It's official today may be the best day of your life. No, you're not exaggerating between the several times. Your mother has either found ways to embarrass bully or shame you and that one time you thought that one girl in the front of the line was flirting with you, but in reality she just felt bad with all her items she needed to check out versus your three items. She decided to let you go ahead but this this is perfect. You and Mackenzie spending it after noon together. What more could you want? The only thing that sucks is you Luna you as a person. Well, you're not you don't exactly. Have a great image of herself but in actuality when she stopped by to pick you up you were so stammered by her very presence. You forgot to get a shower and your wedding and you still haven't sorted out this whole roommate situation. And now you're starting to remember that she did ask you to really move in with her, but you still don't think it's a good idea, especially with your background history. As the tool of you walk the streets of the plaza Mall you ask yourself. One question, is your hand sweaty enough that if you attempted to hold hers, would she notice and feel uncomfortable the problems your face walking around the mall isn't so bad. It's the usual you'll see the casual vendor watching Netflix on their iPad while selling off their wares. Hoping to not go into the negative this week. The food chain restaurant for some reason have like three different branches in one plaza The four different clothing stores, the cheap one, the expensive one, the rich people one and the one that's just cost a lot of money to do. You're the one that just cost a lot of money and trying on clothes. You try to get a few laughs in with her exchange. A few photos you more than her. You planned up with them into that folder you have of her. That's password protected, not the one that's not as protected. She buys a couple of clothes for herself and then some for you as thanks for letting or use your vehicle which you're grossly underqualified to own. Then the two of you hit up lunch. Nothing crazy or fancy. Of course. If she'd asked, you would have bought a five star dinner for both of you without a second thought leading to you and your found roommate being homeless. You know in the back of your mind it's a bad idea but for her you would do it she orders a burger and fries you order and fried cod and potato wedges. You're not really a fan of cod but you like putting fried potatoes and tartar sauce and that's the only way you they'll give you some. You give the chef the stink eye from your table into the kitchen. The chef gives you the stink eye back. This isn't the first time you've attempted to get tartar sauce and potato wedges and he remembers it. The two of you have a social media DM where you exchange very hateful words zoning back in on Mackenzie. You're fine. She's talking about repairing cars and her work. I'm real excited her face is and she smiles expressing different hearts and how their work and all the different scenarios she experienced during her chub. You don't understand it at that, but the way she uses her hands to try and explain what she's seeing and the enthusiasm in her voice just sends you over the edge. You find your hand drifting towards your phone. You want nothing more than to take a picture of her at this very moment. Your sense of self stops you to preserve your dignity. If you just whipped your phone out and took a photo of her for no reason whatsoever, it would look very strange, especially since the two of you are classifiably. Well you hope that you're at least friends. Frankly speaking, you still haven't define the relationship. You and Tiffany have officially been come friends you are more or less Nicole's caretaker and even Bridget and you are less at least co-workers and at most drinking buddies in a sense. What your relationship with Mackenzie is just unexplored territory that has never truly been defined. What is it? That's between the two of you? You often find yourself wondering coming back from your deep thoughts. You notice that Mackenzie has leaned in looking at you. Apparently the concerned drawn from your line of thought was being displayed for her to see and she was worried in terms feeling flustered. You try your best to look away from her house. Waiting you to notice out of the corn of your eye. Your future best friend who again is with that guy you saw before walking the streets part of you wants to stalk him. See what he's up to, but of course your fixation with Mackenzie stops you from doing that. Although you do make a note to tail them if you do get an opportunity today when you're alone while distracted with that almost friend of yours and Mackenzie pestering you about what's going on, the two of you are suddenly derailed by a new presence who decides to sit right across from the tool of you at the same table to the refer. Mackenzie is someone you knew all too well she for whom you are to stay 10 km away from of course in recent events a request to have that annulled has been brought to our attention. Of course you doesn't know how to feel about it so or she decided to put that to the back of your memory, but it would appear that the universe has other plans for you The three of you said awkwardly she stares at you. You stare at her and then stare at Mackenzie realizing that your current crush is now in the same room as your previous crush and Mackenzie stares at her. This is awkward. Is your thoughts on the matter? But things get much worse when you realize that Mackenzie doesn't know about your pending criminal record. That's still is something you wish more than anything that she doesn't know about before she can say anything. Damning say long time no see your hope is that your forwardness would throw her off so much. She would forget to mention anything damning and give you more time to come up with an actual offensive. Oddly enough, she takes it in stride and starts being super friendly with you talking about how she didn't have much time to catch up with you the other day. Of course you almost mentioned the police station but you abruptly charcoal when she starts to form the words and then agrees with her is saying that you would have loved nothing more than to catch up with her, but you had other plans at the time that was sadly true, but at the same time she did ruin your plans that friendship of yours that you were hoping to flossom at that day. This is how due to the fact that you had to be taken away at the pivotal moment before I even started remembering your mama shattered. You feel a bit Petty and start poking at why she's here and what she's doing. She of course mentioned that since she just moved into town, she's having trouble settling in and has found herself eating out more due to the fact that her items were a kitchen aren't together yet. You do understand the notion considering you've had to move multiple times. The first round is always hard on your wallet when you move in. You never have backup meals prepared or at least the food plan. So you start eating out a lot and it starts hitting heavy on your wallet. That was before you came up with a full proof plan. Divide your money for and when you run out shamelessly hit up your parents the tried and true foolproof method of course you don't say this out loud. Fearing MacKenzie's opinion of you may drop but you think it suddenly your pocket vibrates pulling out your phone, you see a text message from that woman it says don't know why but I felt the universe wanting me to text you which can only mean I haven't filled my quota for verbal abuse. So f you have a nice day. That was the end of her message . Yet another thing you are not sure how you feel about moving on you notice Sally is staring at you you feel uncomfortable that looks she's giving you reminds you with the look your mother gives your dad when he does that weird shtick of his where he mixes a drink and starts doing tricks afterwards her response would always be to take them to another room where they would presumably argue about how she feels about him doing that. You never actually see the outcome. All you know is they usually look satisfied afterwards. Must be one heck of a conversation. Your phone goes off again. It's another message from your mother. Her message says how strange to think the universe would want me to talk more with you. Guess my quote it still isn't filled. Eat a lemon good talk. That was the end of the message you start looking around to see if she's in the area and is messing with you. She's nowhere to be seen. You try to move away from thinking about her or fearing she might be a psychic you notice something being wedged into your hand. You pick it up and read it. It's a phone number. Apparently Sally feels like she wants to keep in touch. You don't know if that's such a good idea. Part of you want wants to throw it away, but a small part of you chooses to stick it into your pocket. Apparently you still have feelings for her. At least a small piece of you does you choose not to explore right now since you're with Mackenzie at the moment. Speaking of which, she's silent. She's been silent since Sally showed up You're not quite sure what her thoughts are, but you want to reassure her that everything is fine. Then you find that her hand is touching yours realizing this your mind instantly shoots on cloud nine but if that isn't enough Sally does the same. The two of them are giving weird expressions. You're not quite sure what's happening, but you feel like this is some sort of argument or competition, but you don't spend too much time thinking about it considering this is the most attention anyone has ever given you you start spacing out while thinking of you. Remember to leave dinner for Nicole in the fridge. You decide to buy her something and take it home to her later. This was the best day of your life. Better than that time when the family therapist took your side against your mom about what electric yellow looks like.