






Spotlight beamed around, The walls was filled with massive glass which protects the underground base form the ocean and their creatures, The base was underground with ancient weapons of the Atlantis.

A blue portal appeared, Sam and Felix emerged from the portal, Sam smiled while Felix was already drooling, He was really shocked to see something like this in their world, His childhood was a lie, He was meant to believe that supernaturals never existed.

" Wow... Sam this is a wonderful place " Felix said with his mouth wide open.

" Yep... I built it myself, It was really difficult " Sam said as they walked gently, Fast approaching footsteps echoed around as it was a silent place to behold, Everywhere were glass and beautiful, The interior design was wonderful.

" You don't mean it! How is it possible that you alone designed this wonderful place?? " Felix asked with a surprising look on his face as he stared at Sam.

" I know you won't believe me Felix, but this is the most strongest underground base that I ever built, Made of strong mercury steel, This is place is evil restricted " Sam replied still walking.

" What do you mean by evil restricted Sam?? " Felix asked with a confused look on his face while he was following Sam from behind, The wall glittered and fishes were displaying themselves in the transparent glass.

" Well.. I once worked with a sorcerer named Breca, Do not be deceived...breca the mafia x lord is a sorcerer but he is disguising himself "

" Wow " Felix said in a surprise tone.

" Once I was done with the structures and designs, Beef made a spell that will bind any evil that will want to enter this base... That was the spell of ragonda... It is a very sacred spell to use " Sam explained.

" So you are saying that Breca made a barrier that will stop any evil from entering this base?? " Felix asked.

" And also... Uninvited guest, This base is filled with cool gadgets and systems that could neutrize any dark supernaturals and even an atlantian " Sam said, They all halted while facing A transparent door.

It is transparent to anybodies eyes,But what you don't know is that, It is special designed with mercury steel with the essential steel of the dragons, Sam connected his right thumbs into a thiny hole of the door and the door glowed green immediately opening.

" This is my favorite room of this base, The most dangerous part in this environment, This is where all the essential weapons are, It is protected with gods blood and that makes it save " Sam said fully opening the door and Felix with him made their way into the room.

" No way!! " Felix gasp as his gaze scanned the entire room, Blue flaming sword was seen, Different coloured rings were on a table behind them, The wall was designed with deadly weapons around, Different tridents and glowing orbs.

" Sam, where did you get all this weapons from?? " Felix asked with surprise.

" This are What you call the weapons of light "

" Weapons of what?? "

" Weapons of light dude, This are the essential weapons of war, History says that the creator created Weapons to defeat evil and they were handed over to the god of war, Greediness led the other gods to betray the god of war to get the weapons of war "

" So what happened?? "

" Shhhhhhh, keep quiet Felix, I am still talking, what I was saying was that after the god of war was betrayed... He was murdered by the gods but the creator pitied him, The god if war souls, combined with his powers was sent into the human world "

" Then the god's except Neptune wanted to claim the weapons but the creator sent Uriel and Michael to stop them and the weapons were separated into two, One was called the artifacts of the spirit while the other was called the weapons of light which is with me " Sam added.

" What happened to the artifacts of the spirit?? " Felix asked curiously, By that time all of them were already sitted while Felix payed attention to what Sam was telling him about history on the weapons of light.

" It was the brother of Neptune, The god of fire! That bitch plotted deviously as Neptune trusted him with the weapons in a cave underwater, The god of fire was able to enter the ocean and he took the artifacts which he kept in his palace of fire... No one could dare enter that place except the god of fire gave him permission to do so "

" That enraged Neptune and he was forced to battle with his brother, Neptune was the strongest that he was able to bound and chain his brother in a dark realm that no one will dare to trend, it was said that Neptune killed his brother and then he trapped his soul with the God's chain " Sam said and he sipped from the glass in his hands.

" So you are saying that the artifacts is no where to be found while you have the weapons of light with you, And where the hell is NEPTUNE when lord Gaap wants to destroy us in the next months " Felix said in anger.

