
Only An Invader Can Succeed

Amidst the aftermath of the brutal conflict on the icy surface, the warrior and the Son of Time Father wearily made their way to the vast expanse of sands. In this environment, the hot wind stirred the fine sand grains, creating a mesmerizing dance in the endless deserts. The Son of Time Father bore deep and visible wounds, reminiscent of the war's painful memories. However, the unwavering determination in his eyes refused to fade.

In the quiet of the desert, the warrior broke the silence, speaking with bated breath, driven by a need to understand.

"Why didn't you fight with all your strength? Why didn't you resist? Why did you try to run away every time instead of fighting?"

The Son of Time Father responded with a heavy breath, akin to a fallen warrior. "I didn't want to fight. I don't see you as an enemy, nor an evil monster. This war was a part of our destiny, the conclusion of our actions I would say. But it didn't make sense to me to be enemies with you."

The warrior contemplated these words, then pressed on with his inquiries. "So, why were you in this war? Why did you become an enemy of Time Father? Why was this so important to you?"

With a deep sigh, the Son of Time Father answered, "Time Father does everything to maintain order and balance. But, of course, he prefers to do it in his own way, aligning with what he wants to achieve. I wanted to stop him because time was something greater than me, and him."

The warrior, intrigued, interjected, "From the beginning, your birth, and existence seem to bother you. What about it?"

The Son of Time Father continued, "It bothered me no more than how we twisted the responsibility of reality. The reality that we changed, with simple living desires. I wanted my existence to serve a greater purpose, not for somebody special or anyone, but something that would reflect how selfish such humans and such high creatures like my dad were."

The warrior, absorbing the gravity of these words, questioned, "So, why involve me? Why make me the beginning of your steps?"

The Son of Time Father explained, "To get to him, warrior, you were the beginning of my steps. I faced a lot of difficulties finding you, and I sacrificed a lot to end what my father wanted to achieve. You were a great prey for him, a great soldier that he could use, born with no desire to protect and only fulfill his mission. You fought relentlessly and fulfilled many things he wanted to see in you, but you also had an internal conflict. A conflict that ignited both of us to chase after you, like you chased after time and your loving wife."

The warrior, reflecting on his own journey, asked, "You believed I could be the key to stopping him? How?"

The Son of Time Father replied, "I thought I could rewind what my father did to this world, and you especially. Your dedication was unwavering, and your respect for somebody who gave your life a purpose to chase after was something that made me believe you weren't only his key to success, but a reflection to stop his evil reign and help me find an open spot of his. You were an empty cup, something that could be filled. You held all the power, not around you, but inside you. And throughout your journey, you didn't realize how much you had power over yourself, causing many destinies to change. Don't you wonder, invader? Everything you did with such dedication, caused the world to change also. One power inside you, a control of oneself, made you the greatest weapon to use. Because you carried values, didn't own them. My father saw these values in you, he wanted to change and use you, and to do it, he used one thing that changed the shape of your reality, your love. I thought that such power could be unstoppable to defend, but also extremely helpful to many cases. You had no reason to help the ones around, yet you understood the fabric of reality. I believed that you wouldn't twist it and face the consequences, knowing the hardships of being deceived. Yet, during the time I spent with you, I realized that perhaps change is inevitable. I thought we could help each other instead of fighting each other."

The warrior, absorbing the revelation, responded, "We must be willing to do many things to obtain the truth, even if it is painful."

A sincere smile crossed the face of the Son of Time Father for the last time. "And that is what I did. I don't have much time left. But before I go, I want to say one last thing."

Noticing the weakening voice of the Son of Time Father, the warrior approached him, ready to hear the final words.

"I never had the power to stop Time Father, but if there is someone who can do it, it is you, Invader. You better not forget this and the deal you made."

With those parting words, the warrior had crossed another name off his list. Only one name remained, the final chapter in his relentless pursuit.