
days till marriage

Things have been going smoothly. You're hope is that this calm is not before another storm, but due to the speed and lack of roughness of these past few days, most of it has just meshed together day one. You were getting used to working hard time as a temp for this bar. Of course you and the DJ have been hitting it off every so often on your brakes. You would sit in the parking lot and talk about your favorite songwriters or music or even dumb stuff that you've seen on TV recently. Mackenzie has been watching you more and more like a hawk for some reason. Did you can't figure out why the problem? Tiffany has been let off the hook now that they're weddings back on and they're trying to focus on getting things together. You can't help but wonder what idiot. Thought it would be a good idea to make a huge ceremony is a great. The whole ceremony and other economically expenses costs one a fortune and inconveniences those who have to attend because they're obligated, although not required, but in some cases they are required to provide presents and it would be considered a jerk move to choose out just because that's creating a financial inconvenience for all those around. You know is that's your take over there. Of course you have heard word that some people don't even do that extravagant of things. Some even just get married in a park. Work broke choosing to spend their financial difficulties. Be damned then Tiffany's case. Her parents are paying for against lump sum of it because she's an only child. Then they feel bad knowing that they're one and on the child didn't have the best of the best for the wedding that they also would pay attending that unless you theorize buying the wedding would cover for any lack of presence they might not be giving her. Of course, a wedding is more expensive so it would make more sense to just get a present parents and they're weird parents. When day two you received a text message from your mother. It was the most fascinating text message you ever received from her. It wouldn't just followed. I had a wonderful dream one which I had a family. A family would just my husband and me and the two of you were in no way or shape or form related to me. It was wonderful. You were quite envious of the stream. One day three you and Tiffany went out for bagels and continued the exercising regiment created by GYM bro who had been following up with you a lot more recently making sure you were committed to the task considering a lot of people who say they want to make a change in there health and dietary needs. Typically fall flat due to lack of consistency or a lack of support in their lives. He's a good guy. Although you're not as committed to health, as he might believe you are another development you are bank account is starting to bounce back. It's nowhere near the thousands you had but a good 500 is still a pleasant way to start. You also feel that you're being surcharged on rent despite your absence. Your landlord heard word that you were out of town and somehow made an excuse to charge you more to reserve your room and he's deciding to tax her own to your current event. You're not even sure of that's legal but you and he both know you can't afford a lawyer to confirm it so you're just agreed or pay it. Reluctantly as a group as of day four, you start to realize that you're cooking repertoire is a bit low despite being in the food industry, even if it's for alcohol and think that maybe making other things besides grilling meat and baking souffles, you should have more pasta-based experience considering your bad with the stuff. Every time when you try to boil pasta, you do it for too long and it becomes a soggy mass. You do it for two short of a time and it's hard as heck you try to think of her solution to your problem but you can't really assess what you're doing wrong. So you decide to make spaghetti for all the people staying in Tiffany's house just as a practicing method. Why spaghetti you may ask? While some may argue, spaghetti is a easy thing to make others argue that it's a very difficult thing to make you're in the middle, making your depending on if you make your own meat sauce or not. It's not that hard of a dish or it is a heart of a dish. Making a meat sauce can be difficult because you got to make sure you're blending the right things together before you top it off with a meat and then there are people who have a preference of how they like the meat. Some like it rare others like it well done. You like your meat a bit rare because well done. Can typically cook out a lot of the juices in the meat that make it taste better and add more flavor to the all-in-all experience everyone had strong opinions about it, specifically the noodles. Some complained they weren't firm enough. Something playing that they were to chewy Nicole made a mess with hers. On the 5th day. You were informed that you are apparently a bridesmaid. This was news to you. No one told you this beforehand. They all insisted that you should have read the invitation, but you're pretty sure you didn't see anything about that in the text. And of course at the time you were ignoring Tiffany's message messages. So Tim says are she might have mentioned it then and you didn't hear about it or the many times she tagged you and day seven was rather interesting. You were invited out for drinks that next day with the DJ from the bar. The two of you spent the evening laughing about how the owner of the club looks like a total cliche and then another point you start a competing over which of the two of you was more of a gothic cliche she of course one considering unlike you. She got the