

Mukanshin, a boy who never spoke, unless spoken to by his enemy, Yorokobi. Both boys despised each other, almost to the point where they would kill. However, both seem to have similarities.

AkumaUwU · LGBT+
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1 Chs

Apathy and Joy

Yorokobi, who was leaning on his locker, called out to his friend, who was showing off to girls.

"Sigh, damn bastard." Yorokobi thought as he went over and smacked his friend in the back, getting his attention. The boy turned around, rubbing his back.

"Ah dude, what the hell was that for?" He asked, still rubbing the spot where Yorokobi hit him.

"Quit talking to girls, we gotta get to class." Yorokobi said, sighing once more, this time out loud. His friend laughed.

"Man, screw class! The real learning is right here!" the boy said.

"Whatever you say man." Yorokobi said, walking away. Mukanshin was unfortunately walking the same way, not paying attention he bumped into Yorokobi.

"Oi watch it!" Mukanshin said, punching the boy in the arm, causing Yorokobi to punch back.

"You watch it, asshole." Yorokobi said, pushing Mukanshin aside to get to class. Mukanshin spit, and then walked away.

Yorokobi was sitting in class, listening to the teacher ramble on and on about who knows what. Just then a boy barged rudely into the class and slammed his hand on the teachers desk. The teacher looked up and pushed the boy out of the class and locked the door. The boy banged on the window. Mukanshin then pushed the boy's face through the window, causing a small puddle of blood to form. Yorokobi jumped out of his seat and grabbed Mukanshin by the collar of his uniform, causing him to stumble back.

"What the hell's your problem Mukanshin!?" Yorokobi asked, pinning Mukanshin to the wall. Mukanshin didn't respond, he grabbed Yorokobi's arm and pushed him back. Just then the teacher stepped in before things got to ugly.

"BOYS!" The teacher screamed. The boys looked up and stopped fighting. Mukanshin sighed, knowing that once again he and Yorokobi would be sent to the office and probably be suspended. The teacher grabbed both boys and dragged them to the front gate, throwing them out of the school.

"You boys are suspended!" The teacher screamed, leaving the two in the cold.

"Dude, what the hell is wrong with you!?" Yorokobi yelled.

Mukanshin looked at Yorokobi with disgust.

"That kid had a gun, he was getting ready to pull it out." Mukanshin said.

"You should be thanking me, asshole."

That set Yorokobi off, he went and kicked Mukanshin in the leg, Mukanshin responded by punching him hard in the face. Harder than he had ever done before.

Yorokobi looked up at the boy with slight fear.

"I.. I don't ever want to see your face again." Mukanshin said in a serious tone. Yorokobi stood up, getting ready to slap him, but Mukanshin walked away, leaving Yorokobi standing in front of the gate of the school, alone.

"What... the hell was that?"