
Chapter 18

As requested, a POV from Tygett and my own OC character. Rickard will be up next for an OC, along with possibly Wyman Manderly. Thanks for the requests, I will keep any others in mind to add to the next chapter.

Chapter 18: Of Skagos and the realm.

POV: Varicho Faenen

The sandy and stony beaches of the Isles of Skagos crunched beneath Varicho's feet as he took a shaky step onto the land for the first time. On his right was a structure of stone, surrounded by a crudely made wall of what looked to be stacked stones. It was a town, from that he could tell, though it was a far cry from the likes of anything he had laid eyes on. 

Hailing from Bravoos, he had grown up in the greatest city in the world and was proud of that fact. As a boy, he had worked along with his father and family making ales and spirits to sell in the lucrative city. He enjoyed making the drinks with his father as a child, but he had always wanted to become a water dancer, dreaming of dueling all manner of foes on the moon pool near the Sealord's palace. Those dreams, unfortunately fell to the wayside, as he wasn't very talented with the use of a sword, and quite frankly, wasn't the fighting type. He was slim, with dirty blond hair and only standing 5'9, a good physique for the agile water dancing, but alas, it wasn't to be.

He instead, followed in his father's footsteps, continuing on the family business. He had always had a certain flair for creating wonderful brews, and to be honest, he quite enjoyed it. After his father had passed in 261AC, he had taken over the family business, as his older siblings had already chosen their own professions and had never really held an interest in brewing. He had initially been quite successful, continuing on running the business, gaining additional contracts and moving up in the world from a mediocre brewing establishment, to that of a well established brewing company.

Unfortunately, his habits had caught up with him. Varicho had developed a gambling problem, often using it as a means to social climb. The unfortunate part was that he had terrible luck, often losing. As he climbed the social ladder, the stakes rose as well, from small amounts of silver to much larger amounts of gold, eventually driving Varicho and his business into destitution. His debts had racked up, forcing him to sell his business, house and even his personal items, though that had still not covered the expenses. The debt collectors had then used him as a warning and had forced him aboard a Braavosi trading ship to northern westeros, and dropped him off on the isle of Skagos. What better way to send a message to any future borrowers, than a warning that if you couldn't pay your debts, than you would be dropped off on a cannibal island to be eaten?

That is how Varicho found himself standing here today, unarmed and in a simple grey tunic and breeches of the lowest worth, as he looked up from the shore to the hill in front of him. Carnage was strewn everywhere, dead bodies in the aftermath of what looked to be a battle or maybe a cannibal feast. The People were dressed in the simplest of attire, often that of animal skins or furs, with uncouth appearances. Varicho didn't have long to dwell on these thoughts though, as he was approached by a group of large men riding what looked to be some form of large horned goats with shaggy long hair.

The first man to speak to him was a youthful looking young man that couldn't be over 18 name days in age. He had a more kept appearance than the others, with his hair tied back and a cleanly shaved face, though that was where kept appearances ended. The man was wielding a bronze spiked mace at his hip, and blood and chunks of something that Varicho didn't wish to know, covered his steel chain mail and large portions of his face, giving him a red sheen. This would be the end for him, Varicho knew it. "Who are you?" The man demanded as Varicho did the only thing that came to mind.

Flinging himself forward to his knee's he looked up at the man, a pleading look in his eyes. "Please don't eat me!" He squeaked out to him. The young man stared at him a few moments before beginning to laugh out, joined along with the others.

Dismounting his horned goat, the man stepped down to the sandy beach, lowering his gaze to Varicho with what the Braavosi thought to be hunger in his eyes. The man was absolutely massive and barbaric looking. He supposed the legends of giants blood mixed into the cannibals of Skagos were true. Too bad he would likely never be able to confirm such things.

"If you don't tell me your business, I just might." He said, reaching down and grabbing Varicho by the front of his tunic and lifting him up off the ground, bringing him to eye level, all with one hand. The brewer glanced down at his feet, suspended a foot off the ground, and back to the grey eyed cannibal in front of him.

