





" Where am I?? "

A voice boomed from the four corners of the realm, Everywhere was filled with clouds, Mountains was seen around, Different kinds of imaginary birds hovered around the mountains as howling sounds filled the air.

Felix and Breca could be seen standing in the top of a mountain, Felix was putting on a golden attire while Breca was putting on Blue attire, Felix scanned his eyes around as he stared at everything with shock.

" Breca what the hell is going on? And how did I get here for crying out loud? " Felix fumed with shock, he was in the temple before and now he is in the place filled with clouds and ancient creatures flocking around it's vicinity, Breca on the other hand was smiling sheepishly as he stared deeply into the sky.

" Felix be calm, This is the realm of the unknown, This is the realm all great and prophesied warriors finds and unlock their true powers, this is the realm the god of war created for his palace before he was killed " Breca said.

" What are trying to say?? " Felix asked.

" You are brought here by the sapphire to unlock your true powers in you, You are something that is unimaginable, you are something that no one dares to challenge, You are the true atlantian, The ocean lord " Breca said.

" According to what you just said, How will We unlock my powers?? "

" Hmmmm, it is not how will we, it is how will you unlock your powers, But first you need to locate the cave of the divine all by yourself " Breca said and Felix gasp.

" This place is filled with mountains and rocks, I don't see anything called cave around here " Felix said.

" This place is filled with invincible things around, You must spiritually locate the cave and then enter before we proceed to the next phrase of unlockimg your powers right now " Breca said.

" This place is really.. Really... "

" Wonderful, Powerful right " Breca cut's in.

" So how will locate the cave?? "Felix asked and Breca smiled.

" Firstly, close your eyes, feel the strange power following down through your veins, Feel the unbreakable force of power in you, Unleash your greatest powers and unlock your god's eyes " Breca instructed and Felix did as he was asked to do.

The sky rumble and lighting flashed through the sky, The overheated aura suppressed the glorious atmosphere and the clouds surrounding them all turned red, Veins and runes spread out in Felix body as he was connecting to the spirit.

" I am feeling it, I am feeling that energy that was hidden, I am feeling that power that refused to be unlocked, I am feeling that instense auras that surrounds me, I am feeling powerful " Felix muttered and the sky turned red.

The ground vibrated as it gradually quaked, Felix body glowed indecently, Felix levitated with the aid of a strong force, The realm shook it's hinges and Breca staggered back in fear of what he was witnessing right now.

Felix body vibrated as it's was covered with smoke around, He was unleashing a strong force in me when a sudden lightning struck him from the sky, Felix fell with an heavy thud as he slowly opened his eyes in shock.

Breca rushed towards him and he was also shock, he couldn't even trace where the lightning was coming from, The instense powers in Felix was still there but the glowing side of Felix heart was glowing at all.

" Felix are you alright?? " Breca asked in a weary Tone as he helped Felix to stand up.

" Yeah I am alright bro, I was about to unleash something greater in me when that strange lightning struck me down " Felix said and Breca looked up and he saw a giant hawk watching them from the sky and then it was sucked into a blue portal.

" What the hell is that thing that was up there before?? " Felix asked as he saw that bird before he entered a portal.

" You won't understand Felix, It is a good thing that you are strong and still powerful " Breca said.

" You don't understand Breca, Half of the power that I was about to unleash was strucked in me, it was like someone was trying to stop me from unlockimg the other side of me " Felix said and Breca frowned as he understand that it was Damon that was at work.

" Let's leave that for another day Felix, Locate the cave of the divine "

" OK am on it "Felix retorted and his eyes glowed yellow, Felix has already unleashed the god eyes and he was able to see the things of the spirit, Breca knows where to find the cave but he wants Felix to do so.

" I can see it... It is not too far from here " Felix screamed in excitement, He was floating without the aid of water as an atlantian, Breca followed from behind as Felix lead the way, Smirk filled Breca lips as he saw the direction of the cave and Felix was following that direction.

" It looks like you truly unleashed the god eyes after all, Let's see about that " Breca muttered with smirk.

They got to the front of the cave but the cave was covered with a strong force and that was stopping supernaturals from entering the cave, Felix face held confusion on seeing the force shield, Anytime he touches it, A strong force all repels him and he will be sent crashing.

" Breca how do we do this?? " Felix groaned as he stood up from the side the repelling force threw him to.

" This is what you are seeing as the royal seal, Only the true heir of the gods can enter this seal or if he is a god himself " Breca said.

" But you can enter this seal, How is that possible or are you a heir of a god or a... "

" like I was told you, There are something that you can not understand for now... Let's forget about it " Breca said coldly as chanted a spell and the seal disappeared immediately causing Felix to be dumbstruck on what just happened.

" What just happened? Breca removed the seal like it wasn't a strong repelling seal! What is he really? " Felix asked himself as he followed Breca from behind, Breca walked magesticaly into the cave as candles on one after the other.

" Felix, you have unleashed the side of your father in you, But you haven't unleash the powers of the ocean lord in you, You are a Demi god right now, Every powerful being always have a orb that will be helping them " Breca said.

" I don't understand you, How will I Need a rub when I am a Demi god, Lord Gaap is not even up to a demi god, so I have advantage " Felix said and Breca laughed out loud( Lol 😂). They all came to halt as they sighted different kinds of crystals, orbs and weapons inside the cave.

" Wow! Now I understand what makes it divine as you mentioned before, This place is wonderful and it is really filled with magical things around, Look at this sword over there " Felix pointed his fingers towards the direction of a glittering sword that emit golden flames.

" Oh, That is the legendary sword of the god of war, Don't you dare lay your hands on that sword, It is divine and meant for the me... Uhmm.... I meant the god of war which is praticaly me.. Uhmm.. Just forget I ever said that " Breca half yelled, He is really confusing.

