
Chapter 34

Chapter 34: The First Cracks

Rhaegar Targaryen, 277AC, Duskendale.

Rhaegar sat beside the window of his quarters in Duskendale, softly strumming a harp as the notes carried down to the courtyard below, lost in his thoughts as he played. He spent the last six months within the confines of Duskendale, held prisoner by the Darklyn's. He's been confined to quarters of luxury and treated well during his stay while the Lord of Duskendale attempted to negotiate a better charter for his people.

It all started six months ago when Lord Denys stopped paying his taxes to the Iron Throne over a charter dispute. Rhaegar, at the time has been made aware of the situation and when the Lord of Duskendale requested that his father come to Duskendale to hear his petition, Rhaegar volunteered himself, having experience in dealing with the unrest amongst the Crownland Lords in the past. Thus, he had ridden out alongside Ser Gwayne Gaunt of the Kingsguard and an escort of twenty guards from the royal keep.

After a few days of travel they had arrived to the port city of Duskendale and entered through its gate. It was then that the Lord of Duskendale approached with soldiers and ordered his imprisonment. That was when the fighting broke out as Ser Gaunt and the royal soldiers attempted to protect the Prince, only to be cut down in the resulting fight and Rhaegar dragged to imprisonment.

Shortly after his capture, Denys Darklyn came to speak with Rhaegar about the reason for his imprisonment. Rhaegar listened as he spoke about the decline of his house due to the growth of King's Landing and an unfavorable charter. Duskendale was once an important port on the Blackwater Bay and now it was shrinking and trade was dwindling due to the policies of King's Landing. According to Lord Denys, he had on multiple occasions taken it before the Hand of the King, only to be turned away while his people continued to suffer and forced to leave.

Rhaegar spoke with him at great length regarding the policies that had driven Duskendale to the brink of destitute. He listened and sympathized with the Lord over the plight of his people and house. It was obvious that the Crownland Lords had long felt that the King turned his gaze from them in favor of others, something Rhaegar assured was one of the many things that would change when he was King.

After their lengthy conversation, Lord Denys ordered Rhaegar situated in one of the more suitable corridors befitting his station, though not released. The prince would remain in holding as the Lord had little other means of changing the King's mind on the taxation of Duskendale. Over the course of the coming months, Rhaegar was allowed to walk freely in the company of guards throughout Duskendale. Despite his attempts at gaining his own release to bargain the charter himself, the Lord of Duskendale wouldn't relent.

It was not long after his capture that the royal forces began showing up, demanding the release of the Prince. Royal messengers were granted access to discuss terms and see the Prince's health, but otherwise his father was unwilling to agree to anything until the Prince was released. Knowing his father and Lord Tywin, the agreement would likely not be favorable to them. The prince however still tried to convince the Lord of Duskendale to release him, yet to no avail.

A knock at the door alerted Rhaegar to a visitor as he set his harp down beside him and peering out into the afternoon sun. "Enter." He spoke as the doors were opened by the guards, granting the Lord of Duskendale access, a simple formality to be truthful.

"My Prince, you play beautifully, many of my people look forward to your music during these dark times." The man said as Rhaegar motioned him to a chair.

"It is my pleasure Lord Denys." The prince replied solemnly. He always enjoyed playing for the smallfolk, if nothing more than to give them something beautiful in their lives and some hope.

"A messenger has come to the gate. King Aerys has demanded our surrender, or his forces shall storm the keep come sunrise." Lord Denys informed him after a moment's pause, both of them gazing out into the open ocean.

"Those are Lord Tywin's words just as well as my fathers, and he isn't one to make idle threats." Rhaegar warned the older man across from him. Lord Tywin was well known for keeping his promises and not a foe to cross if you valued your life or that of your family if the song of the Reyne's of Castamere were anything to go off.

"I would urge you to release me, I shall talk terms to my father and convince him. You will give a number of hostages from House Darklyn to serve under me as warning against any future indiscretions and a better charter in exchange. I will be your voice as I have been to many other Cronwlanders in my Father's court. You must remember, you are not forgotten in my mind, for I hold the wellbeing of my vassals in the utmost importance." Rhaegar urged.

