

Later gotten to the night the more you started to contemplate things having a harder time sleeping, especially considering your loaned out bed was being occupied by the one thing you'd rather not get sloppy sleeping next to so you remained within the state of I want to go to sleep. I want to go to sleep with your eyes shut yet every ounce of your body was telling you not to and that at one point you felt someone watching you. So you just wanted to open your eyes and what would you have it? Tiffany was standing right above you. This freaked you out and you did a sort of karate ask military role out of bed causing it a tumbling to the wall while looking ridiculous attempting to get up. You ask her what she's doing here and her response was she felt like seeing you. You of course jokingly say sorry you don't feel that way and she doesn't find any of it. Funny asks that you come with her. She wants to talk about something given that she's already abducted you once and therefore it was not be surprising if she's using this as an attempt to kidnap you again. You would be stupid to go anywhere with her considering she is a known kidnapper. Lucky for everyone. You are that dumb as you grabbed your coat and decide to secretly leave. The reason being you're not getting any sleep anyways mackenzie's got the bed and there is no way you're going to just suddenly calm down and sleep right next to her you like to move around a lot in your sleep and Lord knows what might happen how's your getting to her car? The two of you drive off to a nearby diner there she ordered for the two of you. A couple of fish sandwiches seeing as it's the least greasy thing on the menu and the two of you share the potato wedges while talking. Her first question was something that you didn't expect. She asked how the fiance Dennis you think she said was doing you of course explain to her that he's being a baby and whining about how she was going to leave him even though it's pretty clear in Europe. Opinion that she's not. He then gives us a surprise expression that you believe that to be. A fact question she asked is how are you enjoying spending every waking day with the love of your life standing over your shoulders 24/7. You of course, go into a tangent about how you're never going to get married and how this has been a nightmare for you because you've been growing ever. So frustrated and there are a lot of things you'd rather she not see or even catch wind of which leads her next statement apologize in the most genuine way. She had ever apologized to you about anything including breaking your phone that one time for a video trend that was going around and she'd rather not break her phone yet. Your phone was perfectly acceptable considering she's not paying for it. Remembering this irks you, but you choose to accept her. Apologies, since this is the first time she actually meant it second time. Actually, you didn't even get to the part where she explains what she's apologizing for. She then goes on to talk about what she's been thinking about this whole time at first she was debating on how to make this work especially since she started running away from it all. Then she started wondering what life would be like if she just let it all go and then just started realizing that next to you. He's the second most consistent thing in her life. At that point she started questioning how sad life actually is and if not getting married was even an option she could afford. Getting married was definitely part of her life plan she just doesn't know how she feels about abandoning that goal because she's a bit uneasy. Well she goes on a sandwich at about how she feels about the man. You decide to put some hot sauce on your fish then you decide to eat it. You then remember that Fry the fish in so much oil. It's more grease than fish even turn back in with her. Almost seemingly bragging about how much she actually likes the guy. You find it very confusing as to why she wanted to ditch him in the first place you then give her an irritated look of stop wasting everyone's time and just get married already. Not like you're trying to force her to get married. It's clear she wants it. She's just hesitant for some stupid reason and that bugs you considering you have no one to marry even decide while she continues her talks of insecurity that you will check your phone with everything that's happened in the wedding being pushed back you can't afford rent which is right around the corner. 3 days before you get paid and talking to the landlord about getting your rent pushed back is always met with favors by the landlord and the last time you asked for your rent to get pushed back, he persuaded you to work a bar for his best friend's quinceanera without pay, that was the worst experience of your life. You couldn't even keep your tips if it wasn't for the friend feeling bad about extorting you he would not have gotten anything out of it, but before you started working at the bar you had originally been a part of a chat that specializes in bartenders looking for jobs since everyone usually knows at least a few people looking for someone but they can't do it. They usually drop it in the chat and someone else is willing to drop by and take the job for them. From what you could say, there were three gigs in the area. All nightclubs you decide to write down the addresses and take one tonight. But before you do you decide to get your nervous friend in the right direction so she is not his problematic. Later on you get up out of the chair and tell her stop wasting everyone's time as her best friend. You know that in the end you're just going to marry her anyways. And you're happy to hear all of her grabs about marriage. But right now you got to make back all the cash you lost with hotel room, the surplus charges on items in the hotel room, the food, her wedding gift and everything else in between. You then take her keys. Input the first address in your phone and take a car before you take off though you text me if he on say who you assume is still up crying. Your wife is stranded at a fast food joint at this location. Pick her up and be schwab about it and she might just