
Master, Slave, Master (13)

Suffocation. Is that a better way to describe it perhaps? Angel was feeling quite close to it at least. There remained no sense of the world, and Angel just wanted to drown more in whatever this could be called. And more. God so much more, that he is devoured whole.

"This should be enough," Ray spoke and Angel's body heaved a breath at being freed. It was not for long. Those pitiful things of his were pulled even more strictly behind his thighs until the base of his scrotal mound could be trapped between a wooden humbler extended behind his ass.

Had Angel tried to move up from his dog stance, the humbler would tug on his squished balls so terribly, it might faint him.

It already was. Angel couldn't feel his body beyond the warmth coursing his blood. There wasn't any movement from him beyond the dull breathing, and the constant name of God stuck to his tongue.

Ray stood behind him, admiring the work. Although there was never a case where Ray couldn't abuse Angel, he still liked how Angel's balls were just exposed to the air at his mercy. And considering how much Angel fears his jewels being messed around with, it was all the better.

He lightly caressed the strained little things with his fingers to measure up on them. It felt tender to touch, something that could be ruined easily.

With a lively grin, Xavier stood beside Angel and ruffled his hair. "This is pretty nice. We could teach him a lot with it."

"Mhm. And have fun." Ray strictly flicked the taught organs and watched Angel squirm vainly against his binds.

"Let me have a go first. I want to do so much to him, I don't even know where to start." Angel wasn't given a chance to process, his body was dreading contact yet Xavier placed his palm right on his tender things and started to gently dab at them.

It started slow, Angel was too faint to respond, yet the more Xavier slapped on his balls, the more his blood boiled over and took over him, until he couldn't breathe to the pleasure. There is no place more sensitive on a man's body, and having it played with so carelessly was killing Angel of senses.

His throat was turning hoarse and his flesh was burning rotten. He whined stupidly, like a dying bitch. But Xavier kept at it, his rhythm rough and haste, slapping against the tender flesh. Angel could do nothing but tremble in pure anguish from every cell in his body, begging for all of it to stop.

"How ridiculously fun." The aftermath of Xavier suddenly pausing his hand caused all the high to crash, shattering Angel's spirit. He squirmed with all his limbs, wanting to bury himself 6 feet under the mud.

Ray chuckled at the sight. "Take your time then. I'll watch."

"Just look at him. I feel like biting his balls." Nerves were flaring in Xavier, and Angel lost his goddamn mind. He was so scared, it surrounded his body in tremors. Braving his head around, he produced something quite close to gentle yelps, unsure of how else to plead for his life.

"You mannerless bitch." He didn't look it, but Xavier's voice was stern. "Are you pleading for me to stop enjoying myself? I know just the thing for this one."

Xavier stepped away and came back with an inch-thin wooden cane, longer than an arm and smooth of surface. He sliced it down the air to practice momentum, and let Angel hear what was coming his way.

Angel couldn't see it, but his heart was trained enough to know. He had barely settled down before, and this only doused him in panic once again. Softly, he tried to apologize through his moans.

Even his desire to flatter felt frustrating to Xavier. He didn't delay the swing of his hand and sparked Angel's ass. "Quiet!"

"Mmp!" Angel dumbly fought against the straps binding his limbs, his heart couldn't handle the pain.

Xavier picked Angel's head up with a forceful fist. "Don't try to apologize to me. You deserve this pain, baby. Had you behaved, we'd be a little kinder. So take it like a good goddamn bitch and reflect."

Angel's heart fell. He wanted to beg and apologize to be forgiven, shown mercy, and left the fuck alone. But he felt such dread at even the idea of going against his Master's wishes, his body settled on its own.

Nothing should stop.

He sat bare, still, and the heaving pain arrived again, over and over until he couldn't feel his skin, but his bones burned cold up to his chest.

Xavier showed no ounce of mercy, he was relishing every collision, his arm more fluid at each hit, like a destined match. Him and Angel. Cane and ass.

The thought brought Xavier to a chuckle, he struck Angel once more, slower, sharper, right below his ass. Awfully near his tugged things bound by the humbler.

Angel's heart throbbed in horror at it. If he had been hit just a little lower, he would die, nothing would cure him then. Just the thought was enough to make him lose his bladder.

Every breath he held in dread drilled the reality in him; he is nothing, his body is nothing but a goddamn tool. If he can't settle with it, then this is truly what he deserves. Xavier might as well break him completely so he can't even have the heart to rebel.

"Tch, you dirty pig. Can't you hold it in?" Xavier stepped away from the table although Angel hadn't made a lot of mess; he was just done for now. It was Ray's turn to take over. He had already done to Angel what he needed to.

He had no interest in breaking Angel completely, he wanted to keep Angel at just the edge of madness and mess with him there. It's not interesting to play with things that show no valour.

Witnessing this, Ray was just vehemently amused at Xavier's engineering. He purposely held back, letting Angel know of the possibilities but not realising them so Angel is tethered in fear until they are realised.