After a moment of silence, the Lord of Duskendale spoke up. "Very well, come morning I shall see to your release when the final demand is presented. May the Seven watch over my people, for they are in your hands, My Prince." The Lord spoke, rising from his seat, bowing to Rhaegar.

"You have made a wise decision, one that I will see through." Rhaegar promised. Indeed, he would see to it that his father grants them mercy and that peace reigned within the Crownlands once more. He would work to restore order amongst the realm and see to it that he was a fair and just ruler. He would make changes when he was king, bringing back the reforms that his great grandfather, Aegon Targaryen had created. He would also see the small council expanded, to bring the voices of each Lord Paramount to the small council. He would start all of this in the morning, uniting the realm for whatever grim problem may arise in the future.

Baldur Crowl, 277AC, Duskendale.

For the last three months, Baldur camped on the outskirts of Duskendale with little action, outside the occasional skirmish with bandits while on patrol. Since Prince Rhaegar had been taken, demands were exchanged while he waited for the order to storm the town and rescue the Prince by force. The King does not want to risk his son's life, though was being left with little choice as the defenders wouldn't surrender unless their terms were met, terms that the King was unwilling to grant, something that his hand was in agreement on.

Thankfully, Baldur brought along his musicians to keep the camp entertained and plenty of drink to keep them busy. King Aerys was a great lover of music like Baldur himself, often going as far as to help him write songs as the two organized events to keep the men's morale up around camp. King Aerys, while not gifted in the use of an instrument, had a surprisingly good voice for song and would often sing to the gathered men and celebrate, much to their great pleasure. They would often sing songs about war or adventure or some of the classical Westerosi songs that were popular.

"Lord Crowl." A soldier spoke, entering into an outlying tavern to Duskendale that Baldur had claimed dominion over, turning down the better housing arrangements in favor of a place with a bit more excitement. Turning from his notes on the table, he set eyes on the soldier, garbed in the colors of House Stark. "His Grace has summoned the war council and Lord Stark wishes you to attend."

"Excellent, lead the way." Baldur said with a grin. Hopefully, this meant he could finally get some action.

Travelling through the outlying buildings, they arrived at a large building that was once the port headquarters for House Darklyn before they had taken the Prince hostage. It now acted as the headquarters for the war council that would see them extinguished, at least if the King had his way. The King wasn't at all pleased with the kidnapping of his son and it had taken much to pacify his ever growing ire. The spymaster had felt the king's displeasure the most, though that was shortly lived as the old man passed from a heart attack a month into the siege according to Lord Stark.

Baldur wound his way through the corridors of the headquarters, passing the many Targaryen guards stationed by along the way on his way to the council chambers. Entering the large chambers, he spotted a number of familiar faces already sitting along the grand oaken table that dominated the center of the room. "Baldur." Lord Stark spoke, motioning to a seat beside him as Baldur walked forth and took a seat in the chair, causing it to squeak under his impressive muscle mass.

Along the table, around thirty nobles were situated as the King spoke in deep conversation with Tywin at the head of it. Baldur recognized Hoster Tully, the Lord of Riverrun and close confident of Lord Stark off to one side. He was the elder brother to Ser Brynden, who Baldur often asked after. From what he gathered, the Lord wasn't too pleased with his brother of late, something about his brother spending more time than was proper seeing to the freed slaves around Riverrun.

Baldur also recognized the Master of ships, Lord Velaryon, the Grandmaester Pycelle, Lord Baratheon, and a number of other Lords from around the Stormlands, Riverlands and Crownlands. All of them were ready and eager to see an end to this war and the prince rescued. Prince Rhaegar was widely popular amongst the realm for his musical talents, swordsmanship and good looking feminine features. Baldur, of course was more popular, muscular and his voice had actually dropped, just to list a few of the many reasons that he was better than the Prince.

"My Lords." Aerys spoke over the group, drawing in their attention. "The traitors have left us with little option, come morning we shall take the town by storm if they fail to surrender." He announced as the room quieted down. "I shall make it known that if any harm befalls my son, no quarter will be given to those noble families within." Aerys added. A wise decision if Baldur would say so himself. He had told the King of the conquering of Skagos and trial by stone and the king seemed to believe it an excellent form of punishment.

