
best, friends

people often interpret. best friend as" a ride or die" you of course can only speculate on this because in all of your years of experience, you've never officially had one. let's jump back a bit. the furthest you can remember the situation going on started in middle school around the same time. you notice that you were developing a gut hold on that time. everyone, including your mom was poking fun of you when you became very self-conscious of it. at that point, any attempt to make friends was often laid on with rejection followed by insults about your insecurities but then you didn't meet one friendly girl. she was the first person who was genuinely nice to you. it was a great thing. you remember her name was Lisa for you. they were great and fine memory. it's up to the point where you became engrossed with her and stalked her for 3 months before she and her parents got her straining order on you. now you're not allowed anywhere near her and every once in a while a parole officer comes by to make sure you're still abiding by that rule. good times. then during high school you developed a goth phase and hopes of hiding your insecurities better while people stopped poking fun of you. they stop talking to you all together. thus, isolating yourself and the other person who did talk to you was your brother and mother. your mother calling you a loser and your brother who was embezzling money from your allowance then came college. at that point you reached you decided it was time to develop a career and your career of choice was none other than lab tech. of course, there was the unfortunate event where your seniors told you you needed a liquor license in order to graduate and you believed it because you are gullible. this led to the faded event. MacKenzie, see after being informed that you need a liquor license to graduate, which you don't. you immediately took the initiative and signed up the classes that you had to pay for with your own pocket money and not only that they are off campus and at night. all things that are inconvenient for you, but you're committed to graduating so you do it but it wasn't all bad. that's where you met her on your first day there. she was wild hair. a messy outfit yet somehow she had all The things on her desk properly organized and neatly stacked. she was ready for her classes. you couldn't say what it was about her but something about her made. you want to know more as you stared at her uncontrollably mind you classes began in the teacher began her lecture before long, the mysterious girl you had been watching for a while now looked back and spotted you freaking out because you are very bad at staring at people. you try to pretend that you're looking beyond her fortunately for you beyond her in your line of sight would be a clock. she of course tries to pretend like she didn't notice that and continues with class. you, of course tried to do the same. now that your focus has been broken and realized that it's halfway through class and you haven't taken any notes, you must not want that liquor license that bad, but you push on after class. you leave ahead of the mysterious girl in order to avoid her confronting you about. you staring at her, but she stops you. you, of course think that this is about a confrontation, but in reality it's not. it's about something even more crazy. you left your wallet at your desk. see you. since it's the first day the teacher requested that everyone take out their IDs in order to prove that they are legitimately 21 or older. you trying to 21 as of today? was excited about putting your ID out on display just for bragging rights. also, while suddenly regretting the fact that being 21 means you're ever so close to being classified as old and that hurts your feelings. but in the craziness of staring at the mysterious girl and trying to get away from her, you forgot your ID on your desk. she of course wanting to ask why you were staring came over to your desk and noticed that you had left it and of course gave pursuit now face to face with the person of your voyeurism. she of course asks the burning question. why are you staring at her? but of course you couldn't give a genuine answer because your personality seems to be odd. you would only stare at someone if there's something you feel is worth looking at that you yourself haven't figured out yet, but putting that into words would make you sound like a crazy person. so instead throwing words together, you say that you were curious about her. she seemed rather diligent even though she look like she'd be fun at parties. then after thinking about what you just said, you panic knowing that what you said can be interpreted as an insult. trying to cover up your mistakes. she laughs it off for some reason she finds your way of thinking to be very hilarious she then offers her name to you which is Mackenzie and that is how you met. but of course if it stop there it would have been a great relationship. but as time went on with you and her studying together, you got a lot closer learning more about her and her interests, which is something you found to be satisfying. it was something you wanted subconsciously of of course, the more you to agree together the better you were doing in getting your liquor license and the more you felt like you might have made a genuine friend, but she was even nice enough to introduce you to the people she called their friends which were Tiffany, Bridget and Nicole. Tiffany was the worst ever friends. heck apparently in the present she is getting married. what you find. hard to believe Caesar in college she made a habit of seeking you well, whenever she wanted to hook up with someone, see the guy she's always after. we're in pairs and she only deemed at least three in every seven guys to be worth dating and then she tried to shove the rest your way. for some reason you being spineless can't say no to her. but you of course try to be subtle about your lack of interest in dating, but if that was all you wouldn't hold as much of a grudge as you do now. no, it always went further like that one time she hacked your social media account well not to be more exact. she hired a guy that she was dating to hack your social media account and putting