




Whoosh sounds was heard, Breca appeared and the rest followed with their inhuman speed, Breca smirked on seeing the environment where they took those bodies to, They were seeing a huge cave, it is called ancient for a reason.

" There, That's the place I saw when the demon masters directed me, When I was in the spirit realm, We need to get there but it is heavily guarded by different kinds of sorcerers around there, I will distract them while you guys will steal the bodies " Breca said and they nodded.

" Breca does it have to be only you, I am the phantom hybrid and there are things that you don't know at all... I have strong and unique kinds of powers apart from been an hybrid... Sam, Felix and Jack will take the bodies while we distract them " Jones said and Breca nodded.

" Remember the plan, We distract all of them out, Few will be in there, Jack will knock them out and then Sam and Felix will take the bodies to our point...we must not lose this chance to free Felix... Felix is the only way to defeat lord Gaap " Breca said and they went separate place.

Felix, Jack and Sam bent low in the rocks to avoid been notice as they waited for Breca to laugh the attack and then they will enter to steal the bodies for sure, Breca and Jones were hiding as they sought for ways to strike.

" They are waiting for the signal, I will start with the spell then you repel all of their spell hence that is one of your abilities, Your speed is that of a god, So you can speed and knock them out with the repelling powers " Breca said and Jones nodded.

" Yes, It's time to go baby... The war that is right here is gonna be fun... Let's rock it on baby " Jones screamed as Breca stood up, All the guarding sorcerers saw him and they were alert to start chanting.

" Too bad, Their spells can't affect me....destruidor derelampagos " Breca chanted and a great amount of lightning struck them down, Whoosh sounds was heard and Jones appeared focusing his fangs into the neck of a sorcerer and he dropped him down dead.

" Go Go Go Go Go Go... Felix Go, We will take care of them all " Jones yelled as he repelled the spell and he returned it back to the sorcerers, The sorcerers screamed out in pains as green veins appeared and their bloods began to dry.

" So this is what does Bitches wanted to do... Serves them right " Jones said as he ducked the fire ball from the hands of sorcerers aiming at him, Breca created a hurricane which threw everyone away and they landed weakly.

Felix and Co were using tactics to enter inside the cave, they could hear voices of sorcerers talking about fighting Breca and Jones, Different spells was heard and it was followed by series of lightning and storm around.

Jack and Sam quickly uses their powers in smashing down the sorcerers, Great deal of blue fire blasted the sorcerers and that sent them to their early grave, Sam unleashed lightning from the trident in his hands and it broke the Barrier.

Jones ran with his hybrid speed, Whooz sound was heard and two sorcerers fell down dead, Jones leapt forward with his claws and he forced his claws into the neck of a sorcerer... Breca was destroying sorcerers with his spells that was destructive.

Jones leapt with full speed as he located a distant sorcerer, Jones used his claws to plug out their hearts out, Two sorcerers came forth with their hands strecthed forth, They were chanting in different tone as they approached Jones.

" Don't worry, We won't kill you all for now.. Your spells can't work on me as the phantom hybrid, I am something that repels magic and no magic can be able to destroy me, Let's get this done.. You are all dying today " Jones smirked and he faced Breca who nodded.

" Roppa!!! " Breca screamed and a huge strong rope tied the sorcerers, The ropes stopped the sorcerers from using their powers and Jones dashed at them, Wailing sounds could be heard and all the sorcerers dropped dead.

Kuhan, Ben and Pablo could be seen sitting on a huge rock as they watched the battle down there, Ben was already laughing as he saw Jones killing the sorcerers without mercy.. Jones was losing his conscience already.

" Wow! So this phantom hybrid is really a killing psycho... Well I love it like that, He is taking after me right now, Just imagine how it will go when I kill all this his crew in one bit, Remember I am a Were jaguar " Ben laughed and Kuhan frowned.

" Please spare me that Ben, The phantom hybrid is something else, He repels magic and I am having a strong feeling about him, There is something in him that is still hidden and I think I need to help him " Kuhan stated and it now Ben time to frown.

" What you can't go down there, It is their battle and they are the ones that are fighting it... Let's watch the fun and enjoy the brutality of it, We need to still stay in hiding for now " Ben said and Kuhan smirked.

" Watch me fight " Kuhan stated and he took of, His black wings sprouted out from his back and his devastating auras rampage the atmosphere, Ben eyes took the shade of green and Pablo joined him to fight.

