
it's probably okay

remember when you thought to yourself I could really go for some cardio. I think I'm putting on a bit of weight. well congratulations! your dreams have finally been realized you're running away from your co-worker, but of course, what is the statement without an explanation? as you remember early today, not even that far. 3 minutes ago you stiffed your co-worker. Kevin with cleaning the floors as you made your escape exactly in those three minutes. Kevin realized what you had done and is now chasing after you. you're not too far from the bus station which you need to take in order to go home and the bus will be at the station in 10 minutes. you'll need to get rid of Kevin before then because knowing him he will be the type of jerk to try and stop the bus in order to force you to do the work that he doesn't want to because you tried to stiff it on to him. you contemplate what the best move would be. given that Kevin is persistent, you would need to lose him quickly, but you can't lose him within 10 minutes. that would be too difficult and you might miss the bus and it's definitely the last bus of the day so you'd be stuck downtown till the next bus runs and by that time you wouldn't even get any sleep. you would only have just enough time to take a shower and go back to work and you don't want that. you could try to cause a scene to make it look like he's abusing you then have some nearby people, stop him and have the police deal with them but we both know how that goes. they stop him. they insist that you stay so that you can give your testimony to the police and then you miss your bus. on top of that getting Kevin rested while as satisfying is that may be for you can and will upset boss especially if Kevin tries to get the boss to bail him out so that's a no-go. there's always the tried and true method kicking him in the balls. let that could be can seen as assaults and you will get arrested. your problem for sleeping will be resolved but you'll miss your shift tomorrow because you'll be in prison until the cases resolved and there goes your rent money. now the question is what can you do? you spot the public restroom on the way to the bus station. if you remember correctly, the last time you went there it was disgusting beyond belief. but if you remember correctly, one of the stalls has a window that can be open from the inside. if you trick heaven in a believing that you escaped inside, he'll most likely wait until you try to leave to try and catch you. so you'll climb out the back and then use that time to run for your life. catching the bus before it leaves. it's a risky plan and it disgusting one, but it's your only shot. you quickly make a sharp turn into the restroom. Kevin spawning where you're heading immediately starts backing off knowing that enter the restroom will be considered a crime if he is spotted safe inside the restroom. you look around a bit to find stall you were remember looking around the place is a nightmare and not even like okay. kind dusting young compare toilet paper everywhere. one of the sinks was busted most likely due to two people acting like animals instead of getting a hotel. even the mirror is busted so it was really going at it Even the toilet styles warrant and great condition. one of the doors was missing and other door was caved in and one of the toilets seems to be flooding. must have been a recent event considering no one is resolved the problem yet. the floor was wet beyond compare and you probably don't want to kneel down or you'll ruin your favorite jeans you finally spent the stall you're looking for into your surprise. it pretty high up. the wall for the most part is graffiti filled in. you should be able to live yourself over it, but you're well aware. the fact that you are not athletic in any way shape or form back in high school. you had a hard time doing the high hurdle when it was an inch off the ground. even the Sprint jump wasn't great seeing as you only did a single meter now crying from remembering your tragic high school track record for gym. you prepare yourself you use the toilets seat after placing a Brazilian and one pieces of tissue paper around ignoring. Lord knows what was on it. you then play into your feet firmly on the seat so that you can get a reachable angle for the window. you're not that tall, so of course even this isn't enough to help you struggling to reach You're finally able to touch the window seal hanging on for your dear life, you jump from the seat and dangle off the ground. you realize how horrible you are at one arm pull-ups as you dangle with one arm while the other unfastensed the lock on the window seal so that you can push it open you didn't realize how good you are at multitasking as you take off your backpack, one arm at a time and then shove it through the window next realizing that your wallet is in your backpack and that there are homes people around you quickly and desperately crawl out of the window. falling back. first, you do land on your backpack but ruin your favorite jeans even having dirt on the flower embroidery around the ankle. not having time to think about it because at any given moment, Kevin might realize that there are windows in the restroom and try to circle around back. you quickly run for the bus station which is in clear view. the bus had already stopped for a minute and was waiting semi-patiently. you know the type of patient that most buses that are part of the public transportation usually have they give it about a second. maybe even five seconds if you're lucky but before they just flat out dead. they don't care if someone is coming. they only care if you're there. you wave your arms. frankly, hoping that the bus driver sees you and won't drive away. luckily for you they do but unlucky for you. you're screaming at the top of your lungs and Kevin knows your voice behind you. quite a few feet away. is Kevin running at full speed