
Tiffany part 2

you ever have that moment where everything seems to be going right, but no matter how much you try to deny it, something is definitely wrong. as we left off, the three of you are currently standing in front of Tiffany's door lined up with an order you in front. since you're the shortest of the three and the two tall ones in the back yet another of your insecurities put on full display but it's not that bad opening up the door. Tiffany and her fiance and answer Tiffany being around your height. that's right. she shares the same height classes you. it's the one and only thing that you feel comradery about with her. but something is wrong. true, Tiffany is at the door way welcoming you in, but she's not only introducing everyone to her life partner. she's also being sincere under normal circumstances. she would open the door and tell you to come in. tell you where everything is and say have at it while she continues whatever she was doing, what she's being a sincere house and earnest person. she's showing you around the place while introducing you to her pets explaining her furniture. it's almost as if she fell into the married lifestyles before she even signed her vows. all in all, it's rather weird and makes you feel uncomfortable. at some point you realize Nicole is here which makes no sense. she should be in Zimbabwe. you didn't notice her before because she had been silent while staring at one of the cats. they were in a rather serious death lock. you don't wish to get in between them. you start paying attention to your hosts words and all she's talking about is how she's grateful for her current situation and how she met her husband to be and all the other little things that you really don't care about. but you pretend to listen because you're not a bad person is what you tell yourself. you try not to think too hard of it and decide to give her fiance a once over. since this is your first time meeting him only, it turns out that that isn't the case. after getting a good look at his face, you very much remember him. in fact, he went to the same courses. you even worse you and him were having a fight over the last meatball sub in the cafeteria. you remember this because at the time you were very short on cash and the only things that fit into your budget were meatball sub tuna sandwich and turkey sandwich. they barely fit any meat into the turkey sandwich and the tuna sandwiches are gross because they say the refrigerator works but for some reason it gives off this peculiar smell. so you were determined to get that meatball sub and for some reason so is he in the heat of the moment? you did in fact suck him in the face and take the sandwich because of that fact for a whole week. everyone in your course was afraid of you despite you being rather tiny in size, and now that you've remembered this things are kind of awkward. you don't know if you remember you from that moment and if so, you hope to god he doesn't call you out on your actions. you are currently repenting your choice but you know that if you go back in time you would have done it again. no questions asked that being the case you try your best not to be rememberable and sit in the room saying absolutely nothing. looking over to Mackenzie. you see that she's trying to hold the conversation with Tiffany but to no avails. she's too tired to actually maintain a subject of conversation. Bridget is holding a conversation though, but really doesn't care at all of what's going on or what they're talking about and yet. Tiffany is going on and knowing about her life and how excited she is for the wedding. you not wanting to get involved. keep to yourself. making sure not to arouse any suspicion whatsoever. what suddenly Tiffany drags you into a conversation she starts by asking why you've been so quiet. you try to brush it off by saying you're tired from the drive and you're just trying to rest your mind a bit but she pushes the topic even more by asking how you've been and how are things. and if you're in a relationship currently, this of course agitates you not only because she still hasn't learned from last time when she tried to invade on your relationships. but you also find it very odd that she cares at all about what's going on to you considering your past experiences with her. normally she just demands something of you and if you try to refuse to drag you along anyways. but now she's actually wanting to hear your thoughts on something. in order to protect yourself, you of course decide that it's a trap to get you to ask her about herself so she can brag more so you decide to play along. hoping that when she gets carried away, she'll move on from you and her fiance. I won't notice who you are, so you explain to her that you're living at the inner city working as a bartender and that you currently hate your co-worker and that you've recently acquired a car. after saying all of that you decide to stop because that should be more than enough to give her the momentum. she needs to keep talking about herself but hardly enough she wants to hear more about you. this is starting to become scary in your opinion. why would she care what on your mind? anything you have to say about him situation wouldn't affect her and she's giving you way too much attention than normal. you know this her fiance coming into the room. you try to push the topic onto someone. not sure what to do. you decide to bring up the concert you and Bridget are attending next month asking her if she's got everything prepared on her end startled by the sudden change in topic she responds with yes and that she even persuaded one of the other bartenders that don't usually show up to take the shift so neither of them would get forced to work on that day. she even says she's gotten a few records prepacked in case she runs into one of her favorite singers and Mike get a signature. these are the things you normally want to have prepared is what you decided in your head. Tiffany, curious about this cuts in asking about this concert. it's pretty clear she wants to go but Bridget not wanting to have a buzz kill and tag along tries to make it sound. uninteresting and talks about how violent concerts can get at times, especially when it's crowded or how the smell gets pretty bad when it's outdoors and you've been doing it for a few days and this one's going to last the whole week so a lot of people are going to stink and are less likely to leave the concert grounds to visit a hotel room and take a shower. more