
you forgot you bought a car

congratulations! you've heard of these happening very often, but you never suspected it would happen to you. you have been scammed. that's right. a mysterious envelope. some keys you've never seen before and your ID. why do they have your ID? these are the thoughts running through your head? what could have possibly cause this to happen? you don't remember anything. the key is definitely aren't yours because even though you do have a license which was handed to you at the front door, you are not a driver. your dad told you to get a license in case of emergencies at one point but you've never driven since you've gotten it which is been years now except for during the driving test and even then the instructor was scared to god to give you the license knowing very well that it is their legal duty to provide it with you even though it would be their moral obligation to not give it to you. so now the new question is asked whose car keys are they and what's the envelope you may ask while you ponder these thoughts? your phone dings checking at you. see that your bank account has withdrawn over 1050 from your account, not just any account. it's your reserves the money you use in case you find yourself in a complicated situation. your voice fears are definitely creeping up on you as you start to ponder. how bad is it? have you been scammed out of most of your money? should you go to your bank immediately and report that you've been a victim of fraudulent activity? not sure what to do on the matter. you have no choice but to open the envelope. and would you know it inside? is the documents for vehicle registration as well as a statement to purchase for one white van. you don't know cars so you can't know if the model number is real or not. but the price on the statement does match what was taken out of your account. you can't remember never buying a car and you're fairly certain that you wouldn't in full conscience purchase. something that you would never use. that would be a waste of money and you know it. plus there's the annoying fact that at the epicenter of the family and given the role family punching bag having a car makes you a victim to family members showing up and requesting to borrow the car knowing full well you don't use it and then they complain when your car has no gas in it and they have to pay for gas when it's your car even though you never use it and they have no business asking you for the car in the first place. but of course you can't say no to them because it's family and family comes first is what your dad always says. of course he also says don't bother me while I'm at the bar eating nachos. and how did you get in here? isn't your father the best put on to more important matters? looking at the user's manual for the vehicle in question. you feel like you've seen the vehicle somewhere but you can't quite place it, but you know it was fairly recent as your recanting your memories, you hear a familiar noise in the background. it's Mackenzie who is waking up from her drunken slumber on your bed. she seems to be in high spirits despite being someone who woke up in someone else's home you. of course, being the gracious host you are go to get her carbonated water and antacids for her stomach as well as sunglasses for a possible hangover while providing her with the necessities. she takes a seat and looks at the car manual. she then in asks you the obvious question. did you buy a car recently for which you obviously respond that you don't remember and you doubt you have but it looks like you might have gotten scanned. she then responds with the obvious answer to the question. did you check out side to see if there was anything there? you not thinking about that as a solution to your question, head outside and look over the balcony in your spot which was registered to your apartment was in fact the same vehicle that was on the manual that you can't remember where it was that you saw it. you then come to terms with the fact that you apparently bought a vehicle and don't remember when you can conclude it. probably up to a drunken mistake but can't think of any car dealer a lot that would be open that late at night. you then realize that the worst case scenario has been realized. not only did you purchase a car but your emergency account is available for viewing and use by all your family members meaning that the moment that car is purchased became official. both your brother and mother got an alert for a large purchase and at some point they will realize the evidence of you having purchased a car and will definitely come to you to abuse that authority. your mother wanting to use it for her group outings and events and your brother wanting to borrow it to chauffeur around his kids because he can't afford a car himself. and of course you cry about not only that, but the fact that that was a lot of tips and wages that you were saving up to buy a house. you label that emergency funds because that's what it would be should in this situation ever occur. but the all-in-all plan was to save it up and buy yourself a nice house in the countryside. oh well, back to the drawing board. what is your response to that problem? while grieving you notice your phone ringing it of course is your mother who can't help but be nosy in your own activity and has clearly noticed the giant change in your emergency funds. although you do humor, the idea that she is calling you because you're funds were touched and it was a large sum. so there's a good chance you might be in the hospital or something bad, but knowing your mother it's all ways a good chance that she just wants to know what exactly you bought and how can she take advantage of it. and of course, if it turns out that you were hospitalized, she will just pretend that she was calling to be worried and say that she's on her way to the hospital now, which will then take an additional hour or two because her soap operas probably on. while you're choosing not to answer the phone but letting the phone ring because she will know if you forward her call to voicemail and we'll try again with even more velocity plus texting. Mackenzie starts patting your head trying to comfort you in your moment of grief. although she seems rather excited about the fact she really seems to love cars and with your car being a new model, you definitely know that fact because you've seen it in a few magazines. she wants to give it a test drive. you do remember that today is her birthday and not having an actual plan together. you know that there are a few places within driving distance that you can stop by and buy a few things today that can make it special. but of course, if you're behind the wheel, you and her would both end up in the hospital and your recent depletion of funds will make that difficult to pay. you ask Mackenzie to give you a ride to a few places under the guy's of giving her an okay birthday party before you have to go to work taking the bus of course. since there are a few things you have to do anyways, like for instance, get the car registered in your name so you're not arrested. should it ever come to use it so you make a few places first? of course stopping by the motor department using the kiosk system that they have set up to get your car registry into the system right away as well as getting a temp license plate printed out. you then do what any non-license plates holder guys and tapes the paper plate to your car in the spot where the actual plate belongs but that doesn't hold. so of course you have to use tape on the inside in the back window shield. enough cops don't like that. even though you don't have that many options. they have to complain that it endangers the driver or whatever. but you got to do what you got to. do you know your next course of events is to go to a Chinese takeout place? you don't have a lot of cash, so you can't go to a restaurant, so you go to a Chinese takeout order enough for the two of you and then while you're waiting for the order, you slip away to the convenience store to buy a lemon cake, specifically for her and some candles. because why not the two of you then spend a good portion of the day, hanging out at a park, eating Chinese food and enjoying the cake and celebrating her wonderful day. and of course you love in the fact that you've had a good amount of human contact for the day. choose to bank this memory with Mackenzie under the forever folder but of course your phone's alarm goes off singling that you should be making your way towards work by now and of course you are prepared. you have your backpack with your work items inside. waiting in the vehicle you then go to grab the backpack and get ready to go. but Mackenzie stops you insisting that she would like to drop you off at work. she doesn't know where you work considering the two of you once hung out there when he got off getting drinks, the manager didn't like it because you got two wasted and started using markers to make graffiti in the bathroom. which then he as retaliation forced you to clean up on your next shift. you then proceed to work in the vehicle where she drops you off in the back entryway for the store considering employees are supposed to enter that way and before she lets you go to work and returns your car to the apartment, she does bring up one thing that she had been wanting to ask for a while now and of course that thing. although you'd hate it to be about Tiffany's wedding. it was actually about the number one thing you didn't want her to bring up. she wanted to ask that at the end of the year you reconsider moving in with her. this is now a thing that's going to bug you for a minute and with that she drives off in your car and you head to work.