
The Hero Returns

And one day she discovered

That she was fierce and strong, and full of fire,

And that not even she could hold herself back

Because her passion burned brighter than her fears."

-Mark Anthony

Raya woke up and got ready for work like she has been doing for the last year. She was just going day by day. At night she put on her battle gear and guarded the city her husband gave his life for. Last night was no different.

She was standing in the shadows when she saw someone slip into the royal chambers. Raya followed without being seen. When she moved into the room, she saw King Noctis pulling Luna behind him to protect her from the person in front of them. She warped over and raised her sword. "Leave now. You can't kill death." She said. The shadow laughed. " And you can't escape the chaos." Raya chuckled. "I'm not trying to. I embraced the chaos long ago." The shadow bowed then was gone.

"My thanks, Glaive, may I see your face and know your name?" she turned to the king. "My name is Starlight. Wife to the hero of Insomnia Nyx Ulric. I protect this city in his name." She bowed, and when she raised. " Rule well, young king." She turned and left.

Luna hugged her husband. "She's the one that helped Nyx save this city. Even though she was shot twice, she stood at his side. My love, it was a sight I will never forget in all my life." Noctis looked down at her. "You know who she is, don't you?"

Luna nods. "Yes, I do, but I promised her I would keep her secret. Noctis, I owe her my life as do many others. So I'm sorry, but this is one secret I can't tell you." Noctis hugged her. "I understand, Luna."

Raya got home and took her armor off. Putting her weapons away, she laid down. When she curled up with Nyx's pillow, she sat up real fast when she realized it no longer smelled like him. Raya stood up and looked around there home when she broke down in tears.

Libertus and Crowe walked in and saw her crying "He's fading. I can't feel him anymore. I want him back. Please don't leave me alone, Nyx. I need you." She cried out as her two friends held her.

The next morning she was at her desk typing. She never smiled like she used to. She was a shell of her former self. Most people stayed away from her. She heard them say she was cold and uncaring.

A loud noise drew her mind away from the sadness in her. Raya went outside with everyone else too see Bahamut. She looked at Luna then to her two friends. "The glaive called Starlight step forward." she didn't move. "You will do as asked NOW COME KNEEL." the God yelled

Raya came forward and kneeled. She heard everyone let out a shocked gasp. "Your calling is before you. It is time to take your place back as a glaive." Raya was pissed at this point and didn't care. She stood up and looked at him. "NO. I will not. I can't be that person anymore. She died long ago with the man she loved."

Her tears fell as she dropped to her knees. "You will not be alone, glaive. The gods have seen your deeds and all you have done, and all you have given up. We have heard your prayers and granted you a boon to help you in your task." She didn't move or even look up as Bahamut left.

Raya cried. She didn't hear the people around her all gasp in shock as a glaive in battle gear walked towards her and kneeled in front of her. "Starlight, what have you become, my love?" Raya slowly lifted her head. "Nyx?" she answered. Her hands were shaking as she lowered his hood and her eyes met his stormy blue ones

"This can't be real. I saw you die." Nyx touched her face. "I'm back Starlight, and I'm not going anywhere. I promise." He pulled her into a hug, but she pushed his away. "No, this isn't real. It can't be." she stood up and ran away from everyone. Nyx ran after her. His heartbreaking at her pain.

Raya kept going before she knew it she was on the railing where she first met Nyx all them years ago. "Why do you toy with my mind? Have I not given you enough? I will not be your toy any longer." she jump once more.

Nyx heard her yell as he ran around the corner. His heart stopped when he saw her in the same spot she was when they first met. Nyx saw her jump, and he warped to her once more and then to safety. "My Starlight, I have caused you this pain I'm so sorry. I'm no trick or dream."

Raya looked up at him as she was in his arms. "You're back, Nyx. This is no dream." she pulled him to her as she cried in his neck. "I...Love you, my hero." Raya kissed him. "There is something I need to show you. Come with me."

Raya took him home, and when they walked in, Raya went to his nightstand and pulled out his kukri that was left in her hands by him. "This belongs to you. Welcome home, Nyx." She went to the bathroom then came back out 15 mins later in her battle gear like his. The blade he gave her in its place on her left thigh and her sword on her back. "Your only missing one thing, my Starlight." She nods as she pulls a chain from around her neck and hands it to him.

When Raya and Nyx finally walked into the throne room, everyone froze at sight before them. "Damn, that is a sight that will never get old," Libertus says as Luna and Crowe nod in agreement. The Raya they all missed was once more standing before them. Nyx had done her hair once more, and they both were in their battle gear. The two were in perfect sync as they bowed to there King.

