

it's not time of the month again. no, not that time of the month. the time where you made a huge mistake that you immediately regretted but can't take it back. so now you're stuck replaying that moment in your head over and over again thinking why did it happen and where did I go wrong? of course you obviously don't the answers but this time you are suspended. why you may ask because you couldn't take what you technically dished out while you can argue that they probably did worse than what you did to them. you still should not have played a part in the matter at all to add contacts yesterday. your Boss and Kevin collaborated in retaliating against you for your less than savory behavior the day before you of course, getting fed up with the matter chose suspension over obedience you insisted that if you weren't suspended, the boss should have called you and it's the next day and the boss has yet to call, which means you're in a situation. you have too much free time and only so much money in your savings account. of course the first thing on your mind is to go shopping. you remember that they are those shoes you wanted and your backpack has seen better days you could get another one. looking back at the last time you bought it backpack it was designer and your mom laughed at you because she insisted that buying a designer backpack is the dumbest thing cuz it'll just get ruined anyways. then after hearing that you proceeded to try everything in your power to prevent the backpack from taking damage or getting ruined. this led to you hiding it under your school uniform and some old lady accusing you of teen pregnancy and embarrassment. you will never live down but let's get it back to the problem at hand. you have options you could a clean up your apartment which last time your mother visited she said was atrocious and she wished that you would take the time to clean it. that way you could invite people over and one day get married or b go through the mail. you never opens since you moved into this place option a horrible. you hate cleaning the most out of all things. why should you have to clean up a mess? that's not really doing anything. it's not like you got food all over the place. your dishes are perfectly fine because you almost never cook. much of clothes are literally everywhere that there could be close and the stock of mail isn't helping the situation either. at first there was just a small pile that you would get to eventually, but now it's a box that you thought you could use to contain them this. but instead the mess overtook the box and now you can't see the box. all you see is a pile of mail on your table. thinking about it. if you cleaned up you'd have to do laundry, but if you did the mail you can sit and watch a TV show while you enjoyed it. the option is now clear well going through the mail starting from oldest to newest year. first impression is you missed out on a lot of good deals. there was a letter from a cable company offering premium online services. your current company doesn't really do internet justice for you. they keep up charging every time when you want to watch a rather spicy movie and you suspect that someone is piggybacking off of your network another one was a series of exclusive coupons to that store you always go to because they have great jackets, but the prices are always so big that at one point you had to swear off the place because you were blowing through your pay check too fast and you were worried about living in a cardboard box and then a bunch of newspapers. you wonder where they come from because you don't pay for a newspaper subscription. so why do they keep delivering them? it can't be a sample because giving newspaper every time sounds more costly than beneficial. in the long run you notice a letter someone from your social group is getting married. you wouldn't call it a friend. your social group is mostly a group of people that hang out with each other. strictly speaking because they have no one better to do things with and you are at the bottom of that ladder of associates. I really don't like spending time with you and they're often would pick someone else someone outside the circle group before they even begin to choose you you open it and it looks like the wedding is for next month and RSVP is at the end of this month. thinking about it. you hate the idea. obviously they're only inviting you and even gave you a plus one because they know that you'll come alone and they probably have an extra chair. the plus one is probably a fake out. who knows. if you're lucky, you might be able to take some cake home with you, but thinking about it further. even if they are inviting you out of social obligation and lack of bodies to fit chairs, they are going to expect a present from you and if you don't give them one, they'll going to hold it against you for the rest of their existing marriage, which given the friend it might end in divorce in half a year you decide to set it aside for now and at a later date when you think you can find a plus one just to spite them. you'll come back to that. plus you need to find a gift. the next item on your pile of unopened letters is seven letters from grandma you love grandma. of course you do. she always gives you cool stuff and money and feeds you whenever you come by. but of course responding to grandma's letters are rather tedious. she doesn't get a cell phone because she feels she's too old to learn how and the conversations are mostly generation gap at this point, the only times that are fun or when you're watching movies and talking about it or just lollygagging around. but just having a normal conversation left and right over a medium just doesn't feel right for relatives in your opinion. much knowing that she has tried to reach you seven times and you not reading any of your letters or mailing at all puts you in a bit of a situation then you find a package with your name on it. you don't remember ordering anything judging from the condition of the box. it's pretty old. it's does not smell so you know it's probably not food. you should get around a bit, but you can't figure out what that weird jingling sound is so you decide to open it and immediately remember what it was about the electro fat 9000 one time your fell asleep watching a streamer that you don't really like, but they're on enough to make background noises while you're thinking about stuff. so that way it's easier to fall asleep. and then one time when you woke up in the middle of the night with the streamer still on your laptop you saw a commercial that guaranteed losing weight. you're not exactly considered over, but you don't like where it currently stands. and you hate exercise so you would of course love a spend money to get instant results. scam you bought it and then forgot about it immediately after. so when it arrived you never thought about opening it or even noticed it had came you decided to give it a try and take a break from your mail. sorting issue. you strap the weird belt velcro thing around your ways and then connect the two jumper cables to the girder belt and push the on button. it was very disappointing, kind of uncomfortable. you are wondering if it was working so you decided to keep it on while you finished doing the mail sorting. by this time you've gotten through most of the mail and you stopped using the electro fat because why not and you find a more recent letter from your mom. apparently your dad dropped her phone in the toilet and she wanted to know how you would doing you. of course, being busy with your usual nonsense. did not know about this. you look to your phone to see if she ever got her phone. problem resolved but there aren't any texts of course. aren't any she and you don't really talk much when it comes to text messages. she usually just calls and you ignore the first call and then she gets mad and calls again. leaving a voicemail that if you hang up on her a third time she will kill. you usually answer on the third time. you think about giving her a call but you don't think that that's really in the cards considering your relationship with her so you put the message away and move on to something else while rummaging around your phone rings who was your boss apologizing for taking the joke too far? he also states that he did suspend Kevin for three more days and that you can come back to work the day after tomorrow relieve that you don't have to skimp change for a hot minute. you thank you boss and hang up!