

When their hands clasped, a sudden lightning bolt descended from the sky, delicately touching the palms of both the Time Father and the Invader, creating a small yet potent spark between them. Although the lightning itself caused no pain, the distinct marks it left on their hands silently bore witness to the approval of their agreement. With this unexpected event, the Invader once again questioned the Time Father,

"So, what happens now?"

In response to these words, the Time Father, faced with a slight grin, replied, "Not now; the first step of the journey will be taken in the past."

Following his statement, the Time Father lifted his right hand toward the windows of the house, directing it towards the empty land beyond. He opened a time portal almost as tall as himself. The Invader, trying to comprehend what he had just witnessed, remained bewildered. The portal resembled something out of a fairy tale, emitting light and containing infinite possibilities without revealing what lay within. It exuded the sensation of an infinite power source, uniquely created by the Time Father. Initially, the very Time Father that had seemed very real to the Invader due to the pain he had experienced, began to feel like a fantastical element.

Even though the initial uncertainty towards the Time Father was visible and tangible, what the Invader saw provided evidence of the accuracy of the Time Father's words. It proved what he was trying to convey through his actions and what he pointed out previously.

Nevertheless, the Invader remains vigilant, unwilling to let caution slip away. Gripping his sword tightly, he follows the Time Father slowly and deliberately towards the time portal. Upon reaching right in front of the portal, he takes a deep breath and contemplates once again what he is about to do. He understands there is no turning back, and the uncertainty of what awaits him looms.

Despite it all, the Invader, realizing that there is nothing else he can do to reunite with the woman he loves, takes one more step and resolves to enter the time portal. However, the portal turns out to be vastly different from what the warrior expected; somehow, inside the swirling vortex, memories of Leto become visible. Intrigued, he questions the Time Father,

"Are these my memories?"

The Time Father wisely responds,

"Yes, each memory you see here belongs to you. The time portal does the same for everyone who travels through time. It serves not only to remind them of what they have done but also as a great way to remind them why they are doing what they are about to do. After all, taking one step without considering the other is common. However, when it comes to you as awareness, things get a bit more complicated."

The Invader struggles to fully grasp Time Father's explanation and persists in trying to glean more information from him.

"What about you? Where are your memories?"

"I've integrated with time, so my concept of it is a bit scattered."

Without dwelling too much on the topic, the warrior shifts the conversation in search of answers, saying, "You still haven't told us where we're going."

"Be ready; you're about to see."

Upon Time Father's words, the tip of the portal sparkles. Bodies that had been hovering in the air like ghosts solidify once again, landing on the ground with the same weight as before. As they emerge from the portal, it doesn't take long for Leto to realize they are now in a different place and time. Despite it being autumn, spring flowers bloom around them, and even though it is night, the sun is suddenly overhead. This revelation helps him comprehend the leaps and ruptures they've experienced in time and the consequential shifts.

Time Father's power is so immense that it allows the Invader to simultaneously witness all four seasons through normal human eyes.

"In front of you, my child, stands the very essence of the fifth century." The Invader continues to observe the surroundings with vigilant eyes, creating an atmosphere that resonates with the intertwined echoes of history.

As the words of the Invader permeate the air, they seem to meld seamlessly with the landscape, belonging to a mysterious world carrying traces of the past. Situated in a vast expanse surrounded by remnants from ancient times, it feels like a poignant reminder echoing from the depths of history.

The once arid lands of the East, unexpectedly, now appear lush and green. The region, which has endured centuries of dryness and collapse throughout history, is now brimming with mysterious vitality. Remnants from ancient eras create an ambiance that suggests time has come to a standstill. Yellowed ruins between stone walls resemble silent witnesses recalling memories of a bygone era.

"By the stance of the Eastern Winds and the Sun, it indicates that we are in the eastern region. Yet, despite centuries of aridity, there is greenery in the East," responds the Invader, drawing upon his adventurous spirit and keen sense of direction. Having traversed almost a century under the beauty and fears of nature, he has become a person who carries the characteristics of every land like pages of a book, regardless of his purpose.