Noctis stood up. "Luna has filled us in on all you both have done for this city. She had also told me you were with my father when he passed?" Raya nods. "I tried to save him. I'm sorry I failed. I can show you his last moments if you wish?" Noctis looked shocked. "I would like that very much." Raya took a breath and closed her eyes, raising her hand. They all watched as her memory came forward like a movie.


"GO NOW NYX," Raya yelled, standing in front of her king as Glauca came into the room. The three fought. Glauca had caught her and hurled her into the wall. Raya looked up to she Glauca raise his blade then start to bring it down.

Raya warped over, pushing the king aside as Glauca's blade went through her side. "You foolish girl." He kicked her aside once more. She tried to get up and get to the king's side, but it was too late. Raya watched the king fall.

"You're not worth my time." Glauca left her there, choking on her blood. Raya slowly dragged herself to the king's side. "Please glaive do what you must to protect Luna and my son. Our future now goes with you, Raya Ulirc. Tell my son. He has made me proud to call him my son."

*End Memory*

Raya opened her eyes to see both King and Queen in tears. She stood there when two arms pulled her against Nyx's chest. She couldn't look up at him because she knew that he was feeling guilty for leaving her.

Gladiolus came forward at this point. "So how did you help Luna like she said you did?" Raya felt Nyx's hand on her tighten on her arm. "Easy, I vowed that even should the world rise against my husband, I would forever stand at his side, and I meant it."

Luna spoke up this time. "She was shot twice, but even that didn't stop her from fighting. Raya once more closed her eyes and raised her hand.


"Raya and Nyx are reporting in." A shot rang out as Raya Screamed out another one tore through her. Dropping her to the ground. Nyx was at her side.

Raya was once more in a puddle of her own blood as she coughed up blood. Nyx held her in his arms as she tried to move. Glauca was there as Nyx put on the ring of lucis to protect her.

Raya felt a power building in her. She stood up and looked at Libertus and Luna. "Lib, get her out if here." Raya walked over and stood at Nyx's side, the same look on there face.

*End Memory*

She ended it there. "I'm sorry, but the rest is personal." She leaned against Nyx feeling the strain from magic use. Gladio looked at her. "So where the hell were you during the darkness? We saw those two." he pointed to Libertus and Crowe. "We never saw you." Nyx felt her whole body tense up.

"I was there in the shadows helping your Queen control the chaos in this world." Nyx felt her anger as she held her hand out once again.


"Luna, you have to get out of here now. Go I will buy you time. Go to our King. Be happy and never let go of the love you two share."

Raya ran down the hallway and came face to face with Ardyn. "Well, hello, my dear." Raya took her weapon and got ready to fight when everything went dark.

Raya woke up in a room tied to a table. "Welcome to my home, my dear glaive." Raya looked at the man and spit at him. "You will tell me were Luna and the kings retainers are."

Raya screamed out as pain shot through her body. "Will you talk?" She looked at him."Go to hell." she yelled. Raya felt the burning of her skin as she screamed once more.

*End Memory*

When the memory ended, she fell to her knees; her breathing was labored as she looked up at the king's shield. "You sit here and judge me before you even know what I been through. Here I have something just for you shield." Raya raised her hand.


Raya and Claus were standing in front of the king as Glauca charged them. The two fought well together. Glauca tossed her high in the air and threw a sword at her, but it never hit her. Raya turned to see Claus had jumped in front of her.

"NO Claus, why would you." Raya took his hand in hers. "Protect our king, young glaive." She felt him take his last breath and stood up. "I won't let your death be for nothing."

*End Memory*

Raya felt the blood fall from her mouth. "I pray you never have to go through the shit I have gone through. While you were on a car ride, I was the one holding your father's hand as he took his last breath."

Raya stood up and held her head high as she turned and walked out of the room. The king nodded to Nyx. The man turned and ran after his wife.

Raya made it outside when she felt herself fall when she was pulled into the safety of Nyx's arms. She closed her eyes as her body went limp.

Nyx carried her home and laid her down. "Starlight, wake up, hun." He saw her hand fall to her side. Nyx knew she had used to much magic, and it was taking its toll on her.

Libertus and Crowe walked in to see Nyx kneeled next to the bed. "What have I done to her. I left her to face this world alone. She has suffered so much, and it's my fault." A hand touched his face to wipe away a tear. "No, Nyx, it's not your fault I chose this path. I could have stayed in Galahad and lived out my life there. I came back on my own free will. It is who we are. I'm a warrior, and I will always stand when others can't."