
Nowere: A Journey Of Love

Diana has been living with her father, Mr. Robert, in the small town of Nowere for as long as she could remember. And her best friend Melissa has always been there ever since she was a child. But what happens when the Prince of Nowere along with his best friend, decided to intervene in her life. What does he want? Why does he keep coming back to her house? Read "Nowere" to find out the story of Diana and the Prince. A story, full of love, care, and lots of humor.

NinaWasti · Histoire
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs

Chapter 10

On the way to the castle, Diana saw Melissa and Carl going to the bakery. She stopped the horse near them gaining their attention.

"Hi, guys!" Diana greeted.

"Oh. Hi, Diana."


Melissa and Carl greeted her back. Diana got down the horse and stood beside them.

"How are your wounds, Diana? They were bad yesterday," Melissa asked.

"And where are you going this early? Did Sir Robert allow to go outside? He didn't punish you this time?" Carl asked curiously.

"Woah, guys. Slow down. So many questions," Diana faked a dramatic sigh. "But yes, my wounds are fine. Thank you for taking care of me, Melissa. I am feeling good and recovered. You know, I heal quickly," Diana gave a playful wink making her friend playfully smile.

"And yes, my dear princess," Diana said and gave a tiny bow to Carl causing him to frown angrily. "My father let me out this early. He didn't punish me either, in fact, he seemed quite calm today. He wanted me to deliver a letter to the king."

"To the king?" Melissa asked shocked.

"Mhm. I don't know why though. He never let me near the palace before and neither did he go anywhere near it."

"It must be something important then," Melissa said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, it seems so." Diana agreed with her.

"If it isn't urgent, you can give it to me. I'll deliver it," Carl suggested.

"Aww. You are so caring, princess," Diana cooed making Melissa laugh. "But as much I want to I will have to decline the offer because apparently, he wanted me to personally deliver it to the king and nobody else."

"Hmm. Not even Eric?" Carl asked thoughtfully thinking about his conversation with Eric.

"Nope." Diana denied.

"You know what's in the letter?" Carl asked again.

"Uff. Carl, please stop with your questions already. Why are you so curious today?" Melissa said annoyed.

"Yeah, you seem too much interested in the letter. Do you know something? Is it related to Eric?" Diana asked him.

"Haha. No, of course not. How can I know what's in the letter?" Carl laughed awkwardly.

"Hm. Okay," Diana didn't push any further.

"Oh shoot! I gotta run now. Half an hour has already passed by, and I haven't even reached the castle. I don't know how much time it will take to reach the king too. I even told dad that I will be back in just 2 hours." Diana said in panic and mounted her horse hurriedly.

"Try to find Eric. He may help you reach the king faster," Carl suggested to her.


"Yeah. You can find him on the archery ground. He must have been there." Carl told her.

"Oh. Thank you so much, princess, err… Carl. I'll be going now, bye!" Diana said as she kicked the horse and it started running.

Carl crossed his arms angrily and shook his head, "She calls me by my name only when I help."

Melissa laughed and said, "But I find it cute though."

"Oh really?" Carl asked, suddenly becoming happy.

"Yeah. You get angry as a princess would." Melissa teased.

Carl looked at her shocked. "…Th-that's not true!"

Melissa laughed again and started walking to the bakery, "Come on or we'll be late."

"Melissa! That's not true! Okay?" Carl started to follow her, "Melissa!"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever keeps your boat afloat." Melissa teased him again.



Diana reached the palace a few minutes later. She went to the gates and the guards helped her take her horse to the stables. The front part of the palace was allowed for the commoners to visit and look around.

Diana started to look around. She was stunned by the size of everything. The large buildings, the vast gardens, and the fountains in them were fascinating to her. Then she saw the training grounds where the soldiers were training sword fighting, archery, and wrestling. There was even ground for physical training where the soldiers were stretching, running, boxing, or just warming up.

She went near those grounds and looked at the people excitedly. She sat on her toes behind a big bush so as not to get caught.

"Diana. Come back to your senses! You can't fool around right now. You a letter to deliver. And you haven't even Eric yet!" She scolded herself and clapped her cheeks a little.

"But where did he say I could find him?" She asked herself. "Oh yes! It was the archery ground."

She looked towards the archery ground and tried to spot him, "Oh, there he is!"

"Oye! What are doing there, huh?!" Suddenly a loud voice yelled at her, startling her. She lost her balance and fell on her back.

"Ow!" Diana looked up and said, "Aren't you a little too loud? I almost lost my hearing." She said while caressing her ear with one hand. "I can't even feel my back." She continued to complain.

"Oye! Stop complaining! Are you a spy, huh?!" There was a soldier with his sword pointed at her.

"Me? Do you think I look like a spy?" She asked him sarcastically, "with such bright clothes and all?" She pointed to her yellow dress.

"Shut your mouth and get up!" He yelled again and harshly held her arm, pulling her up.

"Oy! Don't touch me!"

By then they had gained the attention of the soldiers training on the grounds.

"Tell me what you were doing here?! You are a spy, right? Or an assassin, huh? Speak up!" The guy kept yelling.