"I-I'm an e-e-e-exile f-from B-Braavos" He managed to get out through the tightening of his collar as the man stared at him. He was larger up close than what Varicho had imagined, this man would surely have no problem tearing him limb for limb. The only thing that gave him a glimmer of hope, was that the man looked well fed, judging by his muscular frame. Perhaps he had already had his fill on the bodies strewn across the grounds above?

"We eat murderers and rapists on Skagos." The man informed him as the stranded man glanced to the field strewn with bodies in disbelief at the man's claims of upholding any sort of morals.  

"Not a murderer or rapist! Gambling debts!" Varicho exclaimed. "Please, I can clean for you or carry… stuff." Varicho said in a bit of self doubt, looking around for anything needing carrying, ultimately his eyes landing on the large bronze spiked mace at the large savage's side.

"He wants to be my kitchen wench!" The young man holding him exclaimed to the group as they all began laughing. "I say eat him." A red haired man pointed out.

"Aye" The man holding him agreed with a laugh. "Little use he is. Couldn't even make one winter! All in favor of eating him?" He asked the group as all the hands were raised. "All Opposed?" He offered. Only the Braavosi raised his hand at this as the men all laughed together at his plight.

"I don't know Baldur, he looks a bit skinny, couldn't even feed a small village for a night." One of the young cannibals with a bird on his shoulder pointed out. An excellent point if he did say so himself.

"He's right!" Varicho agreed loudly. "I'm all skin and bones, very little muscle to be had! It's not really needed for brewers like me." He babbled on, only to be shaken again rather forcefully, stopped from listing out any other reasons against being eaten.

"A brewer?" The Barbarian named Baldur said in interest. Ah yes, how had Varicho forgotten, all men love ale and spirits, even cannibals it seemed. Though if they only ate people, Varicho wasn't sure he could make brews from corpses, but if it meant sparing him his life, he'd give it his best try.

"Yes! I am a fine Brewer, unfortunately, I had a bit of a debt problem and to be hon-" he attempted to defend himself.

"Stop talking." The man demanded, cutting Varicho off. Wisely, he snapped his mouth shut at the demand. It was best not to anger the overly large cannibal.

"I am Chieftain Baldur of Clan Crowl. You now work for me." Baldur informed him as Varicho nodded quickly.

"Y-yes Master." He offered hesitantly, unsure if that was such a custom. Baldur merely laughed out in response with the rest of them. Varicho hoped he didn't like men, he hadn't really considered that before selling himself into slavery. He had nothing against men of such tastes, as it was quite common in Braavos, but he would rather not partake, especially with a man that size.

"This one is spineless!" One of the men said with a hearty laugh, joined by the others.

"Slavery isn't allowed on Skagos, we eat slavers." Baldur informed him flatly.

"Well perhaps a contract then, since I will be working for you, to clearly outline both parties responsibilities and establish fair grou-" Varicho began, only to be cut off again.

"You work for me, I give you a small stipend of the profits and don't eat you" Baldur informed him bluntly.

"Seems more than fair." Varicho breathed out in relief.

Thus, Varicho of Braavos, brewer extraordinaire and entrepreneur, came into the service of one Baldur of House Crowl. Baldur had grand ideas for his new acquisition, a first step in creating an economy. He knew a thing or two about brewing devices in his memories, things he hoped would be an improvement on anything that existed here, opening him up a market he hadn't really considered. Additionally, he was fond of drinks, though Skagos had little good ale to be had, and it was often suspicious at best.

POV: Baldur

After gaining the services of the spineless, Braavosi brewer Varicho, Baldur busied himself with more immediate problems. First and foremost, his plan of action for the defeated clans. His uncle would be laying out the terms in greater detail and Baldur had discussed a few thoughts regarding the two clans to prevent any future uprisings.