"You are as knowledgeable as a warrior, and your words now show that you believe in me," replies Time Father.

Turning his head to Time Father without breaking his stern demeanor, the Invader interrupts the man's speech and once again inquires about his purpose. However, numerous questions still linger in the Invader's mind. If Time Father brought him for a purpose, why did they start from the fifth century? Why did they return to such a forgotten period, and why did this place serve as evidence for their adventures? What exactly were they planning to find?

"Why did we come here?" the Invader asked, looking almost entirely ignorant towards the unfamiliar time period. His eyes darkened as he gazed at the decayed and entangled vegetation.

"Your knowledge isn't as strong as your patience. We came here because the first people you'll hunt down live in this time period."


"Yes, you heard it right. You'll need to kill more than one person in this time period."

The Invader was slightly startled by Time Father's words. Although he was a mercenary himself, Time Father's requests seemed too much for someone who hadn't fully grasped his mission. Issuing death as a simple command was no different from the people he had received orders from before. However, the fact that there were multiple targets this time added more complexity for him.

"I thought there would be one person in each time period."

"Unfortunately, my child, individuals and challenges vary according to the time period."

The Invader didn't question Time Father's words further. Thinking that the trust between them was newly formed, he tried to approach the situation more humbly.

"So, what else do I need to know?"

Time Father took out a peculiar machine and a piece of paper from his shoulder bag, handing them to the Invader.

"Take these; they will help you. I've accompanied you in this time period, but I won't be with you from now on. So, listen to me very carefully. The names of the people you need to kill are on the paper I gave you. When you complete the mission, the names will be crossed out on their own, and you'll move on to the next time."

The paper, of an ancient kind, trembled in the Invader's hand. Along with the tactile sensation of its rough surface, the small machine beside it also vibrates. It was as if it could renew and validate itself like a typewriter, like a source of information for him to track these people down. Additionally, the paper with the names of many people seemed quite strange to the Invader. He knew that if this was back then, he could only obtain the names of the living or the dead from specific individuals he captured or took orders from. However, Time Father had given him almost a ton of names and identities. People of all kinds, with various hearts and backgrounds.

With every ounce of power and information, he had upon people, regardless of where they lived or what purpose they lived for.

Time Father gave the Invader an endless source of power. That in the end, all of them would have to bow under the mercy of a single person. The mercy of an invader, who would only be satisfied with saving only one life, and only one that would matter to him.

"How am I supposed to do this?" the Invader asked with curiosity and a bit of anxiety from the uncertainty of the future.

Time Father pointed to the peculiar device he had given, saying, "This device will take you to the next time; the sequence of past and future will be uncertain. So, you must be very careful. When you press the button in the middle of the device, it will project a time portal in front of you. Enter through it and transition to the next time period."

"Why don't you use the time to attack your enemies at the opportune moment?"

Time Father responded somewhat irritably to the Invader's impertinent techniques, "Because time doesn't work that way. Only the time periods I've chosen, the healthiest ones for the future, will be used for our purpose. Sharing information about the future with you could lead to dire consequences. And remember, the only important thing here is not just saving the life of your loved one, but also the balance of time and destiny in the world."

"I didn't come here to save the world," said the Invader fearlessly. Despite his goal being to save one person's life, he didn't want to do it under the responsibility of others. He knew that he was not a good representative of goodness, not even someone knowledgeable about the concept of goodness.

Just like the lifestyle he followed, he owed gratitude to only one person, and this purpose would only serve her, to somebody who made him gain something in life. Exchange for exchange.

His fear wasn't being used by others, but he couldn't turn away from the nastiness of the world.

"You can think as you wish, but you better not forget what I've said."

Time Father opened a time portal again and slowly walked away from the warrior. Before leaving, turning to the warrior for the last time, Time Father said his final words,

"Lastly, don't mention this agreement or me to anyone, or the agreement will be broken." After finishing his words, he raised his hand into the air and walked towards the portal with slow steps, disappearing, "Good Hunting."