Diana, who was still trying to get out of his grip yelled back, "I am not! I just told you, how can I be a spy or assassin with such bright clothing!"

The soldier shakes her vigorously and said, "Don't lie! I saw you hiding here!"

"I wasn't hiding! I was looking for Eric! Your prince Eric!" She yelled back.

He dragged her from the bushes and to the ground. "How can a peasant like you dare to call the prince by his name, huh?!" He yelled angrily.

"Oh! Because I know him! Now leave me!" She was still trying to get out of his grip.

"What's happening over there?!" The soldier and Diana looked up and saw Eric making his over.

The soldier bowed down with respect and greeted, "Your highness!"

"Oh. Hi Eric!" Diana waved excitedly. He squeezed her arm harshly and made her bow down with him.

"Ow, ow, ow!"

"Your highness, I am sorry for the disturbance, but I saw her spying on you. I will take her to jail right away." The soldier said.

"Hey! How many times should I say, I wasn't spying on him. I was looking for him." Diana said and tried to free her arm.

"Stop both of you!" Eric ordered making them turn to him. "And you! Leave her right now."

"But your highness…" The guy tried to explain but Eric stopped him.

"I know her you don't have to worry. Leave her now."

"Yes, your highness."

Diana turned to him with a smirk and wiggled her eyebrows. The soldier glared at her and left her arm. She rose from the bow and started to caress her arm.

"Oi. You have quite the strength, man. My arm feels numb." Diana said.

"You okay?" Eric asked concerned.

"Oh." Diana turned to him and nodded, "Yeah, I am okay." Eric gave her a small smile and turned to the soldier who was still bowing down.

"You can rise now. And… everyone here must remember her. If anyone saw her again in the palace, take her to me."

"Yes, your highness!" Every soldier said in one voice.

Diana looked at all the people behind Eric and awkwardly waved at them.

"Everyone! Back to your training!" Eric shouted the command. He pointed to the soldier next to Diana and said, "You as well!"

They all bowed and went back to their training.

Eric looked at Diana who was looking curiously at the soldiers going to train. Eric smiled at her curious self and stepped towards her.

"Woah, Eric. Your soldiers train hard." Diana said in amusement. Then she caressed her arm as if remembering the pain and pouted, "That must be why they are so strong."

Eric smiled and gently held her arm, "Are you sure you are okay?"

Diana nodded, "Yes. It might bruise a bit, but I heal quickly so I'll be fine." She turned to him and raised an eyebrow, "But… aren't you gonna punish him? After all, he was mean to your guests."

"Hmm. I was thinking of suspending him. Should I?" Eric asked.

"Huh? No, no. Don't do that. He is very strong. It will be a waste to suspend him," Diana denied at once.

Eric smiled to himself and said, "Okay, okay. I'll just train him harder for the week."

Diana nodded and started to look at the training fields again.

"Come. I'll show you around." Eric offered. Diana nodded happily and they started walking toward the grounds.

"What were you doing before I came?" Diana asked.

"I was in the archery grounds. I had to watch and train the new archers." Eric replied.

"Then… can we go there first?" Diana asked. Eric smiled and nodded.

When they reached the archery grounds, Diana was more than happy to explore.

"This is the archery ground. The targets are set up there on the small hill," Eric pointed towards the targets and took her to a small tent, "and here we set up all the equipment."

A group of maids was standing near the tents. They were swooning over the prince before Diana came. But the prince ignored all of them.

"You know Eric…," Diana started making him turn to her, "I have always loved archery. I love… how we just focus on one goal and try our best to achieve it. And then we set another goal and focus on it." She smiled nostalgically and said, "Dad says, maa loved archery and that she was good at it too."

Eric looked at her and turned ahead, "Hmm… Then I am sure, her daughter must be good at it too."

Diana turned to him excitedly, "Of course, I am! Will you compete with me? You will be shocked at how good I am." She said proudly.

The maids were giving death glares to Diana as the prince was talking so casually to her. They were jealous that she was getting the prince's attention when they were ignored so easily. When they saw a chance, they decided to make fun of her.

"Ha… I bet she doesn't know the right way to hold the bow," One of the maids commented. Eric looked at Diana who was busy looking at the equipment.

"How can she just ask for competition with his highness? She is too full of herself."

"She even calls your highness by his name. How disrespectful!" Another one mentioned.

"Look at the way she is dressed, did she think she can do archery in those clothes?"

"She looks so poor and petty; how could she be good at archery when it seems that she can't even afford a bow or arrow?" another one commented.

Eric turned to them to give them an earful when Diana suddenly called out to him.

"Eric." He looked at her and Diana smiled.

"Can I use this bow?" She pointed toward a bow and arrows. "And… those arrows too?"

Eric looked at her confused but nodded anyway. "Yes. If that's what you like."

Diana smiled at him and said, "Where are yours? Hurry and collect them, I am going over to see the target place."

Eric nodded and said, "Okay, I'll be there. Wait for me." He shook his head and went to take his bow and arrows.