people are likely to put up tents and take naps in between shows that they don't want to see remembering her mention tents. you decide to ask her if you should bring your tent. that way they don't have to opt for a hotel. Bridget thumbs up the idea. most likely because she wants to sell. how not great the concert is to Tiffany, but no matter what you say she seems to want to go and she seems rather sadden ed by the idea that the two of you don't want her coming along. you being the chump that you are decide to let her participate Bridget gives you a very agitated look considering she thought you were on her side with this but you give her a. we have to look. she looks very sad and I'd hate to be the person who hurt the brides feelings 6 days before her wedding. Bridget then returns with an expression of okay. I get it, but I hope you understand that this is going to really suck. the two of you have developed a way of talking with expressions considering you barely said a word to each other in the years that you have associated with her. at some point you notice the fiance pointing at you. oh shoot. he's saying words you weren't paying attention to Mackenzie and Tiffany. my noticing what he's saying but you're barely paying attention cuz you were thinking about the concert. then when you turned in you hear the word punch and it hits you. the thing that you were thinking about earlier is happening, not knowing what to do, you decide to apologize and explain that it was just a aggressive reflex. the fiance confused on what you're talking about considering he was asking if any of you wanted punch. You've been nervously laugh and say that you would like some. it would help park you up, but after thinking about it more, he then remembered that he had met you before and then immediately afterwards said. oh yeah, you're the girl who punched me in the face and that's when your face turned pale see from your perspective you're now on the spot cuz you've been sold to the groom of the bride. however, the bride was very surprised to hear that you punched him and Mackenzie having been there. remembers the event now as she plays back the thought in her head cuz she was standing next to you buying a plate of nachos while you were fighting over the meatball sub with it. she thought it was pretty funny and rigid also being there but didn't see anything. did remember hearing something about it from Mackenzie when they sat down for lunch. funny enough, Tiffany didn't know anything about this because she doesn't have lunch on the same time as you guys did at the time. which brings you to your current predicament trying to read the situation, the guy seems to be laughing. you think that's a good sign? still mad about the situation. you try to apologize once more, but he plays it off again saying that you he was a little bit livid at what happened at the time but he understands the situation was very high tension. he then proceeded to grab about how awful the tuna was. you then laugh out loud falling into the moment agreeing that you knew something was off from that smell no matter how much they insisted, the fridge works and then he replies with that. despite tasting weird, it was still strangely cold. both of you start to suspect that they might put something in the tuna that they really should not and then you both laugh after agreeing that. the turkey sucks because they only put the corner bits of a turkey sandwich into the sandwich and then just try to fluff it out with cheese and lettuce wedged in a bunch of cheapskates. the lunchroom is is your strongest opinion and now the both of you have found a bond which is odd considering you think it's weird. he's so into Tiffany and you're honest opinion. even before you knew her she wasn't really your type you of course chalk that up to not being into girls the same height as you. as you continue going back and forth about your college days with her fiance, you notice out of the corner of your eye, a smile on Tiffany's face. though you see a smile, you also see it. sort of a disappointed look. you wonder what that's about. after a good exchange of words the whole group including Nicole, who is still having a staring contest with the cat all decided to go out for dinner to celebrate the reunion in the grooms treat. of course you are all go to a nice looking restaurant and everyone order something interesting. Bridget orders a steak and fries considering she's not into the whole classy thing. Tiffany being as sophisticated as she is orders a filleted fish with tomatoes inside of lettuce. Mackenzie orders a sandwich because she is committed to what she likes and Nicole after several attempts to order something that doesn't exist on the menu settled for a rack of lamb and a side of rice and you having a dress that you still can't fit into and no that later on before you go to bed you must do crutches as the " gym bro " you met online at a fitness forum who stated that the most efficient way to lose weight is to eat protein and do crutches daily. whether you doubt this will slim you down enough to fit into a dress that's a size too small. you're willing to give it a try and if the dress is ruined and you end up embarrassed at the wedding, you can add it to another list of trauma dealt to you by your mother doing things that she probably shouldn't do, but save that for 6 days from now as you enjoy your chicken breast with a side of roasted asparagus with black pepper and a grilled loaf of garlic bread. though the garlic bread was excess carbs, you felt that you needed at least one thing that wasn't a part of your diet to get you through the day watching everyone exchange words, it look like most people were happy and Tiffany was also putting on a smile, but still yet again it seemed that she was rather disappointed. this was acting you. while it's true, you wouldn't naturally care if Tiffany was a bit upset or not. you like her fiance and therefore feel obligated to put Tiffany in a better mood out of consideration. so you do the one thing you sort of know how to do but never really do because you don't have friends like that. you make the declaration of heading to the restroom while suddenly suggesting that she tag along dragging the two of you into the restroom together you are alone for the first time in years. Tiffany, still putting on a facade asks what's up. curious as to why you dragged her away. you feeling awkward and unsure how to handle this. decide to be straightforward and ask what is wrong