"Your Grace, if I may." Ser Barristan spoke up over the crowd of nobles. All eyes snapped to the Kingsguard member, a legendary knight around the Seven Kingdoms.

"Go ahead Ser Barristan." King Aerys said in consent.

"Allow me to mount a rescue mission come dark." Ser Barristan requested as the council listened.

"Very well Ser Barristan, I shall grant you until morning. Then we do it my way." The king promised as Ser Barristan bowed his head.

"I will not fail you in this task your grace." The knight swore.

The following morning before dawn, Baldur had risen along with the rest of the men as he armed himself in a set of thick plate that he had commissioned in Skagos. Upon the suit of armor were many different runes inscribed from the First Men to grant protection, courage, swift death to his foes and many other blessings. Baldur felt it made him stand out and did the Skagosi proud in the process.

Baldur brought 200 able bodied men with him to King's Landing on Lord Starks orders to help represent the North. Many of the other houses in the region supplied higher numbers of troops being closer to Duskendale itself. In Baldur's opinion, few were a match for the Skagosi warriors who tended to tower over the other men, drawing much attention as they marched to war. Many had also heard of their battles in the past, requesting stories and tales of which Baldur was more than happy to grant, along with many of his men.

Arriving on the battlefield, Baldur took up position near the front near the Stormland troops, an honor that Baldur had been granted. He intended for his men to be amongst the first to enter the castle, allowing the others behind to watch as they stormed the town and left the bodies of their enemies in the streets. This was the first battle in which Baldur would fight within the Seven Kingdoms itself. It was here that he would firmly lay down a statement about the ferocity of the Skagossons in war, so that the many Lords assembled could see the truth firsthand.

He assembled the men the night before and given them firm expectations for the coming battle. He expected each man to kill four enemies in battle to prove their might. King Aerys ordered that until surrender, every man, woman and child in the way would be put to the sword. In the spirit of fairness, Baldur informed them that women and children only counted as half a kill, as Rolf had wisely pointed out would only make sense.

A commotion on the town walls drew the attention of many as torch lights could be seen and shouting heard from along the tops of the walls. Baldur watched as flaming arrows were fired down into the ground below, lighting the area enough for all to see through the darkness of pre-dawn. What Baldur saw came as somewhat of a surprise to him and those around him as a cheer went up.

Atop a horse was a knight and another man seated in front of him, the unmistakable white cloak of the Kingsguard flowing behind him as he galloped away from the city walls at breakneck speed as arrows were shot after him in an attempt to halt him. It seems the renowned knight had been successful in his rescue mission over the walls of Duskendale. Baldur would certainly look forward to hearing the story when the time came.

"BARRISTAN, BARRISTAN, BARRISTAN" The shouts grew louder and more clear as the men outside the gates of the fortified town chanted the fabled knights name as approached a mass of Targaryen men at arms, which included the King himself. Baldur cheered along with the men, appreciating the moment for what it was. Ser Barristan had set the bar high this day and Baldur would be hard pressed to out due him, but he would try none the less.

As Ser Barristan ground to a halt, Baldur watched as the Prince hopped down off the steed and the King's guard knight was pulled from his saddle. Even from this distance, Baldur could make out the form of an arrow lodged in the knight's back as the men at arms steadied him. Despite the protruding arrow, the knight seemed to exchange words with the King while standing on his own two feet, even going as far as to give a bow as the King had the Grand Maester himself looking him over.

Soon however, the spectacle was over as Ser Barristan was aided to a nearby tent in the company of a number of servants, all rushing about on the orders of the Grand Maester, leaving the King and the Prince behind who were speaking in rushed tones, Tywin himself joining in on occasion. The two openly appeared to be in disagreement as they split apart, the King mounting his horse alongside Tywin and a number of Lords and guards as they galloped to the front of the formation.

As they ground to a halt, the soldier's cheers went silent. Baldur could see Lord Stark in the King's company, dressed for war with the great sword Ice strapped across his back and the familiar armor with the direwolf engraved on his chest. He looked as fearsome as he did years ago when he fought in the Ninepenny war. Upon his face was a grimace that the stone born warrior recognized from his youth, one that promised his foes no quarter.