" Neptune is in deep sleep right now " Sam answered.

" I don't understand, You mean that NEPTUNE is in slumber, but why?? " Felix asked.

" You ask to much questions Felix, The great god Neptune fought ferociously with the god of chaos, That war was epic and terrific, All humans were destroyed and the creator brought life back after the raging war, Neptune bounded the god of chaos with the chains of light and that made him to fall into deep sleep " Sam said and he stood up from his chair immediately.

" You know Felix, I brought you here for something and not to be telling you stories about the time of the history, We need to find Breca, retrieve the red crystal or the sapphire of light as it is been called, you need to be fortified and your full powers needs to be fully in you " Sam stated while backing Felix.

" Noted sire, So how am I gonna do it? I mean how to locate the Breca guy? " Felix asked as he took a silver glowing gun shaped weapon and he was fantasing about it and that made Sam to turn back to see what Felix was doing.

" Uhmm, What a weapon " Felix muttered still fantasing about the weapon.

" Felix be careful with that weapon " Sam yelled but it was too late, Felix mistakenly press the trigger, A blue plasma laser beamed out of the ray weapon as it blasted Sam away with great power and strength.

" Argggghhhhh...you bitch " Sam gritted his teeth angrily as he stood up from the floor he was sent crashing to, All his wounds healed up within minutes as he dashed at Felix who staggered back in fear.

" How the hell do you do that?? " Felix asked as Sam mistakenly appeared, Sam slammed him on the wall as his eyes glowed blue, He choked Felix gradually while he was pinned on the wall, Felix was finding it hard to breathe very well.

" Hey dude! Be calming down, it was a mistake " Felix said while trying to catch his breath as Sam grip was getting more stronger on him.

" You don't understand do you? If that weapon was in destruction mode, I would have been dead by now " Sam gnashed his teeth.

" But you are not dead, that's a good news! Please answer drop me " Felix said still trying to free himself from the grip of Sam as he was up on the wall with Sam holding his neck tight.

" If you try that next time, I will cut of your balls immediately " Sam threatened with his deadly eyes staring at Felix, Sam dropped Felix with a heavy thud as Felix immediately gasp for air and he spat little blood on the floor.

" Sam that was cruel, That was typical wickedness, You nearly choke me to death " Felix said still on the floor with his mouth full of blood.

" I am sorry dude... I was very angry and besides you caused it " Sam pleaded.

" Is that all you could say?? "

" OK I am sorry Felix, I am S-O-R-R-Y, We need to prepare for your training " Sam said.

" What training?? "

" You are the ocean lord, Thou we may have this weapons with us. But it isn't an easy war to fight, I need to train you on how to control water and use your trident " Sam explained and Felix widened his eyes.

" Wow!! "

" Yep you will learn how to do this " Sam said and he conjured water from a vase towards him, The water surrounded him and out of the water, he conjured water formed hands and his trident appeared on his hands.

" You could do this if you are training " Sam said with smiles beaming on his face.



⚓⚓⚓ ATLANTIS ❄❄❄



The throne room was completely calm and quiet, All the princes, the region kings and the councils were all sitted, they were in their own world of imagination. I wonder what the guard would have told them that made them quiet.

" Lord Gaap is approaching the realm in two days, We need to ambush them, What do we say we do?? " Belgaus asked immediately he broke the silence that reigned and all the councils, princes and the region kings all faced in him.

" We stick to our plans belgaus, But we need someone who sees visions, We need someone who would tell us what to do and what not to do in destroying Gaap armies of the skibats " King Dasis retorted and they all mumure silently.

" Yes! Dasis is right, Without prince Silas. We won't know what and what Gaap plans is, I believe that Gaap is playing with us by distracting Silas to go for the ocean ring " King Simbar said and they all nodded.

" What do we say we should do?? " Pelgus asked and they all faced him.

" I say we bring prince Silas with our men aiding his arrival " King Trissat suggested.