" Geez.. You are really something else Breca, by the way what did you say I should do? " Felix asked and Breca sighed deeply before facing the direction of the orbs and crystals around him and that Crystals glowed gloriously.

" Each of the orbs and crystals have specific special powers in each of them, You are to pick only one among this multitudes of orbs and crystals " Breca instructed and Felix slowly plunged towards the direction of the crystals and orbs around him.

Felix was in deep thought as he scanned the entire cave, He was really amazed in seeing such beautiful orbs and crystals around, He searched everywhere until his eyes collided with that of a green glowing orb.

" I choose that one " Felix said pointing to the green orbs as he advanced towards the green orb, Breca frowned on seeing the green orbs, It was like it wasn't in support of Felix have that orb .

" Felix are you sure you want that orb?? " Breca asked and Felix nodded, Felix climbed the stairs leading towards the green orb, The green orb was up and it will take Felix to climb seven staircase to climb up and take the orb.

" The demons orb " Breca muttered with frown as Felix took the green orb in his hands with smiles plastered on his face, Felix advanced towards the frowning Breca with folded arms, Felix smiled at Breca as he approached him.

" Felix! Should I remind you what that orb is? That is the demons orb, The powers of all the demons that were captured and killed in the war of misery... It is of the dark Felix " Breca half yelled while Felix smirked.

" I already know Breca, It isn't about wielding light powers alone, You have to manifest the powers of the dark to make sure the dark never haunts you, Gaap can't defeat me if I wields dark and light powers in me " Felix said and Breca widened his eyes.

" I won't disturb you Felix, but remember that even the demon god powers there and when you unlock the powers, You must learn how to control the dark or else, you will be of the dark Felix " Breca warned and Felix nodded.

" Let it be upon me, if I am controlled to be of the dark, Breca how will I unleash the powers in it?? " Felix asked and Breca sighed.

" Every orb you see in this place is double, You will destroy the orb and absorb all the powers, Once you have absorb all the powers... Another orb will appear and that orb will be the combination of all your powers in it...Mind you you haven't unlock the ocean lord powers " Breca said.

" You have told me already and I understand that I am just a demi god right now " Felix smirked as he broke the orb with his hand, At first nothing happened but green lightning struck Felix down causing his eyes to be green before it turned black back.

" Congratulations Felix, you are now powerful than before, You will need to keep that orb in a secret place to avoid anyone from absorbing it's powers " Breca said and Felix nodded as a blue orb appeared on Felix hand.

" It is time, The seal is broken... We need to leave right now " Breca said and Felix quickly rushed to his direction with his orb in his hand.

" OK...let's be going then "

Breca touched Felix head and they began to levitate up, The sky thundered as rays of light beamed around the entire cave, blocking the view of anything that can see at all. Second later everything cleared and they could not be seen again.






All the atlantians were on their battle attire, Warrior sounds boomed around the oceans as thousands of atlantians swam into different sides of the oceans,The normal atlantian were all in their various homes.

All the councils were prepared with their armours as they sat on their normal sit in the throne room, The princes were all present except pelvis, They were in their warrior attire, The region kings were all present including the generals.

" It is time, prepare the formation and the ambush, I have seen the future and we need to work as planned, The seal is broken... Lord Gaap marches his armies into our territory, We need to overtake them all " Prince Silas voice rang out as he emerge from a dark passage leading to the throne room.

" Prince Silas... We don't have the weapons of light to help us in defeating them all " King Trissat said.

" Yes I am aware of that and the plan is gonna work well, I have seen the future and we will defeat lord Gaap in this formation " Prince Silas retorted.

" Are the southerns all in place in their different hideout up there? " Prince Silas asked and king simbar nodded causing Silas to smile.

" Good! I need to prepare, The crimson team should protect the wielder of the ocean ring with their lives, If lord Gaap gets him and wields the ocean ring... I am afraid we will be doomed " Silas added before entering the dark passage.

" You heard him, Lord Gaap will be here any minute... We need to be up there and prepare to face him and the skibat " Triton yelled causing everyone to stand up from their sits with their tridents on their hands.





The red sky cracked heavily as all the skibats were staring at it, Dark auras evolve around, All the skibats were on their armours and they were all ready to launch their attack, When the seal is broken.

Lord Gaap was at the front of the armies with his councils at his back, Lord Gaap stated at the sky with a smug, His grin created dark auras as he held his dark staff firmly with his dark armours on.

" How long will it take for the seal to be broken? " Lord Gaap asked and the general bowed before him before responding to him.

" My lord very soon " The general answered.

" I know it is very soon, but how soon will it take? " Lord Gaap asked angrily.

" My lord it will take 5-4-3-2-1" The general looked up into the sky as the seal shattered into pieces, The seal was broken, The skibats were free, smiles beamed on the skibats face as the shouted in happiness on seeing the seal broken.

" It is a good thing that the seal is broken, Now prepare the warriors... We March towards the territory of the atlanteans... We destroy them all " Lord Gaap said as he brought out his red wings which he used in flying towards the broken seal.

" Remember, Show no mercy, Once we get there... Destroy waste and kill, Your primary target is to kill prince belgaus because he is the tree that hold all the atlantian lives, if he dies..they all die " Lord Gaap screamed out from the sky.

" Yessssssss my lord, We will show no mercy, we will eradicate all the atlantians, we will destroy and target belgaus " The warriors shouted in unison causing lord Gaap to smile.

" But don't forget, the ocean ring wielder is mine " Lord Gaap muttered silently with smirk as he flew into the broken seal, All the warriors followed him from behind as they all brought out their dark colored wings.