He walked over and caressed Angel's head, he felt in his heart true care for this little being that could handle so much. It had to, yes, but the fact that he could was impressive. But Ray never held any ideas of mercy, he was just proud that he had breached new boundaries, and Angel could be dragged deeper into despair without being irrevocably ruined.

"You handled that well, puppy. I'll let you cry it out for five minutes" Ray showed a comforting smile, and Angel was breaking down at his touch. Everything in him was a mess, he was begging and writhing thoughtlessly. All his heart knew nothing beyond the word 'please' burdening him down to a hell where he couldn't even breathe in comfort. He wanted to go home.

And Ray understood every bit of his dread. It was the most pleasing part of leaving someone helpless when they can't handle the pain anymore and yearn for any bit of care no matter what it demands in exchange.

Ray caressed Angel's cheeks and the pitiful little thing was so grateful, it couldn't help but express his thanks by nuzzling against Ray's palm.

"What a good boy." Ray let Angel do with his palm what he wanted. Angel became a pool of joy there. Five minutes suddenly felt like enough time for his heart to settle.

When Ray took his hand away, Angel didn't make a sound, it was enough to be comforted for as long as he was.

"I don't want to see you lose your bladder again, do you understand me?" Ray stood straight and folded his sleeves, his presence foreboding.

Angel lightly nodded.

"Good. Try not to be rigid back here." The width of Ray's palm almost circled Angel's thighs as he caressed them deeply to relax the muscles.

He took a dark-colored candle, lit it with a borrowed lighter, and placed it right above the hem of his thigh. The red wax sitting under the flame melted to a pool, and Ray let it drip over Angel with a tilt of his hand.

"Mngh!" Angel lost his breath. He tried, he really tried not to be a lousy bitch and cry for mercy, but Ray was so severely coloring the stretched tendons on the back of his thighs, it was razing his courage bare.

The scalding warmth tore into him, from up to his ass down to his knees, Ray was missing no part of his tender body. The flame was held close, Angel could feel it almost catching on his skin, and God how that weighed on his heart. It was killing him.

Ray wasn't particularly interested in Angel's whining, though it was amusing how the little pup was trying to be brave and keep his begging to a minimum. He hovered the candle right above Angel's back, and let thin threads of wax drip down the cleft between his cheeks. This severed Angel so terribly, he terribly fought against the bench to escape it.

So Ray did the only rational thing and kept his hand still where it was, as the wax dripped down and disappeared into his ass.

Angel felt it so itchy, searing into him almost. He stretched his fingers to try and soothe it but his limbs were useless, he could do nothing but writhe with his back shaking. His heart couldn't take it and he started crying again. Pleading, however he could.

Almost all places from the length of the thighs to the top of Angel's ass, had become a displayable canvas. The crimson struck sharp with his pale skin. The only place unblemished were his balls tugged humbly behind his legs.

While Angel cried, Ray found it a little too bland for his taste to keep Angel sane. He took the candle quite near his balls, just a tilt short of ruining Angel. There was no reason to not do it, Ray had every authority to do so. Whether Angel could take it or not was a secondary question. Or something not even worth considering.

Ray gave in.

A thick drop of wax plopped over Angel's tender little things, from a barbarically close distance. The shock was so vile, Angel lost his heart. All his screaming and whining died down in an instant, and soft tears grew in his eyes. There was nothing left for him to do except embrace the pain silently.

So when Ray blanched every untouched side of his balls in crimson, Angel quivered without a noise, letting Ray taint him as he liked. He even wished for Ray to burn him more closely, let the flame touch him, and forget that he is human.

Though Ray did sever the distance, he remained short of fulfilling Angel's fantasy. This was after all about him, not Angel. About acceptance, not yearning.

Once Ray had colored enough to satiate his amusement, he blew the candle off and placed it away.

"How fancy," Xavier commented as he walked over and inspected the damages. To check if the wax had hardened, Xavier flicked right between the place. It had reasonably shelled. "I want to fuck him."

"Shut up. I am not done yet." Ray undid the humbler and all of Angel's body relaxed immensely. "Bring me a towel."

Xavier grumbled as his steps went away and Ray caressed Angel's head while waiting for him. With the wet towel, Ray roughly wiped Angel's back of the wax, his hands were nothing short of harsh, and it livened up Angel's bruises.

"You can use his mouth if you want, but make it quick. I don't want to break momentum." Ray put the cloth away and measured up the harm on Angel. It was plenty, but not enough. Neither for Ray nor for Angel.

Xavier couldn't be more eager to use Angel; watching Ray mess him up had gotten to Xavier's head. He walked in front of Angel and held his head up to remove the gag. Saliva had pooled in his little mouth, he coughed it up once air reached his throat, relishing in what could be called freedom.

"You heard him, baby." Xavier stuffed his cock down Angel's numb throat closing it up more deeply than it had been for the past hour or so. "Take it well."

Xavier roughed Angel up until he fainted.