
Nothing like Billtower

We all were taught hell is a bad place. But what if it isn't truth? Hell has been under heaven's attacks for decades now, it's time to fight back.

Wolfik128 · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Bittersweet reunion and Angelic encounter

"Where am I?" Aura grumbled rubbing her head. Her eyes widened as she noticed the wast greyness surrounding her, stretching endlessly. She jumped up, looking around, a heavy uneasiness growing inside her core.

"In purgatory." A soft voice said from behind her making her jump up,

"Fuck! Don't do that!" She growled breathing loudly, her left hand clutching her chest. Calming down she noticed a short, soft looking lamb-like creature levitating right behind her, a pair of little wings flapping on its back. It blinked few times, his amber eyes gleaming strangely.

"Your foul language makes me sad." Aura burst into a fit of laugh, make the angel wince a bit,

"You're kidding right?" She cackled the question out before she started coughing.

"Why should I?" the lamb asked her with raised eyebrow clearly unconvinced. Aura's teal eyes looked up at it, "It's not polite of a lady like you to talk like that." Making the teen roll her eyes with a light snort. "What's so funny to you?" the lamb asked getting slightly agitated.

"Oh nothing, it was always my big dream that a flying lamb would lecture me about how to speak." Aura replied sarcastically, the lamb frowned, but remained silent.

"So, we're in purgatory?" Aura asked making the lamb glance at her,

"Yeah, you died in a car crash, remember?" The young girl kept silent,

"And, you're my guardian angel or...?" she looked at him tilting her head slightly,

"Something like that." The winged lamb gave her a nod while shrugging its shoulders, "I'm Apollo."

"Great, my heavenly protector is a teeny lamb with named after a Greek god, this cannot get any better." Aura muttered rolling her eyes, her voice thick with sarcasm.

"Hey!" Apollo shouted, clearly offended by her statement. His wings were flapping a little faster.

"What's wrong, little lamb take a tiny tease?" She asked in mocking voice before cackling loudly. "Man up!" She told him folding her arms. Apollo gave her a soft glare, which she ignored.

"Your behavior is strongly inappropriate." He noted, eyeing the teen sternly,

"Whatever." She mumbled examining her fingers. "Why are we in purgatory anyway?" She asked dryly, looking at the angel beside her.

"Aside from your foul language and mildly rude behavior, you've ended up here thanks to your questionable ethics and your sexuality." He explained making her raise an eyebrow.

"Sexuality? As in I can go to hell because I'm bisexual?" she asked him in deep disbelief, her eyes wide with shocked surprise.

"Our lord doesn't like undeciding people." Apollo answered with simple shrug.

"Oh, and how do you know that?" The teen asked him raising an eyebrow.

"I'm his deputy." He retorted with smug proud grin making her bark in laughter,

"You can't be serious! There's no way a thing like you can be God's deputy!" Aura choked out between her bursts of laughter, oblivious to the angel's slowly raising dislike to her.

"Are you finished?" he deadpanned at her,

"Nah, but I'm out of breath." Apollo gritted his teeth to prevent himself from lashing out at her. Closing his eyes, he took couple of deep breaths before looking at her again.

"Anyways," he said slowly to make sure he had her attention, "for all your many faults you're still a valuable member of society and therefore can't be denied access to Heaven, on one condition." He rose a finger making her groan,

"What is it this time, Lamb?" she grumbled making him roll his eyes,

"You give up your sexuality." He stated making her growl at him,

"What?! Never! I'm not giving up on something I'm proud to stand by!" She growled at him, her teal eyes turning into hard glare. "I'm not denying my sexuality just because some fatass up there doesn't like it!" She told him, stepping closer to him with each word in threatening manner, "Not gonna happen." She sneered right into his face, spitting at him a little.

He looked at her, swiping his face, "Control you temper, girl." He ordered her softly, wiping away her spits from his body.

Before they could resume their arguments, a sudden explosion from not so far away got their attention. "Oh no." Apollo mumbled making Aura to raise her eyebrows at him.

"What's wrong, Lamb?" She asked him in mocking tone making him glare, well frown, at her.

"Not your thing to care about." He told her coldly, making her eyeballs roll.

"Whatever you say." She muttered looking the way the sound of explosion came from.

"If you go that way you can't return, ever." He warned her.

A small light smirk appeared on Aura's face, "Does that mean I'll get rid of you?" She asked him, her eyes brightening. Apollo stayed silent, his eyes glued to her, only blinking slowly in response. Chuckling softly, she skipped away just as another explosion rang through the air. Which snapped Apollo back to reality,

"Wait!" he cried flying quickly after her, catching up to her just as she was about to walk through the entrance to hell. "You can't go there!" He told her standing in front of her, blocking her from walking any further.