"My son has been returned, thanks to the valiant Ser Barristan!" King Aerys announced as the men cheered. The King stood waiting as the cheers died down before speaking again. "However, treachery is not to be awarded, I want you to storm the town and bring me Lord Darklyn and his family alive!" The King shouted as Baldur was the first to cheer along with the Skagosi.

Perhaps the King had some Stone Born in him after all. The gods of his people were certainly showing them favor today to grant them the glory of battle. Baldur would have been disappointed to come all this way for a lengthy siege and little action. The King though, had graciously allowed him and his men a taste of battle, a noble reward in the minds of the many Stoneborn assembled for battle. "For King Aerys and Lord Stark!" Baldur shouted as his men echoed his words.

"Attack!" King Aerys ordered, waving his sword in the air as the forces began to surge forward.

All around him, chaos was unleashed as Trebuchet's unloaded large stones that went soaring towards the tall walls of Duskendale, crashing against the walls and making all on the field and within the town aware of the King's orders. Baldur roared along with his men as they joined in pushing the nearest siege tower with a fervor of excitement as the great structure began to lurch forward towards the town walls.

As they drew closer, arrows alight with fire began to rain down on them in an effort to halt their progress or light the structure on fire, though with little luck as the sheer amount of approaching soldiers made for too many targets to count. The defenders were hard pressed to stop the onslaught of siege towers, battering rams and ladders from approaching the walls. Baldur could feel the occasional arrow bounce off his armor as he pressed forward amongst the men.

It had taken a good ten minutes for the Skagosi men and accompanying Stormlanders to push the siege towers to the wall. During that time, the defenders had busied themselves with stopping the assault ladders and halting the progress of the battering ram at their gates, but their efforts would ultimately prove futile once they were faced with the ferocity of the Stoneborn on their walls.

Baldur was amongst the first to climb into the siege tower, followed by Rolf, Halvar and Ivar behind him, all readying themselves for the fight. The sounds coming from the battle were deafening as the defenders and attackers were all shouting orders around them and the cries of dying men could be heard carrying over the commencing battle. Despite all of this, Rolf could clearly be heard from within the siege tower. "Alright, you fucking cunts! Don't falter or you'll find yourself with a third arm, courteous of my axe up your arse and out your damn throat!" He shouted out, a motivating speech if Baldur would say so himself.

As the front of the siege towered lowered down and hooked onto the walls with an audible clink, the Skagosi men surged out and into the defenders with a roar of fury. Baldur was among the first occupants out as a hail of bolts met the men leaving the tower, peppering them in the process, but hardly slowing them as men piled over the bodies to reach their targets. His first kill was a crossbow man reloading, as he caught him in the chest with a kick, flinging him down from the walls to the grounds below with a splat.

"Kill those bastards!" Rolf shouted, rallying the Stoneborn towards along the walls as they swarmed over the enemy held position as more and more men poured out of the siege tower like ants in an angry hive. Baldur lost himself in the sensation of the moment as he focused on the strokes of his axe and the dying screams of his enemies as the fury of his people were unleashed for all to see.

The fight had been dragging on for a good fifteen minutes as they countered the enemy attempts to retake the portion of the wall. Rolf directed the troops, ordering Stormlanders and Skagosi alike from his position as men scurried to follow his orders. The tides of battle were turning on the defenders as they lost control of the walls in other areas and the attackers began surging down the stairs and into the town below, led by Baldur himself.

He soon found himself storming down the streets of Duskendale, fighting defenders as they rushed towards the keep of Dun Fort, home to House Darklyn. As he and the attackers turned along a narrow path, they were met by a group of defenders readying themselves for a fight, though by the looks on their faces, not against the fierce stone warriors of Skagos.

Baldur was caught off guard as a sharp pain erupted from his back side, causing him to let loose an audible grunt as he felt the spray of bolts from above rain down on them. "Kill those fucks!" Rolf shouted, pointing up towards the roof from where the attack came from as Baldur swung his axe around to behead a defender before halting his attack as he cursed from the pain. Looking down, he could see a bolt lodged into his right ass cheek, angled down at an angle that certainly made walking uncomfortable. Another was stuck in his shoulder, unnoticed due to the pain in his ass.

"Halvar!" Baldur shouted out as the red bearded man came running after his latest kill, his two handed axe wet with blood.

