
Oblivion: Rebirth of the Shadow Demon Lord

On the night of the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis, Slaine meets his demise at the hands of his envious boss. Reincarnated into a realm where Magic and Technology coexist, he finds himself embodying a Shadow Demon Lord, a being of unparalleled darkness and with a rogue System. However, his new existence is filled with unexpected challenges: confusion, friendship, love, hate, betrayal, and vengeance. In it all, Slaine must learn to live in a world where he is both loved and hated, with a substantial bounty on his head and tagged as an enemy. He must swiftly unlock his powers and abilities bestowed by the System, Oblivion, before his time runs out.

Khaos_SZ · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Xanax Noxious:Foe or Friend.

Slaine opened his eyes rapidly, panic coursing through his veins, he quickly raised himself up lowering his gaze to his feets, his eyes widened in disbelief, he was in an unfamiliar room with everything; either grey or black. The room was illuminated with a dimmed red light from the small chandelier hung on the ceiling, casting a beautiful blood coloured glow.

"Wait a minute" He froze, realization hitting him as hard as a rock. "Didn't I just die, Martinez pulled the trigger right?" He asked himself, deciding to stay calm, to feel pain, yet there was nothing.

Slaine slowly took his hand to his head, replaying the scene before he died, he felt the spot the bullet might have hit with his hands and then gasped.

"No hole, Blood?... What am I saying? I'm alive"

"But Martinez...the white room....my research....the machine" He turned around to see if he machine he was laid in was there but it wasn't, infact nothing in the lab was there anymore and the room was terrifyingly unfamiliar.

He dragged himself with much effort out of the bed, feeling different yet he looked the same, his hands were the same size, his legs were too, every single thing was intact.

"This isn't right?" He mumbled, slowly moving to the mirror behind the door of the bedroom, he couldn't see his face but he was certain it was his body. Just to be on the safe side, he turned on the light in the room. "No way" he pushed his fingers through his hair with shock written all over his face.

The color of his hair and eyes had changed, the length and texture everything changed, except his body and face. His brown short hair was now black, shoulder length, messy and uneven, his eyes was no longer black but was now grey with a faint almost unnoticeable glow in them.

"Well I'll be damned, Black and silver is actually a good color for me" He uttered, admiring himself in the mirror, almost satisfied with his new transformation but still, he couldn't shake off the fact he looked and felt different.

Refusing to believe he was actually alive without a scratch, he began taking off his clothes, tossed them aside and stood before the mirror wearing only shorts, frantically searching for more unfamiliar features until his eyes landed on one.

A tattoo on his neck of a skull with bones behind it that made an X, it looked new with a burning sensation on his skin indicating it was just recently done an hour or minutes ago.

"Cool but How?" He thought, running his fingers over the tattoo watching how it glowed each time he touched it

Overwhelmed with confusion, he quickly dressed up, turned off the light in the room and rushed out, not waiting to see something that would make him question his sanity.

He walked quietly but quickly, his feets rubbing the smooth and cold tiled floors, then found himself in another room, surrounded by glass with a perfect view of the city.

Despite his confusion and Fear, he was still mesmerized by the view, it was night and the city was lit with lights, giving off a neon scenery. The sky also was a sight to behold, the stars glowing perfectly around the crescent moon that faced the building he stood in perfectly. He could see random movements of dark objects in the sky and then they would vanish and reappear.

"Awesome" He mouthed, curiosity overshadowing his confusion , he was so fixated on the scenery before him that he hadn't noticed movements behind him. He continued watching the Shadows dance in the sky and mentally playing a tune in his head to match their movements, still unaware of the person behind him.

"You seem to enjoy midnight shows, Slaine" A Calm sultry bass voice, rose behind him, shocking Slaine, although he didn't flinch.

He turned around swiftly and came face to face with a strange looking man. He had an odd coloured eyes, that he knew very well was rare,almost impossible for humans to have. A dark shade of violet with a lighter shade at the center, topped off with a faint glow like his.

Slaine quickly shook off the thought of a human having such eyes, knowing his were the same. Then it dawned on him the strange man before him knew his name, but he was certain he hadn't spoken to anyone since he woke up.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" Slaine asked, backing away from the man for his safety.

The man chuckled gently and turned around, walking with his shoulders raised and elegance in every step he took,his almost faded blonde hair that looked white from a certain angle made waves as he moved.

Slaine immediately figured he was someone with a high position or probably thought of himself as one. He subconsciously began following the man, observing his every move with his guard up, till he stopped on a balcony and sat in a lotus position on the floor, beside a small table with jasmine tea, giving off a floral fragrant scent and few crackers.

"Crackers and tea, British, really" Slaine thought with disbelief, disappointed that he had found himself in a British man's home, where all he would get would be salty dry biscuits, tasteless tea and lemon tarts. Just thinking of it made him frown his face in disgust.

"Your dislike for the British is quite intriguing yet reasonable" The man spoke, pointing at the spot beside him for Slaine to take a seat, Still confused and curious, he reluctantly sat beside him leaning against the wall with his legs stretched out.

The man frowned deeply upon seeing his posture, nearly offended and angered at Slaine's lack of etiquette.

"Sit properly" He uttered gently, barely audible but Slaine could hear him clearly. He watched him hesitate a little and then switched to a locus position, trying to straighten his back and not slouch.

"Good, Welcome to my humble abode, Vernice"

"You named your House Vernice" Slaine said in a mocking tone with a smirk that earned a deadly glare from him, he immediately changed his composure, kept a straight face and bowed slightly. "I am very grateful for accepting me into your home sir"

"Good, Do you have any clue on how you came here or what happened to you after your death?"

"You keep saying things I never told you, without telling me about yourself or who you are? I am not even sure I can trust you" Slaine stated with a straight face and his arms crossed.

The man chuckled softly and smiled, "Well, I am Xanax Noxious, I am not human, happily married with a child, female to be precise" Xanax replied, turning to face Slaine, as he poured himself tea and raised it to his lips, closely observing Slaine's facial expression switch from confusion to curiosity.

"Still don't trust me?"

"Well not entirely, you look Strange and you know so little for me to trust you" Slaine replied honestly, also turning to face Xanax who was quietly sipping his tea.

Xanax dropped the teacup and crossed his arms, he closed his eyes for a second and opened it, it began glowing, shocking Slaine even more but he remained silent watching his eyes glow with ethereal light.

"You are Slaine Rivers, Born on the first day in November, at midnight, you were supposed to clock nineteen but you died, so you're Eighteen years old, You have an older brother, Half Canadian and Japanese, graduated from College when you were seventeen because you got promoted twice. Your mother died mysteriously when you were ten and your father was killed by your boss, due to the jealousy he developed for the amount of knowledge you family had, Then you followed, you died at midnight, during the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis"

Xanax stated without pausing, switching his eyes back to their normal state, shocking Slaine to the point he couldn't even speak, although he was never told he wasn't an only child, he knew he had a sibling since he saw the baby's photograph long ago.

"Do you trust me now?"

"I don't know anymore, you know too much" He replied, tilting his head backwards, he actually wanted to know more but was not sure what to ask.

Where he was?

Who is is?

What happened after he died?

Or who was it that spoke in his head?

Xanax cleared his throat bringing him out of riverie, he had a warm smile on his face that gave Slaine a little reassurance that he was safe for the mean time at least, but he still wanted answers, he wanted to know what happened to him and why he wasn't dead.

"Relax Slaine, Answers will come soon, for now you learn about your new self and get to know Oblivion."