
Gonna pay ..

In morning ...

Lisa Rose wake up and saw Melody who is still sleeping ..

Lisa said " I m going for making breakfast....After doing my morning ...

wake her up and you also be ready ...

Rose nod her head ..

Lisa left from there and did her morning business ..after doing her morning routine she left for making breakfast ..

Rose start waking Melody up and said " You sleepy head ..we have college ...

Melody open her eyes and they are puffy red ..because of crying ...

Rose saw them but she ignored because she don't want to talk about it and she don't want to scare Melody more by making her remember about yesterday incident ...

Melody in hoarse voice said " I really don't want to go college today ..My head is hurting. .

Rose replied " Oh then took medicine and you can't slag from college ...better wake up ..

I going to be ready ....you also be ready after me ..

and Rose left from there ...in bathroom..