Clan Magnar seemed mostly agreeable to him. Chieftain Wengo seemed a man of his people, for which Baldur could respect. He wasn't a great warrior, but was willing to lay down his life for his people to spare them, as such; Baldur had left him in charge. He cared a great deal for his family and had joined along with Chieftain Wyrd, not trusting the word of the Stark, though seeing little alternative besides joining with the Bolton backed Clan Stane once Baldur began his conquest of Skagos. Chieftain Wengo wanted the suffering of his people to end and their shipping rights returned that were taken following the actions of Clan Crowl, Clan Stane and a few others in the rebellion of Skagos years ago. As long as Lord Stark delivered on his promises, the man would keep his clan in check.

Chieftain Wengo had two sons of the age Baldur was. The elder, by the name of Gauk and the younger, by the name of Arn. Both weren't reportedly going to be a problem from what Baldur had seen from his interaction with the two. He also had one daughter, who went by the name of Luta, the middle child and fair enough looking to Baldur.

Clan Stane was mostly agreeable with Baldur from what he could gather. The son of the slain Cheiftain Wyrd, whom he had defeated in a fight worthy of legends, was a quiet man of few words. He was known in the clan as Alrik, and he was large like his father, but spoke very little. His wife went by the name Svala and was often seen whispering in the ear of Alrik. Together, they had a young son of two name days old named Bram. Finally, Alrik had a sister, Gryrid, no doubt a name inspired by her father Gyrd. Luckily, she hadn't taken after him in looks.

Baldur would have the two daughters of the Chieftains taken back with him to House Crowl. This would help prevent any uprisings in the near future, at least until they saw that their rights were returned. Not that Baldur minded putting any rebellions down, he might in fact enjoy it, but Rolf had spoken wisely regarding infighting weakening his people drastically. He would eventually need an able work force and men to defend his lands in the future, especially with the Bolton scheming.

On the front of Lord Bolton, Baldur had gathered all of the information he could regarding the deal and would deliver it to Lord Stark. This would hopefully see the Bolton's head on a pike, perhaps Lord Stark would even allow Baldur to do it himself. Undoubtedly, Lord Stark would be forever thankful for bringing him information on a traitorous lord in his ranks.

He planned to set sail on the next trade ship out of House Crowl lands, bound for east watch by the sea and from there, he would travel down to Winterfell. Coming along with him was his family, as Lord Stark had requested. His sister Ingrid and his cousins Rolf and Erik would be accompanying him. Vilkas would remain in charge during his leave, overseeing the settling of Skagos, upholding his laws and implementing his plans in his absence.

He planned to have his uncle map out the best mining places that he could in his absence, implement the four field crop rotations, and get Varicho to set up Baldur's new brewery and distillery within the Crowl lands. Baldur planned to have a lengthy discussion with Varicho before departing. He had a few ideas to add to the process of brewing and distilling that were hopefully not already known.

POV: Tygett Lannister

266AC, Casterly Rock

Tygett lannister was now a man grown at 16 name days. He was a veteran of the nine penny king war and the failed rebellion of Houses Reyne and Tarbeck. He had killed men and distinguished himself on the field, and few were his peer when it came to sword fighting. In the last couple of years he had even began to gain a reputation for himself as a tourney knight, winning competitions all through the Westerlands in the joust. Yet for all of these accomplishments, he still couldn't crawl out from the shadow of his brother.

Following the nine penny king war, Tywin Lannister returned to Casterly rock where tensions were high due to the murder of Randle Reyne in Kings landing. Tywin had denied all accusations regarding the murder of the boy, stating it a distraction from the real concerns, the vast amounts of money owed to the Lannisters by multiple houses. He had even gone as far as to suggest it orchestrated by a Westerland house who had borrowed heavily from House Lannister and wished to see them removed from power, so that they didn't have to pay their debts. Tygett wasn't sure what to think on it himself, Tywin seemed like the type to orchestrate something like that, but truthfully, he had little to gain from it. He didn't know his brother very well, him having grown up in Kings landing for the most part, but he did know he wasn't likely to act in such a manner. 

Things soon came to a head over repayments and the murder of Randle Reyne, and war erupted across the Westerlands. Tygett loyally served, having little reserve about laying the enemies of House Lannister low. For two years the war had raged within the Westerlands, drawing the attention of many from the realm, to see who would come out on top. Ultimately, Lannister gold and influence won out, no matter the number of sympathizers that the Reynes had gained in the smaller houses. Tywin had proved himself not to be one to cross in the end, extinguishing the two houses to the last, and ending their lines.

