
"Thank you." pt 2 (Mammon x shy reader)

3rd POV

"Ya ready?" Mammon quietly asked the human sitting next to him. She nodded with a little smile on her face as she and Mammon stood up from the table.

They quickly left the others behind. After a few moments of silence, the brothers turned to each other. Something had been bothering them for the past couple of weeks.

"Those two have been spending a lot of time together lately." Satan was the first to speak. The others nodded their heads in agreement.

"They spend time together at school too! What makes that idiot so special? Who wouldn't want to spend time with someone as perfect as me?" Asmo pouted as he took another bite of his food.

"Who knows? But did anyone notice that bruise on Y/N's hand?" Belphie chimed in. It was a faint bruise, but it was visible.

"Maybe she punched Mammon for something." Beel added as he stuffed more food into his mouth. Levi laughed.

"LOL! I wouldn't be surprised if he said something stupid to her! Something like-"


"Try again." Mammon said as I took another deep breath in, and tried to speak again. I was having some trouble with speaking longer sentences.

It's been a couple weeks since I started speaking. Well, it's more like practicing. I'm able to speak in a louder voice, but it's still softer than normal people's voices.

I'm also able to speak a few words at a time, but I can't talk that fast yet. Mammon keeps telling me to take it slow, and not to overwork myself. He's been patient with me, which is very considerate of him.

"C-Can...I....have.....a....bo...bottle....of....wa....water?" I sighed as I flopped backwards onto my bed. It may be a simple sentence for everyone else, but to me it was a tiring experience.

"There ya go!" Mammon ruffled my hair, and I smiled at him. This was a side to Mammon that only I've seen. I'm pretty sure his brothers haven't even seen this side of him before.

I grabbed my notepad and marker, and wrote something down. I still use them when we practice so I don't wear myself out. I also don't want to accidentally talk in front of the others yet.

"Fine, I'll get you water. But don't expect me to do it for ya all of the time." Mammon smiled as he stood up, and left the room.

"The Great Mammon is back with some water." Mammon opened the door, and handed me the bottle that was in his hand.

"Th.....thanks....Mam.....Mammon." I opened it and took a huge gulp of it. I set it down on the floor next to the bed. Then I sat up, and hugged Mammon.

"Y-You sure like yer hugs, don't ya? As I've said before, be lucky that the Great Mammon is allowing you to hug me!" He blushed as he glanced away. I chuckled. The normal side of him was cute too.

"T...thanks for.....he....help....helping me." I spoke as I smiled up at him. If someone told me I would be speaking when I first came here, I would think that it was a joke.

"N-No problem...yer improving a lot faster than I thought you would."

"Th....that's....bec....because....I have....a g...good tea....teacher." I held him tighter. His blush got even redder. I ruffled his hair like he always does to me.

I heard a couple notification sounds, and me and Mammon picked up our phones at the same time. It was a text in the group chat.

"I guess we better go then! I can't teach on an empty stomach." Mammon got up, but I stopped him. I grabbed my notebook, and wrote something down.

3rd POV

Mammon and Y/N were the last ones to arrive in the dining room. The food had already been set at the table, and as usual, Beel was stuffing his face.

"Were you two making out~?" Asmo asked. Both of their faces were red. Y/N walked over to Asmo, and lightly punched him in the arm.

"Sorry sorry~ I was only kidding." Asmo teased as Y/N and Mammon sat down in their usual seats. Y/N looked down at her notepad, feeling really anxious.

Mammon nudged her in the side, and gave her a reassuring smile. She returned the smile, and began eating her food in silence.

Pretty soon everyone had finished their food. But before anyone could leave the room, Y/N tapped her fork to her glass to get everyone's attention. She picked up her notepad, and wrote something down. She then showed all of the brothers.

"Alright. What is it?" Lucifer asked as the girl motioned for all of them to stand in front of the table. She then wrote something else.

"Okay..." Asmo pouted as he covered his eyes, along with the rest of the brothers. Except Mammon.

Y/N gave him one last look, and he gave her a thumbs up. She took a deep breath, and a big smile appeared on her face.

"....open....your.......e-eyes." The girl spoke in the loudest voice she could muster. Which was louder than she had ever spoken.

"There's nothing here..." Levi looked around to look for anything different in the room. The girl just smiled.

"Wait....who said that?" Beel asked. Everyone slowly turned to Y/N, who was beaming with happiness now.

"It was....me." She was suddenly surrounded by the brothers. She didn't anticipate this much excitement from her speaking. She was starting to shrink down.

"Hey! Back off! She's uncomfortable!" Mammon pushed his way through his brothers and managed to get to Y/N. She clung to his arm out of habit.

"How can you tell?" Satan asked as he brushed off his clothes. Mammon sighed as he checked on the human that was still clinging to him. She was still a little shaken up.

"Because I've been helping her speak for the past couple of weeks. She's not good with crowds and loud noises." Mammon sighed. The others were still a little confused.

"why the two of you have been spending so much time together?" Levi inquired. Y/N nodded as she stepped forward.

"Y-Yes." She answered simply. Asmo practically jumped on the girl as he hugged her.

"I'm so proud of you! Your voice is super cute! Almost as cute as mine~" Asmo was then torn away from Y/N by Beel.

"Th.....thanks....B-Beel." Beel smiled as she said his name. Lucifer looked down at the human with a satisfied smile.

"I'd say this was worth the surprise. When did you first speak?" I immediately knew the answer to that, but Mammon spoke before I had the chance to.

"2 weeks ago when she spoke to me first." Mammon boasted. The others feel a littl jealous, but it was overruled by the fact that Y/N spoke.

"I-I.....gu....guess....you're....my f-first...in th...this....sit...situation t-too." She smiled as she hugged him. Mammon blushed.


"No fair~ I want to be hugged by Y/N." Asmo pouted once again. Y/N let go of Mammon, and hugged Asmo.

"Can I have a hug too?" Belphie asked. The human just smiled as she gave all of the brothers hugs. Even Levi got a hug from her.

"H-Hey! You guys should give up already! I was her first after all!" Mammon grabbed the girl's hand, which made her blush.

"Does that mean you'll be her first in things too~?" Asmo teased. Mammon and Y/N blushed once again.

"Asmo, please cease your teasing." Lucifer placed his hand up to the bridge of his nose out of annoyance. Asmo playfully winked at Y/N.