hearing? Kevin, on your heels you pick up the pace. if your gym teacher was here, they would cry with tears seeing that you were actually capable of running faster than one mile a year you finally have the bus but you're out of breath. of course the bus driver are confused as hell thinks that Kevin is also trying to get on the bus. you try to persuade them that that dude is an jerk who's been chasing after you all day. he's trying to harass you like crazy but you don't have time to deal with them because this is the last bus and you got to get home. the bus driver nodding and understanding takes off. you nearly avoid having to deal with Kevin and not being able to go home and you're mine as you sit down. waiting for your stop to come your chanting Kevin sucks about seven times repeatedly until it eventually evolves into a. we will rock you type of beat finally home. you decide it's finally time to stretch out your legs and take a breather. you take out your phone and realize that you still haven't dealt with the text. you sent out the various sumptuous texts that could ruin your future relationship with that future friend. you're so happy about you. look to see if anything has progressed from it. seeing is, you were unable to get your phone back until the boss finally left and to your depression. you were left on read not sure how to take it. you do what you usually do. when you feel disappointed with life, you go to your refrigerator. take out a pint of rocky road ice cream. turn on some trashy drama that you're not going to watch and resist the urge to cry the next day things start to suck more for you. you see actions. do you have repercussions and you did stiff? Kevin and leave him stranded standing in front of a bus station. you don't know how he gets home and you frankly don't care, but at the same point the only thing that matters is Kevin sucks. but Kevin is still a human being who is capable of revenge and boy was it an annoying of revenge that he came up with you? see since you don't work late, the boss is having you do table cleanings before you go home for the day. since you don't have to stay late, you want to hopefully meet up with your future friend. but problem is Kevin is watching over your shoulders as you clean each and every table and he's pulling the most basic of basic of bullying tactics in a work environment. pointing out that you missed a spot and then insisting that you clean it again even though the table is a spotless as it can be and doing it for every table you clean. but if that wasn't enough, he does take some professionalism in his bullying as he goes back to the boss after you had finished cleaning for the day and moved on to the next chore which is running stock on all the alcohol at the bar for the next shift. so the boss knows what to order as you're doing that. the boss does come up to you and say that Kevin insists you didn't not clean the tables for dust. the boss then insists that you do them before you leave. so after finishing stock you then take the rag again. making sure you have it as well. prepared for absorbing as much dust as possible. you then proceed to not only like the tables for dust, but you also polish it just to prove a point. this takes you even longer making your departure from work even more delayed as you do. all of this Kevin again shows up behind you pointing out that you miss a spot again on every table. then as you put your backpack on and your coat getting ready to see the park. the boss intercepts you once more to say that Kevin says you did not dust the tables. now furious at the exact same thing that happened not too long ago. you take off your backpack and your coat. grab the cleaning supplies again and go back to the table to wipe off each and every one of them this time. not only polishing but also using bleach spray so that the smell is enough to indicate that you did in fact clean the tables and then as you head back again to put on your gear to get ready to go home because you cannot wear your gear while operating on the floor company rules and whatnot, which makes this whole experience suck even more as you're getting ready to walk out the door. the boss yet again stops you saying that Kevin insists you did not clean the tables again and of course you maybe justified for doing this. but still he's your boss and you can't be too hostile towards your boss because they can use that against you You're very fed up with this little game. Kevin's got going along with you and frankly speaking, you're pretty sure that by this point the boss has caught on what is only letting this going for as long as it did because of your little shenanigans with your phone the other day and that you also pick locked his office and took back your phone but also stole his gum to spite him. but that's all beside the point. you're mad that you're being harassed over and over again. once or twice is fine. that's understandable considering you were being a little difficult to both of them and deserved it, but three times is just too much and no one. Kevin, he loves the number five and would probably have had you do it five total times before he gave up and by that time your bus and time with your future friend will have passed so you get mad. no beyond mad livid you say to your boss That's not only did you clean the tables you need such a good job about it, but the customers might complain that the tables are the cleanest things in the store and that you refuse to clean the tables again. you then proceed to tell them that if he doesn't call you by tomorrow to check to see if you're coming in for work, you would then assume that that means that you're suspended for a week and won't be back for a week. knowing that this screws you over, you stick to your guns. you walk out that door and you go to meet you. meet your friend at the bus stop because you are desperate, lonely and have potentially screwed over your savings account