Breca was still fighting when he heard a sharp sounds and it followed by the screams of sorcerers, Breca slowly turned back and his eyes saw a huge figure with black wings as he shot black plasma balls on the sorcerers.

" Arfemendino reconsecte " Three sorcerers chanted facing Kuhan, Kuhan manoeuvred his way and he scattered the sorcerers into pieces, Ben entered the scene with fury as he descended on the sorcerers with full speed.

They were many sorcerers present in the mountains, The clouds and sky was darkened as everywhere reeked with death auras, Sorcerers were extremely angry as they descended on their enemies.

" Breca! Go Breca and break the seal... Gaap will soon be attacking and he is needed, I will fend off the sorcerers with our new helpers, Go and free him before it is too late, They will soon call for back up... We need to be fast " Jones screamed and Breca nodded and he teleported immediately.

" Ben plugged out hearts of sorcerers, Pablo was using his strong powers to kill all the sorcerers, It was now a draw as Breca wasn't there, Breca was the most strongest enchantor that no spelling or magic can weaken him.

Meanwhile inside the cave, Felix was in hiding as the rest battled with Sorcerers around, Felix atlantian sword wasn't functioning because his powers has been sealed, So he can't do anything for now, All he have to do is just to hide and let the rest do the fighting by themselves, Felix hated to see himself weak and his friends fighting for him right now, The cave shook as Breca appeared in the cave.

" Freeze!!!! " Breca ordered snapping his finger and the sorcerers stood like a stone, They all stopped doing their work and fighting, Breca smirked as he made his way deep into the cavern locate the Bodies.

" Brian, How did you do that? You controlled people with your finger snap, What are you.. You are something that I don't understand at all... You are extraordinary and that is the words of the Supreme " Jack stated and Breca smirked.

" Is that how to save the saviour of your assistance, You guys are ungrateful and I am patient with your lives.. We need to be fast in finding the bodies, Felix could destroy all of them if he had his powers " Breca said and they all began the search.

Breca walked into the deepest part of the cave and he conjured candles with fire to appear, The candles circulated everywhere making him to see clearly, They all gasp in seeing old writings on the wall and some ancient books.

" Wow, What is this place? This place is filled with ancient writings and I can read some right now, Please give me some minutes this kinda looks interesting and superb... You need to here " Sam said caressing the wall writing.

" Sam we don't need to... " Breca was about to complete his statement when Sam started talking and that drawed his attention while he was still searching everywhere for the bodies so that they can transfer back their souls.

" Five thousand years to come The seed of the apolacayspe shall rise, He shall retreat the war god body and then join the soul and the spirit to unlock him, The seed of apolacayspe will be the destruction and that bitterness of the gods and their wrongs doing, Fate is the way of life... No one knows that fate is a divine spirit that doesn't need to be tampered, Love and anger are spirits and their ways are not known to the gods... The life's are of evil and good.. But the god must have to pay the price of the evil doers... Once awoken, The seed of destruction shall unlock and destroy all the gods that stained their hands in the death of the god of war... The ancient order has spoken " Sam recited after the writing on the wall, Everybody halted on hearing this, Breca was somehow attracted to that writing but he kept of searching.

" I have found it! The bodies are here and we need to be in hurry to free me " Felix shouted pointing to an altar, He made to step on the altar but a strong force throwed him away like he was nothing.

" Rexstalamar breakado " Breca chanted and they altar stopped glowing, Everyone rushed and they took all the seven bodies, They made to rush out when Breca stopped them from going outside.

" Why are you stopping us? We need to leave this place with these bodies right now, Prince Silas has been informed and the armies of Atlantis are prepared for the incoming war... Let's move out with speed " Jack said and the rest nodded.

" You don't understand, If we leave right now with these bodies... It will be a death zone because the sorcerers will be more aggressive than before, We must break the seal right now, Prepare the candles and circulate the bodies around him while I deal the building " Breca ordered and they did just that.

" Sealrixe " Breca sealed the cave preventing anyone from entering, Felix Layed flat on the floor with the bodies and candles surrounding him, His heart rate was enormous as his heart was beating to fast.

" it's time " Breca smirked as he approached Felix who was very nervous on what us about to happen right now.




They were in Brecas realm, Breca had already teleported them into his realm, His realm was filled with red ninjas everywhere, The realm auras was so devastating and evil, Lord Gaap was siting on his throne as the Blood clan masters surrounded him.