" No, We can't afford to lose our armies by going up there, We must all be complete na ready ".King mascheth objected at Trissat suggestions.

" We will stick to what we have and await prince Silas arri...."

Jaiton couldn't finish his word, A blue portal appeared revealing Silas and Jones who emerged from the portal immediately and the portal closed up with speed, Smiles beamed on all the people present in the throne room.

Silas smiled at them except Jones who wasn't familiar with anything around here, It was the ring that made him to breath and even swim in the ocean with problem, Silas has also given him the power to breathe in case of incasity.

" Well we'll well, Isn't this my Cousin Silas, Where the hell have you been?? " Triton asked with smiles as he floated towards him and he pulled Silas into a deep warm hug, While hugging Silas he saw Jones and the glowing ring making him to pull out of the hug.

" Silas, Is that the ocean ring over there?? " Triton asked pointing to the direction of Jones and everyone gasped on seeing the glowing ring on Jones finger causing Silas to smile as he faced Jones.

" Yep everyone, Meet Jones Brandon, The wielder of the ocean ring, I told you everything thing is not about force and rage. He is here to help us and we will make sure he is comfortable here in Atlantis " Silas said and they all smiled at Jones who reciprocated the smiles.

" Good to see you Silas " King Trissat said with smiles.

" Wow you guys are here already, So fast region kings, I thank you all for been present " Silas smiled.

" You are welcome Silas " They all replied in unison.

" This is not about fancy right now! Lord Gaap will be attacking us in two days and he is coming with dark force of skibats, Let me make this clear to you guys here....The skibats are officially known to wields dark magics in them, that gives them leverage against us, We need the weapons of light to stand against them, We need to warriors of the ancient runes siding with us, We need to summon all the beasts of the ocean, We need to awaken the death argana, We need to prepare an ambush against them, We need to destroy them all once and for all "

" Yessssssss, we will savage them all "

" It is not about what you say, It not about words, it is not all about your speech, but it is about your anger, your rage counts, your sacrifices made ways for the helpless atlantian we rule, We need to destroy them all with our rage, anger and venom, we need to show them that atlanteans aren't weakling... We need to eradicate threats "

" Yes... We will crush them with our venom, Our anger will burden them, We will poison them with our venoms...we will show them who we are " They all shouted in unison.

" Who are you guys?? "

" We are the Atlantians "

" We are the furious one, We are the species filled with So much power and rage, We are the warriors that smites our threats " Silas screamed out.

" Yessssssss that's what we are... We are brutal, Destructive and merciless in war " They yelled in unison.

" I think I have a plan "







Darkness crept into the kingdom, Noises of warriors filled the dark air, The sky was completely red as it cracks seconds by seconds, Minutes by minutes. Battalion of armies were staring at the sky with their armours on.

The atmosphere reeked with death aura, Sounds of wings flapping roamed the air, Lord Gaap appeared with his councils following him behind him, Lord Gaap has in his armour that was emitted dark smokes as he gnashed his teeth.

" How many hours more will it take for the seal to break instantly, I need to have the blood of the princes in my cup of wine " Lord Gaap said.

" My lord it is one day away, We will end the atlantians once and for all " An elder spoke out causing lord Gaap to smile evily.

" Good, What about Jobo and the ocean ring he was sent to look for ?? " Lord Gaap asked.

" My lord, I am afraid that the ocean ring is in Atlantis already, While Jobo auras can't be traced anymore, I believe that he is dead already " An elder said and lord Gaap smirked.

" Good for him, It looks like I will have to battle with the weilder of the ocean ring myself, After I am done with destroying all the atlantians, I will then locate the dark dagger of baigaki... It is the deadly dagger of the god if chaos " Lord Gaap stated with a smirk.

" Prepare the Poison, for we shall poison all the oceans and they shall not be any surviving atlantian after belgaus is butchered by me, Let the feast begin " Lord Gaap snorted as his auras thickened the more.