
Night Romance

I was a little sulking at that time. and Tito took me home. When I got to my house, I immediately got out of the car without saying goodbye. along the way, because I was very upset I was silent while occasionally rubbing my sore forehead. Tito only glanced occasionally and said sorry. but I remain silent. when I was about to enter the house, suddenly, Tito pulled my hand. and then, I was slammed into Tito's embrace. He turned his face right in front of me, and we looked at each other. slowly, Tito's face approached mine while tilted slightly and he closed his eyes. Then, our lips touched. I was so shocked that my body was weak and I could not do anything else. The touch of Tito's hand that was so soft on my face made me drift off in that romantic atmosphere. My eyes that were originally open, I just closed it. the touch that was so soft between my lips and Tito's, made me even more carried away. even from time to time, our lips gently bite each other. Tito was so good at kissing that I just followed him. After a few seconds, slowly Tito removed his hand from my face and ended it, then we looked at each other again and our faces were both flushed.

That day was like a beautiful dream for me. What a beautiful night. my initial intention, just to watch a movie with Tito. ended up being an unexpected event. Valentine's night that day became Valentine's night that will not be forgotten by me. I, who at that time still imagined the scent of his breath that was so fragrant and the soft touch of his lips, was still ringing in my mind until now. I feel like going back again that night. I think that night Cupid had aimed his love arrows for us both. After the incident, that night the two of us were very awkward with each other. There was not the slightest explanation from Tito, nor did I. all, felt strange and new to me. I never kept my attitude in front of Tito before and now, I start to maintain my attitude when I'm with Tito. It looks funny and strange. but I enjoyed it.

another thing with Tito. He's just acting like usual. like nothing happened before. I, who at that time continued to pay attention to him, could only wonder in my heart even though I was very hesitant to mention him in front of Tito. After one week after the incident that night, I felt that Tito was slowly moving away from me. and I feel a little frustrated as if I had been thrown away sweet after being thrown away. I feel irritated and hate Tito a little. I was quite sick at that time and didn't want to meet Tito. Finally, one month passed and we didn't see each other. and I got word that Tito has moved house. I hurried to visit his residence. I pressed the doorbell many times, I even knocked on the door. but no one answered. I felt heartbreak at that moment.

Time flies so fast. It's very hard for me to forget the memories about Tito. even though I have broken up with him for a long time. There is absolutely no news from Tito, be it via social media or a letter. I was so devastated. until one day I realized that life must go on and there is nothing to regret until it drags on. After several attempts that I tried without stopping, I was finally able to forget about Tito. and live very well without Him.

Even so, the meaning of Valentine's Day to me is a very painful day after I got to know Tito. Every year I pass Valentine's Day by buying chocolate at a convenience store and eating it myself. Even though there are so many men who ask me out on dates and send me some gifts for Valentine's Day, I refuse them gently without hurting their feelings. because of the experience I've had, made me think back to having another relationship with another man after Tito. Until now, Valentine's Day that occurs every year I just pass it as an ordinary day. Nothing special.

As time went by, I began to be busy preparing everything for my graduation, starting from my thesis and graduation later. Currently, I only focus on my college affairs. not the slightest bit crossed my mind the thought of Tito. I studied hard enough at the time that my hard work ended up reaping good results. I also graduated from one of the top universities with a very satisfying grade. my social status continues to increase. Finally, I was hired by one of the biggest startup companies in Indonesia.

The days that I passed really made me happy. I love studying and I'm a typical hardworking person. until I finally reached the higher ranks. I enjoyed the process. People indeed say that no effort betrays results. At the age of 35, I managed to become a COO or can be called the deputy director of operations. I am very grateful. but it's not the peak of the career that I want. but I still have a dream to become one of the directors of the company. I am not careless and also satisfied with my current achievement. and I'm still trying to be what I want to be.

Soon, Valentine's day. When I was free and after a long time I didn't think about it, suddenly I found an email entered on my cell phone. The name of his email address is so foreign to me. After I opened it, it turned out that the email contained a message and it turned out to be from Tito. I'm very surprised. At that time I was lying on my bed and then woke up and looked back at my cellphone as if I could not believe what I had just seen. On the one hand, I feel a little happy, but on the other hand, I feel very annoyed after I think about what he has done to me in the past, making me hesitate to retaliate. because my selfishness was so great, I finally chose to ignore the message.