" So what you are telling us is that You once fought against the atlantians but they figured out our weakness and then used to destroy you, You escaped and the god of chaos chosed you to destroy the atlantians " A master asked.

" that's correct Rendsom master, I broke the seal because I know all of you needed to fight and waste all this atlanteans, They took unawares and they trapped you guys down for millinenium of years, We will extinct them " Breca said and the masters smirked.

" Don't you remember the blood codes 19, You are not suppose to start attacking, Though you may he powerful and strong but that doesn't mean you don't need us.. We fight for each other and the Atlantians will pay... When shall we strike them all? " Another master asked.

" Silver moon... 2 days to now is the silver moon and that's when we shall strike and end the atlantians once and for all, sharpen your weapons and the war will be ours... Enjoy your freedom at last " Breca said and the masters smirked.

" Of course will we do just that, We have been trapped for thousands of years, Neptune couldn't kill us out of sympathy and then he trapped us he didn't know that the atlantians brought our wrath when they started killing our children " They masters said in unison before they disappeared from Breca throne.

" Silver moon will be their end " Breca laughed evily.





Van sounds was heard all for side of the woods, Series of Star agency vans emerged from the darkness, Jets were seen on the sky all around, All the vans came to a halt and gun men barged their way out of the vans with their supernaturals killing weapons.

The phantom lord came out of his range rover sport with a smug, All the gun men surrounded the woods entirely searching for the supernaturals sense, a bike entered the scene and revealed mamba in it.

" Mamba, Prepare the gods eye and the detecting drone, I need to know we're this supernaturals are, Give me a feedback and a direction to go.. All supernaturals will die except they work for me and I am waiting " Mr Clark spoke out and mamba nodded as he was tapping his computed watch.

" It is activated sir, And what about Doctor Ricko... There are two more doctors in the lab that were giving strong powers and we have three wizards following us right now... We need protection as we look for your sons " Mamba retorted and Mr Clark faced him.

" Do you think that I don't know that, Get the tracking system on, We track Doctor Ricko.. I sent him to scent supernaturals as a demon and that's what he is about to do, Follow him and he will locate their location " Mr Clark ordered and mamba nodded.

" Don't forget to bring the five teenagers that I demanded for, My purification must be completed and I shall become a god is that understood? If I become a god, as my second in command you shall rule as the most deadliest vampire spirit that has ever liveth... Get the teenagers for the sacrifice " Mr Clark ordered.

" Sir the Sun wizards are after them, Soon they shall bring the teenagers to you and they will nothing stopping you from achieving your goals in becoming a god... I have been longing to become a strong spirit and I will do as you ask " Mamba said and Mr Clark smiled.

" Good now locate Ricko that we may find the location of my sons and if they are captured by any means.. I promise to destroy all the supernaturals that are not on my side " Mr Clark veered crushing a tree with his mighty punch and fear gripped everyone.





Prince Silas heard the news from Breca before and that got him enraged, All the warriors were dressed up with their weapons ready, All regions were ready for the war ahead, Prince Silas came out from his bedroom without smiles as he made his way into the throne room.

" Prince Silas! We were waiting for you to tell us why you got the armies prepared for war, Who are we facing this time around because I know that the prophesy will come to past and we were prepared for it " King Trissat voice rang out immediately Silas entered the throne room.

" I understand King Trissat, Right now I am angry that we underestimated that bastard, The demon masters are dead and the dark dagger of baigaki is in the hands of that fool, The seal we didn't know that Neptune did is broken and now the blood clans are free " Prince Silas stated angrily and there was confusion everywhere.

" My prince, you are getting us confused, Who is that bastard that we underestimated and how is the blood clan free if they were all killed in that war that the Atlantians was led to fight " An elder asked and everyone faced prince Silas.

" It looks like Neptune showed compassion and didn't kill them, He only sealed them in Razada mountain rocks, They are free and it is all the hand work of that bastard lord Gaap, It looks like he wasn't dead after all and he will soon strike " Prince Silas said and everybody gasp immediately in shock.

" That means if he wants to strike us... He will have to wait till the silver moon to unleash his attacks " Triton spoke out and they all faced him.

" When will the silver moon take place? Why is it that powerful for lord Gaap to wait and strike us by that time " Prince Silas asked.