Motioning towards the bolt the man laughed out loud. "Oy Rolf, Chief Baldur has a bolt in his ass!" Halvar announced to the area as the men stepped away from the dead defenders to all observe, much to Baldur's chagrin.

"Pull it out, you fucks!" Baldur ordered impatiently.

A sharp pain made him yelp slightly as Halvar yanked the object out, leaning down to inspect the area. "Well, you won't lose the cheek, it'll be something to show that pretty southern wife of yours next time the two of you get frisky." Halvar informed him, moving to look towards the one in his shoulder, giving it a light tug as a sharp pain spread across Baldur's shoulder. "This one is best to leave in until one of them Maester can take a look."

"Tis nothing but a flesh wound, press on!" Baldur ordered the Stoneborn.

The fighting continued down the street until they came to the town square, where much to Baldur's surprise, the Lord of Duskendale himself awaited, armed head to foot with a number of his men at arms evacuating the people to safety, turning to face the newly arriving Skagosi and Stormlanders. No words were exchanged as the two sides surged together in a clash of steel.

The Lord of Duskendale was dressed in the reds and yellows of his house as he marched forth against Baldur, wary of the large Skagosi man across from him as his men met with the Stormlanders and Skagosi in a clash of steel. Baldur however didn't' waste time, charging forth with a roar as he swung his axe, forcing the man to dodge out of the way of the large arcing axe as he back peddled. Continuing his push towards the Lord of Duskendale, he forced him to stay on the defensive as he rained down blows against his shield, leaving dents on surface as he did so.

The two fought back and forth a commotion from a side alley drew Baldur's attention as the Stark forces began swarming into the square led by none other than Rickard Stark as he slashed across the chest of his closest enemy, sending the man to the ground as his men leapt into battle. The defenders were not idle though as spears, arrows and bolts found their way into the new wave of attackers, sending many of the Stark men to the floor with wounds.

As the Stark forces turned the tide of battle in favor of the attackers, the defenders quickly found themselves being overwhelmed as Baldur pressed his foe harder as the two moved close together, striking desperately against one another. Back and forth they fought as the Skagosi man gained the upper hand over the quickly tiring Crownland Lord as men fell around the pair. Spotting his chance to take the Lord alive, Baldur made his move as Lord Darklyn lunged at him, providing an opening.

Pushing his blade outwards, Baldur moved inside his guard, bringing his axe down hard against his chest plate, making an audible ringing sound in the process and staggering the Lord. With his free hand, he wrapped the knight's head close to him and with his other arm picked the knight up from between his legs and hoisted him in the air before bringing him crashing down into the side the cobbled road beneath them. Lord Darklyn was obviously stunned from the slam as Baldur kicked his sword away and pried his shield free before delivering a kick to his face plate, causing him to cease his movement.

"Your Lord is captured, surrender!" Baldur shouted as a cheer went up. The glory this day was Baldur's, though looking at the amount of dead knights strewn over the cobble stone, plenty was to be had. At Lord Stark's feet lay a dying knight trying futilely to cover a hole through his stomach, no doubt caused by the Valyrian sword. Lord Baratheon could also be spotted with a number of dead laying around his feet as well.

The fight was over, the Lord of Duskendale had been taken prisoner and the men of Duskendale began throwing down arms. Lord Stark walked over and looked down at the unconscious Lord with a satisfied nod. "Round up the family from the keep!" He ordered, pointing towards the open doors as his men rushed into the surrendered castle.

Rhaegar Targaryen, 277AC, Storming of Duskendale.

Rhaegar watched in dissatisfaction as cheers erupted from the walls of the town as the defenders threw down arms and the fighting ground to a halt. For two hours, he watched as the battle raged within, his pleas to his father falling on deaf ears. He told his father there was no need for a fight, that the Lord of Duskendale would surrender in time, realizing he had no path but defeat, but his father had wanted to make a statement in his rage and sent the attack anyways.

"STONEBORN! STARK! BARATHEON!" Rhaegar could hear the different shouts of the men as he watched a form walk out of the castle gate, pulling something behind him as he walked. The large man was followed by direwolf banners of House Stark and the Stag Banners of House Baratheon as a line of prisoners were hauled out by the men all amongst the shouting. As they drew closer, Rhaegar realized the Skagosi man was pulling a person behind him by the ankle, leaving his body to drag through the dirt.

