
Number 24 Fanfic

When Hidaka gets hurt after the match Natsusa pulls some strings and removes a member from Koufuuin Quyen Hasegawa, one of their star players, and when he shows up, Yuu can't stop blushing. Of course some players have a problem with this but see how will he plays and is okay with it. Also just due to the fact Yuu and Natsusa are so close going go have him with Quyen to

RoseMaddox1990 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

At the Hospital/Meeting New Member

Natsusa felt like the team was cursed. He sat there while the group went to see Hidaka. Natsusa had an idea and called Quyen. They talked for two hours. "Okay, if you, the manager, say the team will be okay, I will transfer. I need to anyway to be closer to family," he said as he looked at the transfer papers on his laptop. Natsusa smiled. "Great, see you Monday," he said and hung up. He filed it out and called the coach and informed him and the team they didn't take it well. By Monday, his stuff was in the dorm. He had an empty room he was unpacking. Natsusa walks in and hugs him. "Thank you for doing this, or the team is a mess," he said. Quyen looked and stood up. "Listen, my old team hates me, and we'll play them soon, correct," he said. Natsusa nodded. "Yeah, in about five weeks," he said. Quyen nods and picks up the orange tape and his shoes. He followed him to the pitch and saw them. He sighed, putting his hair up. Gakuto walks up. "You must be Quyen," he said. Quyen nodded and shook his hand. "We got the star full back from Koufuuin," he said. Quyen nods. "Can I play, or do you want me to watch for today?" he asks. Gakuto looks. "Get tapped up and join us," he said. He nods. "Natsusa, you got this," Quyen requests. Natsusa smiles. "Can my assistant help?" he asks. "I don't care, man," Quyen said. Natsusa pulls Yuu over. Yuu stopped seeing him. "You got Quyen Hasegawa. He is amazing," Yuu said. Quyen hands his tape. "My right leg focus on my knee, my back okay," he said. Natsusa nods and lifts his shirt and shows Yuu; he swallows gently, touching and taping his back and moving his right leg and following Natsusa's hand movements and smiles. "Keep the tape. I only use orange. It's my sister's favorite color," he says and goes on the pitch. Ethen walks up. "So Natsusa poached you from Koufuuin," he said, putting his arm around his neck. "I did it mostly to be closer to my baby sister and aunt also want to take down the brothers and bring them down a peg or two," he said. Ueoka slaps his back. "Sounds good to me," he said. Quyen nodded and saw Taisei glaring at him. "Great, I am already a problem," Quyen said. Ikuto looks. "Nah, he just has an anger problem. It isn't you," he said. Quyen nodded and played when he tackled Taisei; he smirked and stood up. Taisei was pissed. "You are a trader. Just let your team on a call," he said. Quyen looks. "It took Natsusa two hours before I said yes; I have a baby sister and a sick aunt I can see without an hour train ride, you dick," he said. Taisei shoves him and walks off. Quyen was grumbling and went to run instead of fight. He sat down, breathing and holding his knee. He sighed. Yuu rushed over with ice and sat and iced his leg. "Thanks, sorry for causing trouble," he said, leaning back. Yuu looks. "You mean Taisei? Oh, no one is worried. He is a pain to everyone," he said and helped him stretch his leg out again. He swallows. "Thanks," he said and went to shower and change. Yuu watched him "he is so sexy," he mumbled, not knowing Natsusa was behind him. "He is single last I checked," he said. Yuu jumped. "He likes boys," he asked. Natsusa nods. "Yeah, his last boyfriend was on a rival team and busted Quyen's knee hoping to get him to stop playing," Natsusa said. "Due to Quyen being as stubborn as an Ox, he busted his ass to get back to playing, and he is better than ever," Natsusa said. As they returned to the locker room, Yuu saw Quyen in a towel. "Yuu," he said. Yuu walked over. "Could you tape my knee, please?" he asked. Yuu nodded and started. Quyen smiled and thanked him and got pants on, and walked out. A child around 12 was standing there. "Emi, what have I said about taking the train alone," Quyen said. She had her hands on her hips. "So it is true you left Koufuuin to join Doshisha," she said, kicking him in the shin "Emi, don't bully me," he said and picked her up. "hey, you listen, you butt head, your team is mad," she yelled hitting his back. "Yeah, and they will replace me. It's fine," he said. Yuu saw it and smiled. He went home and watched videos of Quyen playing. Quyen texted Yuu. "Hey did you record today's match," he asked. Yuu jumped and looked at the message. "Oh, umm, yes," he replied. "You see anything I need to work on," he asks. Yuu swallows. "Can I come over? We can watch together and talk," he asks. "Sure, that is a good idea," he said and gave Yuu his address. Yuu packs up his tablet and goes.