
OC's Battle Ground

In a world of normal life lives Kurosawa with his dark past in his run-down apartment being somewhat a NEET. getting summoned to the dream land where you battle using words and violance was everything to him. well, in the end it will always be a dream.

Dewa_praditya · Fantaisie
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Welcome, Challenger


"hemm… I'm kinda hungry, I'll just cook some eggs"

Kurosawa, an aspiring author currently cooking some eggs in his apartment is constantly having trouble trying to become a web novel author. The past few days has been tiring for him because of how all of his web novels turn out and all of the harsh reviews he receives.

He himself understand that those harsh critics are good for his growth to become a good author and writer but he still can't shake the feeling of inferiority and annoyance caused by all those harsh comments and critics.

He sighs remembering those comments and shouted his thanks and complains at them constantly while cooking sunny side up eggs for himself. he pinched some salt and sprinkled it onto the eggs, crack some white papers unto it and plate it with some rice before he eats it on his bed while watching some anime.

He eats it quietly savoring its flavor while stimulating his brain while watching anime to not get bored so easily. After eating and completing one season of an anime he washed all the dishes, took a bath and plunge his head onto his bed, completing his routine for the day. He plays classical piano on his phone so he can sleep peacefully and end the day there.

*Ring*, *Ring*, *Ring*

The sound of the annoying alarm can be heard Ringing in the background. Kurosawa annoyed attempted to grab his phone and throw it out of the window without opening his eyes or getting up his bed.

"Mhm… tch… where is it…*

He was starting to really get annoyed when he heard someone, a girl's voice calling him. Kurosawa ignored it because there's no way a girl would be in his home but then he kept on hearing the girls voice and got so annoyed that he got up to yell at the source of the voice.

When he turned there were no one there. Not only that there was no one there but everything else was nonexistence, from his bed to his room, nothing was there but white space that has a slightly reflective surface.

Perplex he stood up instantly and questioned where he was when, he saw something in front of him. It was something glass like with its reflective and see-through property. It was levitating in front of him like a supper conductor and a magnate would.

He grabs it, shook it around and tossed it to see what would happen but every time it would always come back and levitate in front of him like an obsessive girlfriend. He kept on trying to get rid of it but it always came back so he eventually gave up and let it float there while walking around the white space.

He walked and waled until what feels like days until finally, he gave up and accepted his fate trapped inside the white space he now calls home. Some might retaliate or began to broke down with the thought of being trapped in a white empty space, but to him it was all a dream. He can't think of any better explanation to it so he gave up and declare that it was all a dream.

He sat down and started to play with the levitating glass like object in front of him. At first, he was just tossing it and catching it but then he got bored and then attempted to break it and failed. Next, he tried to cut himself with it because he was curios if he could bleed in his dream.

He then grabbed the glass like object that he now refers to as Whitty and angles it pointing its sharp edge to his index finger before swiping it across it. And as expected, blood rain down like a fountain out of his fingers. Of course, he was shock by the amount but 'it was a dream' he said to himself so he was mostly fine.

It splattered onto Whitty making it look somewhat cool with a dark crimson color coating it. While Kurosawa was occupied with his finger making puddles of blood Witty started to absorbed his blood and registering him. As if to notify him of the changes, Kurosawa's voice can be heard speaking gibberish and proclaiming himself as a magic king coming out of Whitty.


Yes, it was a recording of his younger self talking about all of his embarrassing fantasy caught in 4K. He begged Whitty to stop and as you guest it, it didn't and continue to torture Kurosawa for about an hour or so when it stops and displays something within it.

[ Welcome, Challenger. It appears that you have tried to commit suicide(?) with the help of the guide. As a present for your determination of wanting to exchange your life for a slim chance of escaping we will grant you a special privilege by giving your guide a soul. We thank you for your time that most certainly isn't important here ]

To Be Continue...

y'know, i have random thought and it won't go away. so here, have my random thoughts as a web novel. do critic me as harshly as you can so i can cry about it in my sleep

Dewa_pradityacreators' thoughts