Rhaegar stood by his father as the group arrived, headed by Lord Rickard Stark, the Master of Laws for his father. He was coated in blood and dents in his armor, but seemed otherwise fine as he hauled a woman beside him with blond hair and dressed as a lady who he recognized as the Lady of House Duskendale. Lady Serela looked a bit harassed but otherwise unharmed as she was hauled before the king, her eyes looking back towards the man being dragged by the Skagosi in worry.

"Your Grace." Lord Rickard spoke, bowing his head as the king stepped forward. "The town is yours." He informed the King calmly.

"Excellent work, where is the traitor?" The King inquired.

"Baldur." Lord Stark motioned as the giant of a man dragged the dented knight forward, laying him at the feet of the king.

The King nodded as two men reached down and pried the dented helm off the knight, revealing the bloodied face of Lord Denys. "Is he alive?" The king questioned, to no one in particular. The large Skagosi savage stepped forward and delivered a swift kick to the man's side as he groaned at the impact, alerting the King and everyone present to the fact he was alive.

"A bit bruised, he put up a fight, just not a good enough one." The man said with a deep laugh as several of the men surrounding him joined in. The king seemed pleased as Lord Tywin ordered the man brought to his feet and awoken.

"Lord Darklyn." Tywin said, peering down at the man as his eyes slowly opened.

"W-where am I?" He asked, clearly confused.

"You are in the presence of his grace, King Targaryen, for your rebellion against the crown and your liege." Tywin informed him, no humor present in his voice, nor any indication of emotion behind it.

"Mercy, your grace. I only did what I had to for the charter and my people!" Lord Denys declared as he looked around. "Prince Rhaegar, please." He pleaded.

"Father, grant the man mercy. You once said a wise king knows when to grant mercy, less none would bend knee after a rebellion." Rhaegar urged.

"Mercy, my son? When he gambled with your life?" King Aerys demanded of Rhaegar. "Tell me Lord Tywin." The King said turning to his Hand. "What would you recommend be done with this man?" The king asked curiously as Lord Tywin turned his cold green eyes to Lord Denys.

"I would see him receive a traitor's death and the remainder of his house exiled across the Narrow Sea to die how they see fit. Award a more loyal house the lands." Tywin recommended.

"And you Lord Stark?" Aerys asked his Master of Laws.

"The Night's Watch is always in need of good men, as for the women, the Silent Sisters. As for the future of the house, the child Robin Hollard can be fostered with a loyal house and a Castellen placed in charge of the lands until he is of age." Lord Rickard suggested.

"All wise council." The King agreed as a strange emotion flashed through his eyes as he turned towards the kneeling Lord. "Tell me, what would you do for that charter you lust after and a chance at all you fought for?" King Aerys asked, staring down at the man who remained silent, unsure of what to say.

"Let it never be said that I am not a merciful King." Aerys spoke over the crowd. "I shall give this traitorous Lord an option to determine his future and that of his house, more than he deserves." His father spoke as he paced back and forth in front of the Lord.

"You can throw yourself at the mercy of the hand of the King, Lord Tywin, who shall pass judgement on your house." The King offered, motioning to the Lion of Casterly rock as he stepped by.

"You could also throw yourself at the mercy of my Master of Laws and perhaps live another day, serving the realm in the North, knowing your house's future is secure." He spoke, motioning the cold and stern face of Lord Rickard, whose dark grew eyes seemed as merciful as Tywin's.

"Or mayhaps, you fancy yourself a gambling man?" The King stopped as he stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Yes, indeed, perhaps you do. Afterall, you gambled with my son's life against me, so perhaps I shall offer the return favor." He proposed. "Lord Crowl, I am in need of your bag of stones." The King said as the Skagosi man stepped forward, handing over a pouch as the King shook it in front of the kneeling Lord. Rhaegar had a bad feeling he knew what the King was speaking of and as he looked around, many others seemed to draw the same conclusions.