stop being difficult. Then you done it to the nearest bar so that you can get a job at the speed of which you moved. One would almost think you weren't afraid of driving and the fact that you are a danger to the road, especially considering you were kind of swerving a bit if there were any cops on this road you would have been pulled over nine times by now? Luckily for you the cops weren't patrolling that area yet and it was a straight shot to the bar from here arriving at the bar you have hazardly park the vehicle and head inside the guy at the front door tells you you're not dressed right for the club and you should wait in line but then you give him the mad dog. Look your mom's hot you once when people get into your face which she then proceeded to use on you to tell him back off. You're here to see the a guy about a job the man lets you through thinking you were probably a Hitman hired to either kill someone or get paid to kill someone strolling in the club had not completely started up yet. The DJ was still prepping his setup for the evening songs and record as well as those devices he uses to adjust the sound and then over to the right you see a guy wearing a button-up shirt that's not completely button. I very hairy chest and go necklace with sunglasses on even though it's not only dark outside. He's inside and there aren't any lights on just a bunch of LEDs so scattered about the place you didn't want to be offensive but everyone in your body told you that was the guy who owns the place. You walk up to him saying you're here for the job and show him the post on the chat room. The guy gives you his feel about how he's happy that someone could cover. His usual guy got sick and phoned it in and then shows you how much you'll make outside of tips which was crazy and should recover a good sum of your lost funds. You'll immediately accept and get to work for the night. The Boss gives you some temp clothes to make you fit in while serving and all the drinks scattered across the back shelf where mostly luxury stuff or bottles of what would be luxury stuff but we're just filled with cheap stuff in order to full customers to up the prices which made it harder to mix drinks. Considering you didn't know what all contained what actually no not you were winging it bit by bit at some point you found yourself running out of stamina. It hadn't been a while since you would ran a night shift before. Usually the boss would have you run day shifts and someone else would run night shifts because everyone else would rather run that shift than do anything during the day. The tips were really racking up and of course you had a hard time keeping track of who's doing what because every once in a while you'd spot in jerk while trying to roofie someone and then he had to call the security guard over to escort the guy away from the girl. Sometimes the cards were just punch him in the gut and tell the girl what he's doing. If they didn't feel like getting their hands dirty, it was an okay night and it got even more interesting when you got your first break. You went out to the back while the other guy on call today took over for a minute while on the back you were chilling trying to enjoy the fresh air. Of course you weren't getting much of it considering everybody else who was on break. Just so happened to have been a smoker. So the air just tastes like ash and tar but all in all the night was still sort of beautiful and it was still way better than that. Cramped space down below in the club and the music was driving you crazy but just you were calling this night a semi-success especially since you getting paid. After you get off, you spot an interesting beauty walk out. You recall seeing her at the DJ stand. It would appear that she was the first DJ of the night. The other one must of already showed up to take over and was getting things going on there and so she was taken off by the evening before daybreaks you try not to stare since she's clearly waiting out in the parking lot for her ride to pick her up what you just can't help it just like Mackenzie is she had a blonde hair color but unlike MacKenzie's dirty blonde her this was more golden. Of course she was shorter than her and had sort of a punk look. You couldn't help but notice. She also had day of rest playing on her phone in which you could see when she kept checking on it playing in her music player okay songs but not one of your favorites. You unconsciously comment on the song saying not a bad one. She of course looks at you crazy. Unsure of what you were talking about either and point out her phone in a very awkward way saying day of rest. Not a bad one. I used to listen to that a lot high school. You tried to shut off the awkward tone in your voice as you were attempting to recover from what should have just been a shut up and let her go situation. She then nodded awkwardly trying to figure out what you were on about and was playing along then the two of you start talking about the unlock Windows concert coming in a few months. You of course talking about how you and a friend were going to be hitting that up soon. She also said that she was going to stop by the concert as well for a while and have a good time while she's passing by or not. Quite sure what that means, but essentially speaking it sounds like the two of you would be in the same area. She then casually passes her number to you saying that if you two happen to be in the same area again, it wouldn't hurt to drop a few lines. Her ride then zooms into the parking lot hunks the traditional four times meaning they're impatient. She then runs to the car hopsin and drives off and you feel within your soul and what was that moment. The rest of your shift goes as follows. Still finding off creeps against unsuspecting girls serving drinks. Unsure if you're serving them the correct combinations and getting paid a huge handful of money as opposed to your usual digital deposits and occasional walking home with hands. Full of cash via customer tips but still you can work with this. There's an ATM on the way you can fill up. Tiffany's car and deposit the rest of the cash before heading off and that was your night