
Chapter One; His

"Hey, Amelia, are you home?"

"I'm up here!"

You were the sibling of the bratty 10-year-old Amelia. She wasn't too bad, just a little bit on an ass now and then.

You trudged up the stairs and punt down her door, only to find art supplies strewn everywhere.

"Amelia! Didn't I tell you to clean this before I got home?" You crossed your arms in disappointment.

"Sorry, but look!" She shoved her new drawing of Ink sans, colored and all, in your face.

"Amelia, you draw him so much! Why don't you draw that one with blue streaks on his face?"

"You mean Error?"

"Yeah! That's the one!"

"Ew, no! He's so mean!" She shrieked in your ears.

"He might be lonely or heartbroken! Maybe that's why he's so mean," You ruffle her hair in a knot, "I mean, that's how Alyssa turned out,"

"Still! Ink says he's super mean!" She pouted.

"Ink says?"

"I mean-"

"Oh, I get it now," Amelia quavered under your stone-hard watch.

"YOU WRITE FANFICTION!" You blurted, accusingly

"W-Wha! No, I do not!"

"Yes, you do!" You laugh, rapidly shooting your head backward, making your eyes land on the clock. It was 4:00. 4:00! You had somewhere to be!

"Ahh! I have to go, Amelia!" You yell.

"Again?" She whined, "But why?"

"Mrs. Johnson wants me to watch her nephew for today!" You hurriedly put on your coat.

"But we never do anything together anymore!" She cried.

"We'll do something this weekend, just me and you, I promise!"

"Really?" She asked merrily, "Just me and you this time?"

"YEAHBUTIGOTTAGONOWLOVEYOUBYE!" You hastily ran out the door.


She paused for a minute, sighed, and picked up the ink bottle, throwing the quill somewhere unbeknownst.

She splashed it on an expressionless scrap of paper and said, "You can come out now,"

Suddenly, as if the toner was alive, it began to gurgle on instinct. The smudge started to take form as it rose higher. As the final touch, it began to splash color all over.

A short skeleton (Specifically 3.8 feet) stood at the tone under his brown tennis shoes.

"Hey, Amelia!" He cheerily spoke, "How are you today?"

She groaned before landing backward onto her (F/C) bedsheets.

"You know, just a healthy dose of NOTHING!" She wailed.

"It's not that bad doing nothing!" He grinned, "God, I would KILL for a break from Error,"

Amelia snorted before Ink spoke again.

"So, how's your sibling doing with all of the employment?" Ink's eyes changed for a millisecond, back to their former. Amelia's eyebrows wiggle, shocking Ink.

"I-It's not like that!" He blurted.

She giggled for a minute before logging onto her phone, face now senseless.

"What are you doing now?" Ink landed on her bunkbed before turning to her phone.

There lays a picture of you, at the beach in a- B-B-BIK-

He screams before flopping onto his back, holding hands to his face, enveloped in a rainbow flush.

Amelia cackled as he cried out of embarrassment. They only stopped when they heard the door open and the sound of your voice.

"Shoot! Hide!" Amelia whispered.

"Amelia! I forgot my wallet here! Have you seen it?" You called.

She looked around frantically for a moment before spotting your wallet on the floor of her room.

'It must have dropped while we were playing around!' She internally screamed.

"I-It's up here!" Oh, stars! Why'd she had to say that?

"It is?" She hears your horrid footsteps pound up the stairs.

She quickly looked to see where he was hiding, only to see a lump on top of her top bunk!

"Ink!" She whispers/yells, "Why couldn't you go back into the Doodle Sphere? Or hide somewhere else?"

As a response, she heard a soft 'whoops.'

She groaned as your footsteps halted at the door.

"Amelia? Where's my wallet?" You gently open the door, unlike the last time.


You saw her sitting on the top of her bunk bed ladder, nervously perspiring.

"Amelia? What's going on?" You ask curiously.

"N-Nothing!" She laughed nervously.

Okay, now you were getting suspicious.

"Amelia. Get off the ladder. Now." You said sternly.

"B-But why?" She was on the brink of crying.

"Amelia, please move," You pinch the bridge of your nose.

She sighed before moving from the bed ladder. She then walked behind you, quivering with remorse.

You ascended the ladder only to see a lump beneath the blankets.

"Amelia, did you hide your art supplies underneath the blanket?" You sigh before looking onto the ground, only to see the supplies were still there.


You yank off the blanket, only to see a- SKELE-

You felt yourself fall, and your eyes blacken.


She watched as you yeet the blankets off of Ink and immediately plunge from the ladder due to shock.

Then, BOOM! Your skull hit the frigid wooden floor, making Amelia and Ink wince.

"ARE THEY OKAY?" Ink shrieked, looking at your dormant body.

"I-I don't know!" Amelia cried.

Ink jumped down and attempted to pick up your body. He struggled for a second before lifting you like a feather.

There lies you in his arms, soft skin shifting and rubbing against his bones. Pupils shifted to hearts as his face began to develop a bright rosiness.

Amelia would've laughed at his miniature crush, but currently, you look like you were dead, the fact scaring her.

"Go bring them into the living room," Amelia stood at the door.

Ink nodded before acting like he was struggling with your weight. Amelia was confused but let him sort things out and went downstairs.

Once he heard her footsteps disappear, he set you onto the floor. He smiled before reaching down and started to caress your cheek. Then, his boney fingers traced the outline of your red, velvety lips.

He couldn't help himself. You were just so beautiful with those faded E/C eyes and the way your body sways, ngh-!

He had to! It was the only way you could be his forever!

He quickly picked up his paintbrush before realizing that you never got to know him! He wanted to earn your trust first, and if not, he would have to do it the hard way.

He picked you up again before walking down the stairs, eye (sockets?) meeting an angry Amelia.

"Took you long enough!" She soughed.

"Sorry," He set you down on the couch, "So what do we do now?"

"Well, I heard tomatoes help with hangovers," She pointed out.

"They're drunk?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"Nah, but they're gonna have a nasty headache when they wake up," She gave out a toothy grin.