Pouring the stones out into his hand, he began to drop them as he walked, seemingly counting them out before coming to a halt. "Within my hand lay thirty stones, fifteen black and fifteen white." He explained as the audience all remained quiet and all intently focusing on the King, as if it were some sort of mummer's show of great interest. "Black represents death, while white represents life. Each person shall draw from the bag or none at all. Should you choose this, those that draw white will walk free, and those that draw black shall face the executioner." King Aerys explained.

"Should you Lord Darklyn, draw a white stone, your family will be granted the charter. Should you draw a black stone, they will be free to remain in Westeros, though Duskendale will be passed to a loyal lord of my choosing. Please, feel free to discuss it with your family." The King finished, drawing back to leave the Lord of Duskendale to rise on unsteady feet before walking towards his family.

Lord Denys exchanged quick words with his family along with his sister's family in the Hollards, who were present as well. Rhaegar hoped for his sake he wouldn't do it. It would be for the best if he simply took Lord Rickard's mercy and his family lived on with their holdings intact.

"I accept your game, your Grace." Lord Denys spoke, causing Rhaegar to sigh and whispers to go through the crowd.

Lord Stark leaned forward and exchanged a few words with his father and Lord Tywin as they muttered back and forth for a moment. As they parted, the Northern lord took his Valyrian sword from his back before handing it over to the king, who wielded it in two hands. "Bring forth the accused!" King Aerys ordered as the nobles were taken forward, men, women and even a child.

"TRIAL BY STONE, TRIAL BY STONE, TRIAL BY STONE!" The men began chanting louder and louder, led by the heathen's who were clearly no stranger to such a custom. As the first man reached into the bag, held by Lord Stark, he drew out a black stone as the crowd silenced.

The king arced the Valyrian blade and brought it down on his neck as his head was separated from his body and bounced to the ground as Lord Denys screamed out for his brother as the men all cheered. The next was a woman and sister to Lord Denys, who drew a white stone from the bag and was raised to her feet and unshackled amongst the cheers of the men. Lord Denys other brother pulled a white stone, Lord Hollar and his eldest son, pulling a black stone, all dealt with accordingly as the line dwindled and other members either walked free or were killed.

Finally, the only three remaining were the young boy and now heir to House Hollard and the Lord and Lady Darklyn themselves. Silence reined as the young boy of no older than six, reached in with a shaky hand, drawing out a stone of black to be seen by all. The King however, was interrupted before he could swing his sword as Lady Hollard howled in grief, from what had happened and what was to come in moments.

"Your grace!" A voice interrupted, drawing the attention of the crowd as Ser Barristan hobbled his way forward, clearly in pain from the bandaged wounds on his chest.

"Ser Barristan?" The King questioned his Kingsguard member.

"Your Grace, allow me a boon, to have the boy walk free." Ser Barristan requested as the King stared towards the man who rescued his son.

"Very well Ser Barristan, you have served the crown well by rescuing my son, for this, your boon shall be granted." The King decreed as Lady Hollard gathered her son up in her arms as she wept in relief.

Turning to the last two occupants, the king held the bag out to the Lady of Duskendale. Reaching into the bag, she pulled her hand out, revealing a black stone as her husband let out a sob as the King brought his blade down, parting her head from her neck as it bounced away to the dirt, before turning his eyes on the last occupant and holding out the bag. Let none say that Rhaegar was a coward, for he didn't look away one time during this madness.

Lord Denys reached his hand into the bag as the crowd waited in silence. Rhaegar could almost feel the anticipation in the air as his hand moved within the bag before drawing out the stone in a closed fist. The mummer show was at its end as the Lord opened the palm of his hand, all necks craning to see what it was that had been revealed. "White." The King spoke over the silence as the men all booed.

"Let it not be said I am not a King who upholds his oath of justice. Duskendale shall receive its charter and Lord Denys and his remaining family will remain to serve the crown faithfully, for mercy shall not be granted twice!" The King announced loudly.

"KING AERYS THE UNITER!" A man howled from the rear and soon the chants were deafening as the King's grimace turned towards a smile as he embraced Lord Denys in a one sided hug, leaving the man to stare at his fallen kin on the ground. It was on this day that Rhaegar began to despise his father, for what King cut down innocent women in a show of mercy? The Great Other was coming and his father was no uniter, just as this was no justice.