

" Jones "

" Jones.. Come down, paps get a present " Mr Clark said while stressing the word ' Present ', Nobody answered and Mr Clark began to feel worried as he dashed towards Jones room with his inhuman speed.

Whooz sound was heard and Mr Clark forcefully opened the door, he scanned the entire room but he couldn't seen a single soul, Everywhere was watery. The clothes, the wardrobe, the bed. Everything was soaked with water.

" What the hell happened?? " Mr Clark asked nobody in particular while he took a watery cloth of Jones from the ground, Mr Clark sniffed the clothes and his eyes glowed greenish, The clothes glowed and burned to ashes.

" No... My son, An atlantian must have kidnapped my son to repay me back... Gosh why was I stupid to have allowed them to get my son, they will pay for this. I can't afford to lose my son " Mr Clark broke down in tears.

He clenched his fists angrily and his tears turned to dark stones, The instense aura of Mr Clark burned everywhere in Jones room. Lightning spark from Mr Clark body as he dashed out of Jones room. Mr Clark picked his car keys before barging out of the mansion door causing it to crack the more.

" You will all pay " Mr Clark muttered as he approached his car angrily and with venom suppressing the brightness on his face as he approached his car with teary eyes.

" Mr Clark... Please hold on for a minute " A voice rang out from the back, Mr Clark tilted his head backwards as he sighted a guard running towards his direction with his page increased.

" How may I help you?? " Mr Clark asked while standing beside his range rover sport and his hands tucked into his pocket.

" Mr Clark... Can I have a brief discussion with you?? " The guard asked.

" And what do you mind to discuss with me?? " Mr Clark said and he opened his door and was about to enter it fully.

" Mr Clark please Sir... It is about your son " The guard said and Mr Clark halted and he slowly drifted towards the direction of the guard.

" And what may that be?? " Mr Clark asked with curiosity in his eyes as he was fully out of his range rover sport.

" Mr Clark sir... I think your son is in danger "

" What.... How do you know, Are you also part of this... Oh gosh, Alicia won't be able to forgive me... Gosh " Mr Clark yelled with seriousness in his voice as he plunged towards the guard.

" Tell me... Tell me.. Can't you talk " Mr Clark yelled as he dragged the guard up with his hands holding his shirt. Mr Clark restricted his green eyes from showing, he doesn't want people to find out right now.

" Mr.. Mr.. Mr.. Clark.. Will please put me down " The guard starmered and Mr Clark dropped him down with a heavy thud. The guard gasped for air as he slowly stood up and dusted himself from the ground.

" Now speak "

" Mr Clark... Someone named Dalton is after your son's life.. I did my research and I confirmed from the paper he mistakenly dropped... It looks like he was sent by the dark triangle " The guard explained and Mr Clark eyes popped out in shock.

" What is the prove that you have that I can believe you?? " Mr Clark asked sternly but was shocked as he heard the name the dark triangle, the dark triangle that he has been hunting, how did found out about his son.

" Yes mr Clark.. I am very sure, I have the prove or evidence " The guard said and he sipped his hands into his pocket and brought out a pieces of paper which he handed over the Mr Clark who collected it without hesitation.

" Name, Dalton Fox.. Occupation,contract killer... Target, Jones Brandon " Mr Clark gasped and he took his phone out and took series of pictures before dipping His phone into his pocket.

" Thank you, When I am back.... I am gonna suprise you " Mr Clark said shaking the hand of the guard.

" And you.. What is your name again "

" Bernardo sir.. "

" OK Bernardo, where do you say you eavesdrop the Brandon guy?? " Mr Clark asked.

" Sir... It was at the park, and I think he mentioned about going to Sunvale high school for your son's identity " Bernardo said and Mr Clark took his phone and transferred five hundred thousand dollars, Bernardo face morphed into shock as he saw the money.

" Thank you sir "

" You don't need to thank me... You did well to report about my son's misfortune, when I am back.. I will surprise you " Mr Clark said and he advanced towards his range rover with his keys in his hands.

" Damn you Dalton Fox... You just drawer the battle line by trying to execute my son " Mr Clark said with venom as he entered his car, ignored the engine before driving out of the gate with rage speed.





Silent reigned, birds chirping sounds filled the air, slight wind blew eerily. The atmospheric condition was cool. Silence was all that could be heard as today was Sunday. Whooz sounds of wind could also be heard in the cold weather.

Gun sound resounded every, all the birds flew out from their spots immediately they heard the gun sound. By the entrance of Sunvale high school. A teacher was seen laying lifeless on the ground in his own pool of blood.

On the other hand Dalton could be seen walking magestical to the side of the dead teacher and his gun emitted slight smoke from it, Dalton smirked as he dipped his hand into the pocket of the dead teacher and he brought out a key from the pocket.

" It looks like today is my lucky day... I am gonna get fifteen million for just eliminate a single teen " Dalton muttered with smirk on his face as he plunged into the opened door already, he smirked immediately he stepped his foot into the school building.

" This is the definition of a school... So quiet " Dalton scanned hi eyes everywhere but he could only see lockers left and right with an indicating staircase leading to the upper two floors.

Faint footsteps were heard and whistle sounds filled the air, breeze brushed Dalton part causing his hair to scatter, He climbed the staircase leading left with smiles beamed on his face, The school was silent as a graveyard.