your about section that you were all about sleeping with sub average men and that's your the one time fling that everyone has to have. of course, but if that was all, it still be something that could be passed off as a minor joke. but she even proceeded further to make business cards with your social media on it and pass it around the campus. everyone was laughing at you for more than a few weeks and all the instructors had to pull you aside in each and every one of your classes to tell you to respect yourself more and there are even times when the guy she was dating had friends who wanted to hook up with someone so she would casually either pass your contact info or your class schedule which you keep wondering how she keeps finding that out considering she doesn't even care whenever you guys pick classes. especially when you're picking classes and there was that time she dated your brother worst 10 days of your life. they kept doing it in your apartment. this went on until they broke up and your brother got married then there's Bridget. you don't really hate her but you don't really no enough to like her and what you do know makes. it seem like you and her have a lot in common but you just barely talk to each other. the times you spend together was that time at lunch where the only thing you ever said to each other was same time next week or that time you both ended up going to a record shop together which yet again you said same time next week or that time you both waited in line for that concert and the only thing you said to each other after getting the tickets were. see you there. you don't really talk a lot. in fact, currently you aren't technically co-workers with her. she's one of the few who only shows up when they feel like it being a musician some of the time and then the other time a bartender. she generally only shows up when she feels like it so you barely ever see her. but when you do, you don't really say much to each other. you either not or say. have a good shift. it's hard to put that kind of relationship into words. then there's Nicole a notorious menace to the entire campus one time apparently she never heard of a fire alarm and just saw the switch there and was curious what it did. so she pulled it. the entire campus evacuated the school and when they were interrogated by the faculty as to what happened. you and Bridget both defended her saying that it look like it might have been a jar and your backpack, which was a top of the line. second hand military backpack that you had won on auction as kind of capable of carrying a lot of things which you needed at the time might have accidentally snagged against the cannot completely up fire alarm. thus triggering it and you do apologize for it. Bridget also followed your line of story insisting that it was possibly a backpack snag that triggered the alarm. since both of you were walking in the direction of the camera, the camera didn't actually catch Nicole pulling it, but then Tiffany had to go and say she saw Nicole pull it and that Nicole is an idiot who should be heavily supervised. thus putting all of yours and Bridget's efforts to protect or Nicole in vain, but of course Nicole has other incidents like that time. she went into the sensitive equipment room and made a phone call. all the gear was fried and had to be repaired so no one could use them for classes for the rest of the week or that time she opened up a malicious malware email on the school computer. you'd think that the school would have software protection, but apparently they hadn't gotten around to install it in that particular computer lab. so a lot of things went down in the school. had to invent a rule specifically that if you see Nicole watch your carefully and if she's doing something, chances are it's something she's not supposed to be doing so stop her. these were the members of your social group and Mackenzie was the one that you adored among them she was what's called a social drinker she learned partying drinking. The reason for her getting a liquor license was because she simply wanted to serve alcohol at her own parties legally and charge a fee. and another thing that you learned about her was that she loved reptiles the color yellow and lemons who also got a little Too curious about her once I'm broke into a place when she was away. of course, someone in her apartment complex spotted you entering in through her balcony and reported a burglar. you got away and got a bit of information about her, including that. she's from the countryside. what you found endearing and that she and Bridget used to be in a band together All of these things that you thought you could use but The end you never really got around to trying it except for the reptile thing. one time you two got really drunk and apparently in your drunk and stuper you decided to buy her a present to show how much you genuinely cared. so you went to this weird fish and reptile emporium at the pier where the guy was selling a lot of different eggs. they were on sale. even so, you used a lot of the money you got from tips after receiving your liquor license to buy her an iguana egg and as of current she is still caring for the little guy now, no matter how you look at it, if you just read the series of events as is, you would instantly assume that you are all the best of friends excluding Tiffany. but the thing is and this is especially true with Mackenzie. you've never actually verbally spoken that you were friends. you've never had the guts to ask her if your friends or how she felt about you and that's where things become difficult for you. you want to know you genuinely do, but you could never build up the courage to try and that's how it went for college for a while until the time you both graduated by that time. Mackenzie offered you something that you never thought would be possible. she stated that she was moving because her place was getting really crowded so she offered for you to move in with her. and of course you were over the moon about the subject because it would have been everything that you wanted. but there were some complications that you just couldn't get over. so of course you had to decline and that is a story about how you don't have any friends.