" You were not taught the weakness of the pure supernaturals, The silver moon is the day when all the pure supernaturals will be weakened and they will all be in hiding, Blood moon is for the Impure supernaturals while the silver moon is for the pure supernaturals and they happen once in ten thousand years " Belgaus said and prince Silas gasp in shock.

" So if he is to strike us, He will look for our weakness to strike and that is the silver moon, When is the silver moon taking place? " Prince Silas asked and they all faced belgaus.

" The silver moon is taking place in the next two days " Belgaus answered and there was shock written on everyone faces as fear gripped them.

" That's so close... Then we have one day to be prepared for the war to come, we will be waiting to defend our people as it is the silver moon and we will all be weakened... Curse you Lord Gaap " Prince Silas said angrily.






Everybody bounced back for Breca to start the unsealing process, Jack and Sam guarded the cave entrance in case of anything that is more powerful to break the seal, Felix was laying flat with candles and the bodies surrounding him, Breca with folded legs, he began to levitate.

" The day and time for the unsealing is about to begin, The seal will be broken before the silver moon, Felix is a pure supernatural with impure powers in him... Relanda unseale Del mixcraz " Breca chanted and Felix body began to vibrate.

" Unleash him from the torment and return his powers back... Free the souls back to their bodies for they are pure, Your son is weak before you, Answer my call great creator... Lord Gaap will soon start attacking us in silver moon.. Free him great creator " Breca screamed as Felix body vibrated the more.

" Reberrie Del lan santora unleash thy creation " Breca shouted and Seven white circular substances emerged from fix body and they went back into their host, Felix gasp as he felt his energy returning back to him and Breca smiled.

" Breca I feel powerful again, I feel stronger and powerful than before... My powers are back " Felix screamed out in excitement and Breca smiled as he came down, Jack and Sam beamed with happiness to see Felix in his atlantian outfit.

Three sorcerers released great deal of fire balls and it blasted Ben away, Ben stood up immediately but he was becoming weak, Kuhan was blasting sorcerers away with his strong powers and so as Pablo.

Lightning strucked five sorcerers from the sky, They all turned to the cave direction to see Felix in his atlantian mode and powerful, Felix sword glowed rapidly and so as he Approached the direction of the sorcerers.

" You all messed with the wrong dude, And for that I sentence you to death by my powers... Time to die " Felix smiled deviously as he super speed into the midst of the sorcerers, Wailing sounds was heard as Felix chopped off all the heads of the sorcerers while some escaped.

" I told you that he is the right guy to destroy them, When fighting he shows no mercy and that's who needs to fight lord Gaap, That's my Felix " Breca whispered into the ears of Jones who smiled on seeing Felix back.

" Good to see you bro, I am really happy to see you back into the game and I will have to protect your ass as you are a Demi god right now " Jones said and he hugged Felix who hugged him back and Jack found himself crying.

" Who are these people that save us today? " Felix asked facing the smiling Kuhan, Ben frowned at Felix as he super speed to his front, Jones super speed to and he was standing face to face with Ben the Were jaguar.

" Ben will you stop your nonsense.. I am Kuhan the most coolest demon ever known, I scent the phantom hybrid auras and I decided to come and see for myself, When I saw that you guys are fighting and then I decided to help " Kuhan said and he beamed a smile.

" Thanks, your help was really needed "

" Duh! I could repel magics and they will be no match for me, You know the phantom hybrid... I am tiredless, the most vicious of all... Why are you praising them Instead of me Felix? " Jones asked and everyone laughed.

" You can't singe handedly handle all the sorcerers,They will find a spell that will weaken your powers and that's why you needed their help, The were jaguar is just like Jones, The demon is just like me and the sea guy is just like Jack " Felix said and they all laughed out loud.

" We need to get to the underground base and be ready to fight lord Gaap in the next two days and we need to give all the weapons of light to the atlantians, It will help in fighting lord Gaap armies as they are not gonna be powerful " Sam said and they all nodded.

" Sam lead the way " Jack said and they all laugh.

" You are always stupid as they say.. Of course I will lead the way by summoning a portal " Sam said and he summoned a blue portal and they all entered inculding Kuhan and Co, but what they didn't know is that Damon was watching them in the sky with his bird form.

" At last.. I have found the seed of destruction and the soul of the god of war... Time to fight and the silver moon, they will be all dead " Damon muttered in his bird form and he flew deeper into the sky.