
Obsession: the Lycan king's Human Mate

"Wha—" "You're pregnant!" She squealed, "Ah, young love. Don't worry. I will be with you every step of the way-" Adeline tuned her out and was focusing on the pamphlets that were kept on the other side of the room. Those that had the options of pregnancies. She wanted those, she wanted to know what other options did she have. "Can I have those?" she pointed to the papers and the doctor looked at them frowning. The doctor glanced at them and disapproval crossed her face. "Why? You don't need them." She was a wolf. Adeline realised. Shit. "Um," Adeline got up from the bed but the doctor stood in the way. "I need to . . go . . " The doctor gave her a tight-lipped smile. "Honey, you are in no state to leave but don't worry I will let your mate know and he will come here to pick you up." Shit. Shit. Shit. If he knew then her chances were slim. "No need for that!" They both turned to the door and Noah stood there, her protector as he claimed. "I am here to pick her up." He grinned and his eyes narrowed, compelling the woman. "Let's go." He turned to Adeline who ran along as the woman stood frozen. They walked out of the room and she palmed her belly. There was a life inside and now she had to choose. The child or her? But that is not all. Throw in human sacrifices, vampires, siren, voodoo aunts and of course, every supernatural myth coming true. Who was really going to protect her? ***** *Slow-burn*

Inara_Me · Fantaisie
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403 Chs

Drunk off their ass.

"Adeline!" Xavier had immediately started running behind her. Why was she running? Fearing for the worst, he increased his speed when he heard it; her laughter.

Adeline giggled as she ran. Her laughter reached his ears and he slowed down, letting her have her fun in this chase. His beast wanted to conquer the quest but he suppressed his primary instincts. His mate was enjoying, even though she was drunk off her ass. She was enjoying it.

"Adeline come on, I'm tired already!" He whined, knowing she was drunk.

Tired? He was on the baseball thing. . . she frowned still running.

"You can't be! You run in baseball!" She yelled back.

"That's football but okay," he muttered behind her. Increasing his speed, he reached up to her and held her waist tightly, restricting any further movements. 

"Why did you drink when you didn't want to come in the first place?" He asked still looking at Adeline's face who was busy looking at something creaking outside.

"Eh," she made a face, "it thought to be interesting."

"Thought?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Duh." She deadpanned.

"You are a mean Drunk Adeline, come on, let's take you to the car." Gathering her up in his arms, he carried his mate outside.

"Mean Drunk? What does that even mean? You people never make sense."

"Maybe because you're drunk off your Ass."

"See, again! How can anyone, possibly drink their ass?!" She yelled as he placed her in the passenger seat. "Half of the things never make any sense to me. I'm tired of life, I want to travel but I don't even want to move. I want money but no work. Oh my god, I want to eat and eat and eat but not gain any weight!" She raised her voice bit by bit, showing her frustrations to the world.

Breathing heavily, she looked at him, "Am I mad?" She whispered with a pout. 

"No," he smiled her way. "Everyone has some inner thoughts and I am glad you shared them with me. Drunk of— I mean Drunkenly but yeah."

She smiled, people would usually judge but he seemed okay with it. Not bothered at all.

"I have some weird thoughts as well," he added, thinking it would make her feel self-conscious. "I hate how there are different types of things. There's types of cheese, bread, butter, beer, hell, tyres too." Adele giggled at his frustrated expressions. "Mom yells at dad and us for bringing this cheese and not that one. And don't get me started on the brands that sell them."

"And don't forget colours, like Ashlynn and mom discuss what pink is; hot pink, old rose pink, baby pink, probably adult pink too." He shook his head and heard a giggle. "It's true, pink is pink. How many different colours can come from that?!" As a traffic light came, he stopped and looked at her. "But in reality, it's good that they are there. They make life somewhat easy. . .or difficult." He had nod idea what he was saying but he didn't want his mate to feel alone. 

She giggled again. Honestly, she didn't get a word of it but he was really serious so she kept mum.

"Anyway," she drawled out. "Why is it taking so long?"

"Five minutes max."

"Why?" She questioned, a frown coming to her face. "We come quick to party."

She's so drunk that she can't talk right. His shoulders shook as he silently laughed. "Do you want to know the truth?" He whispered ominously, wanting to scare her. Perfect opportunity.