piercings but in terms of bad parents you won considering her mom never left you at the pool with a swimsuit that had the words pork chop written across the chest area The two of you had a great time. One day nine the wedding preparations were really starting to pick up. Everything had been ordered and was either on its way or had arrived. The venue was rather large and loud looking and of course you were left in charge of watching Nicole the whole time. Well she was well-behaved for the starting portion. She did wonder off a few times eventually you did find her before she did something serious and of course everyone had it pitch in to pay for the toilet she clogged with the toilet paper day 10 the five of you had gotten together to plan out the bachelorette party thing is not of you have any idea how one should go. Richard insists you guys just go to a club and get wasted. Mackenzie thinks that doing an entire night full of movies in alcohol would be ideal. Nicole wants to go to a water park in the middle of fall and you have no real preferences. In fact, you feel you have the least qualified to say anything on the matter. Tiffany, just wanted it to be big and loud and worth remembering which basically says nothing meanwhile, the fiance Elliot you think his name was had plans for his bachelor party with his friends. They had wanted off into the night without much of a word while they were there. They remembered you from the same courses. Then you and Nicole Nicole being voted most likely to blow up the campus and you being known as the person who would get into a fist fight over the cheapest sandwich on the market. You were almost certain that was code for something but you couldn't think what it could be. Anyways, after much back and forth, you decided to consult your new found friend or answers as well as your future friend. Your future friend didn't know much about bachelorette parties and couldn't really help. So they just suggested jello shots and dumb games. But the new friend said that when her cousin was getting married, she went to a strip club with them and things went a bit south. While you do agree that strip clubs would be a good idea. The thing is you'd rather not go to a male strip club, but majority rules would dictate that you would which makes you kind of regret not going with Jeremy? Without much options you decided to agree with Bridget's idea. Getting wasted a club sounds better than watching some guy dance even if it makes Tiffany happy on day 11 you do end up going to a club to get drunk. But what you didn't know was the club Bridget was referring to was a strip club. Anyways, you were livid. Apparently it was supposed to have both guys and girls but you couldn't necessarily requested girl while the other girls dance with a guy cuz if you get your own stripper they all should get theirs. Not plus strippers are expensive and furthermore only one person among them is supposed to know that you like them supposed to. You still haven't confirmed if Bridget knows or not anyways, the night went swimmingly. Tiffany got to dance with a guy who is barely clothed. Nicole got strip pole lessons for some reason. Bridget was too drunk to speak the English language and you were banned from drinking. So you just gorgeous yourself on the wings, cheating on the diet and disappointing gym bro. Further, but even if those wings were disgusting gross that flavor was just to die for and it was the only thing you actually could do. Also, while Mackenzie was drinking she was actively making sure you didn't get sick off wings. Not a great person of course that not you return back to Tiffany's place only to head back to the strip club cuz Nicole somehow got looped into having shifts and her shift ended at midnight. Not quite sure how that happened. On a different note, day 12 was interesting. Your duties as a bridesmaid, we're not as busy as they should have been most cases. From what you read online, you would do all the things that the bride herself couldn't handle. Not since Tiffany wanted things to be perfect. She was handling most of it and you just handle the simple things hiring a caterer hiring waiters, hiring bartenders hiring a DJ which you were lucky enough to get. Jennifer, your new friend from the club you've been working at to play. Tiffany seemed okay with the matter considering she already had her playlist. She just needed someone to use the playlist. Kind of a win-win situation and then the most annoying part. The caterers see one day. 13. You entered a back of four phone call with the catering company over food to serve. They'd often call and complain that x to x or so and so could not provide what they needed to serve certain dishes and then they had to pick something else. It kept going on like this for about 7 more days till eventually you managed to get a menu together that Tiffany was okay with then on day 20 the wedding was finally upon us. After the busy week you had between working at a club helping out. Tiffany then spending every waking day with Mackenzie. You didn't really have much time to blow off that load of stress you were worried about when you got here before. And of course after today you could finally head home unwind, pay a rent and go back to your actual job for which your boss was kind of enough to allow you this many days off. Of course he didn't really care as much about Bridget asking for days off since she gets paid on a day-to-day basis. Jiggets paid when she shows up and that's the agreement so all your hopes were riding on the fact that everything were to go well but little did you know tragedies love weddings and that's what today was all about