Dalton reached the second floor, his eyes scanned everywhere but stopped in front of a door with the description the principal office, Dalton stood akimbo while facing the principal office, he was examine if they was any kind of bubby traps around.

After few minutes of interviewing the place, he barged his way into the principal office, Dalton didn't waist time as he went for the principal table drawer, Immediately he opened the drawer, he saw all the students report card with their pictures in each paper.

" Jones Brandon "

" Jones Brandon "

" Jones Brandon, Jones Brandon.. Jones Brandon " Dalton kept reminding himself as he search the students report card to find the one with the name Jones Brandon, Dalton wanted to see Jones picture because it is very easy to kill your target when you know his identity.

Dalton was done searching a pile of papers but he couldn't see Jones name then he went for another pile because there a five pile of papers containing students report card and identity, The school was filled with silence as Dalton was in a hurry to leave.

" Jones Brandon "

" Jones Brandon "

" Jones Brandon "

" Jones Brandon... Where is your paper "

Dalton Fox repeatedly reminded himself while sweat dripped down from his face, he has already searching four pile of papers already remaining the last one, smiles crept in his face as he saw a paper with description Jones Brandon and his picture was in the paper.

" Son of a bitch... You stressed me alot... Now that I have your identity, you are gonna be dead in two days " Brandon smirked and he brought out his phone in which he took series of pictures before keeping the paper inside the drawer back.

" Today is my lucky day... Fifteen million dollars is going to be mine " Dalton yelled in excitement as he made his way out of the principal office, he walked briskly towards avoid the police or any one from seeing him.

" I gat no time to be wanted " Dalton said as he barged out of the school to his car in front of the school, the dead teacher was still at the front of the school, Dalton entered his car, ignitted the engine before driving out of the school premises.

But Dalton didn't know that he was been followed as a red BMW was tracing him as he drive speedly.





lightning flash in the sky and the realm shook it's hinges, dark aura evolving around the realm, the coven was covered with serpents everywhere which were protecting the coven while the witches were absent.

The wind blew ferociously, whereby creating clouds of dust everywhere, as a result of the force of the wind. Three wounded women landed at the front of the coven as they laid on the ground weak.

Three huge serpents came out and carried the witches on their bodies into the cave filled with snakes, candles flickered everywhere and the runes on the wall glowed. The witches manage to stand up as the snakes landed them in their sacred places.

" Breca thinks this battle is gonna be easy... He hasn't seen the last of us " the first witch said with venom in her mouth.

" We need to be ready to strike again in the next full moon "

" No... We strike tommorow, Breca thinks that we will delay to fight, but we won't "

" So how are we going to be powerful, remember that we are badly injured and it will take a full moon to recover " Third witch questioned.

" Do not challenge me Nimueii.. Balista prepare the regional sacrifice " Their leader ordered.

NOTE: The witches are called the serpent witches and their names are Ivory, Balista and Nimueii.

" But the regional sacrifice is very dreadful to use right now " Balista protested.

" I understand you girls but we have to do this, we need to teach Breca and that atlantian a lesson that they will never forget, And by that we will need the regional sacrifice to be made...but there is an essential instrument " Ivory retorted.

" And what may that be?? " Nimueii asked curiously.

" We have the blood of the demon regol...we will no more be the serpent witches, we will be the demon witches " Ivory answered and the others widened their eyes In shock of what the just heard from the lips of ivory.

" Bring the book of darkness " Ivory ordered and a snake appeared with a dark book in which ivory quickly take from the snake, The ritual was set as the three witches held their hands together with candles forming a circular formation around them.

The dark book was in the middle of them all, snakes surrounded them.the ferocious wind blew causing the candles to flickered indecently, dark aura radiated around as a dark portal or calabash ( It is me that put it like that). The sacred pot was filled with the dark blood of a demon.

" Arise O great darkness of the seven realm, fill us with thy powers, engulf us with thy darkness for we have decided to bring back the son of the mother witch, give us the ultimate powers to destroy our enemies for we are weak. Great principalities of the seven " Ivory chanted and abnormal aura filled the air.

" Rix prerre vilxsona jarre pixona voulgat " All the witches chanted with dark glowing eyes while they were holding their hands together, The black blood began to boil, the realm dark auras thickened as it was covered with dark fog.

The witches took the boiling blood in the pot, ivory was the first to drink out of the pot as she pass it to the rest who drank immediately the pot touched their palms, their bodies vibrated and glowed dark. Sharp fangs and claws sprouted out. Their eyes were completely dark.

The coven vibrated and darkness filled the coven, not could be seen again, The entire coven was engulfed with darkness, All the candles were all down. Great amount of wind blew in the coven whereby scattering a lot of things.

" We the witches of the demons, their is nothing like light in our realm, we are bounded with darkness with covered with the runes of evil, AI goirai jadel... We are the demon witches " Dark grutal voices rang out from the darkness repeatedly.

The dark auras cleared gradually revealing three women levitating, their eyes were filled with darkness, they held the dark scepters firmly, they are not called the serpental witches, they are the demon witches.

" Breca must pay... The red crystal belongs to Gaap... Brecas end is near " The witches laughed evily.

" Rir CA sa jai... Doom is our way " They said chorusly before bolting into the dark portal that they already created before.