
New Weapon

Arthuro smirked, "Are you sure about this? My people are very powerful."

"I know, and so are mine," John answered.

"Let's begin, then," Arthuro said and signalled a group of his warriors.

"Octavia, you're up," John said, and the crowd cheered.

Octavia walked towards the centre of the court and her group of 5 followed.

Arthuro signalled a group of six warriors.

"We will take on all of them," Octavia declared and the crowd erupted in cheers.

Arthuro's warriors looked at their leader who smirked and nodded.

"Let's do this," Octavia's group rushed towards Arthuro's warriors.

The crowd erupted into a frenzy as the two groups clashed. Octavia's team was clearly at a disadvantage, but they held their ground.

Arthuro's warriors were surprised at the strength of the group, and their leader ordered them to fight back.

As the tides turned against Olivia, she shouted, "Now!"