Tywin had proved during the war that he valued family, even going as far as to include Tygett in the war councils, despite his young age and not being a knight. His brother had spoken often of relying on his brothers and that the only thing that mattered was House Lannister's future, and together, they would all secure it. Tygett could agree with that somewhat, the future of his house was important.

Following the war, Tygett had remained behind at the rock, while Tywin had ridden for Kings landing a resounding success, having earned the obedience of the Westerland houses. The remainder of the houses that were sympathetic towards the Tarbecks and Reynes had folded and had ultimately been spared, but had to give up many hostages to remain within Casterly rock for the foreseeable future.

In Kings Landing, King Jaehaerys Targaryen had died of an illness in 262AC, leaving the throne to Tywin's friend, Prince Aery's Targaryen. Upon being crowned king, King Aery's had named Tywin Lannister as hand of the king. Apparently, the king had reportedly been impressed with the effectiveness Tywin showed in putting down rebellion and no doubt thought him a good fit for the position, on top of being his close friend and confident.

Tygett was again left in the even longer shadows of Tywin Lannister. He thirsted for a way to get some recognition, instead of being known as Tywin's brother. Tygetts elder brother, Kevan, had taken to accepting his role in life at Tywins side, while Tygett hadn't. He wouldn't live the rest of his life by the ideals of his brother, living in his shadow and moved wherever his brother thought it best to serve his own ends. His brother may have talked often about the family being the only thing that mattered, but through that he really meant by extension, his own image as well. Tygett could decide himself how best he would serve House Lannister, not his brother.

In 263AC, Tywin had married Joanna Lannister, their cousin, who had recently given birth to twins at the rock by the name of Jamie and Cersei Lannister in 266AC, a boy and a girl respectively. Tywin, who rarely smiled, had done so upon the sight of his wife holding the two children, at least according to his sister Genna. Tywin would be remaining at Casterly rock for some amount of time no doubt, since the realm had come to settle and King Aery's had given him leave to be with his family.

It had been a turbulent few years since the war of nine penny kings. There had been the rebellion in the Westerlands, the death of a king and a new king rising and all the settling and repositioning at court that that had entailed. New positions on the small council were handed out and new changes in policy coming with it. New Kings often caused a shuffle in the realm of this sort.

Tygett had even heard a bit of news that reminded him of an old friend from the Stepstones, Baldur Crowl of Skagos. The boy who had a flair for bluntness and a savage upbringing, but one of the first outside of Tygett's immediate family to give him some form of praise for his own deeds, not really caring about his older brother Tywin in the process. He had in fact, genuinely made him laugh regarding the remarks about his brother lapping after the then Prince Aerys.

Tygett had heard some mention a couple moons ago while visiting Kings landing of some fighting in the far north of the 7 kingdoms. It was widely believed to be infighting between wildlings, not something all together unsurprising. It had taken a far back seat to the better gossip of the court regarding the Westerlands or the new king and his policies and appointments, or even, much to Tygett's dismay, Tywin Lannister and his new bride. It wasn't until the mention of Skagos, that Tygett's curiosity got the better of him.

It had taken a bit of time, but he had hunted down a few rumors through the vast gossip of the court. Word had it that the savages and cannibals within the isle had engaged in some infighting. No specific names were mentioned or known, though Tygett hoped his friend Baldur had come out unscathed. He was a decent sort and didn't deserve to be cut down by a savage warlord from some back water lagoon of Westeros. Many found it rather humorous that the savages were killing each other off, but that was kings landing. No doubt information was limited, what with the changing of the small council and better things to talk of. After all, what care did a place like kings landing have for the wildlings? Perhaps Tygett would find Baldur again one day, they could go on an adventure, make a name for themselves. The boy had been full of grand ideas, mostly surrounding himself, but still grand. Tygett could do with a little excitement and no doubt he would find himself in a place that no one knew or cared of his brother Tywin