"Why not?" she asked him cold, giving him weak glare. He glared back at her with determination,

"I'm not losing another soul to that sulfur breathing, drug taking morons!" He yelled loudly causing her to giggle,

"Too bad, Lamb." She told him, pushing him aside with ease,

"Hey!" he grunted batting at her hand. She rolled her eyes at his antics, she grabbed him, throwing him farther away from the entrance,

"See ya never, imbecile." She waved her hand in mockery jumping through the hell entrance. Apollo got to the entrance just as the last tip of her pink hair disappeared into the smoking reddish gate. He let out a grunt, kicking at one soft clump of cloud in frustration.


"Aaah!" Aura screamed before she landed on a hard ground with a 'thud'. She got up, rubbing circles on her back, before noticing a soft cover of fur was growing all over her body, "Awesome!" she purred with delight, surprising herself with that unexpected sound, quickly examining her body, she noted various changes,

'I wonder if this happens to everyone who gets sent to hell.' she wondered inside her mind, having finished with examining her changing body, she looked up,

her eyes widened a bit as she looked around, 'Not exactly what I expected.' She noted in her mind, glancing at the hell landscapes that now surrounded her.

Soon a sound of explosion followed by thick grey smoke rising from not so far away got her attention, "Wonder what that's about?" she mused padding softly toward the dark silhouettes of tall buildings that rose against the horizon.

"Whoa!" The pink haired teen breathed out in amazement as the city appeared ahead.

Suddenly, her amazement was cut short by a bloodcurdling screech coming from an adjacent street, followed by dark growl. "What's that?" she whispered shivering slightly. Out of nowhere a young-looking boy darted from the previously mentioned street, flailing his hands around.

"Help!" He screamed; his violet eyes so wide they looked like they were going to pop out of his skull soon. What stunned her about his appearance was a pair of light grey, almost silver, small horns sticking out of his messy chestnut hair. The boy dashed past Aura, not giving her a glance. He turned left and disappeared behind another corner, leaving a stunned Aura staring after him.

"That was weird." She mumbled raising an eyebrow.

Sudden cold shriek made her blood run cold.

"Fresh meeaaat." Snarled a fast-approaching strange looking creature wielding a katana. It stepped out of the shadows of the street revealing a strange, creepy-looking angel. Its wings were all black, damaged with several clumps of feathers missing.

Aura gulped loudly, her whole body was shaking, tail swishing in her rising anxiety. She stepped back by few steps, trying to keep distance between her and the demonic angel who was now giving her a mad grin. "I like fresh meat." A long slick tongue exited its mouth, licking its charred lips, making Aura feel sick to her stomach.

'This is wrong!' She shrieked inside her head, her newly acclaimed claws unsheathing in defensive manner. She was hyperventilating, still walking backwards, her eyes never leaving the angel, her fur standing straight, ears twitching. The creature sniffed loudly before crossing the space in moments with long fast steps. It smiled widely revealing rows of sharp looking teeth dripping in saliva. "Fresh meat." It purred right into her ear in dark twisted voice, making her shiver in disgust.


Suddenly the angel raised its katana up, aiming for the new fallen soul. Aura looked up before leaping away just as the long sharp weapon stroke the spot, she was standing in moments ago. It clicked its tongue in frustration, the wings jerked in a movement that somehow resembled flapping, making Aura look at them with raised eyebrow.

Before she had time to wonder about it, the angel charged at her again, swishing its weapon around. Aura dodged the attempts easily, only receiving a minor cuts, before it slashed right at her check. She felt warm blood spill out of the new wound, dripping down onto her shoulder. She let out a dark growl, narrowing her eyes at the attacker.

The angel tilted its head, clutching the katana tighter, Aura took a swift glance at the weapon, noticing a barely visible cracks at the edges. Swinging the long blade again, Aura jumped away just as the katana was about to hit her, causing it to hit the ground instead and splitting into pieces.

The angel snarled, throwing the katana away, it charged at Aura with its bare hands. Not wasting any time, she slipped forward, making the creepy inhuman creature trip against her, falling down. She jumped up grabbing a small piece of the shattered weapon.

Breathing heavily, the angel got up, part of its face ripping away making Aura cringe away slightly. In anger it grabbed the face in both hands and ripped it away, making black liquid splatter the teen spirit. She jerked as the black droplets landed on her, before gasping in horror as she looked up at the angel's real face.

It tilted its head at her, coming slowly toward her. Aura stayed glued to one spot on utter fear and horror, only her tail was twitching. The angel stopped inches from her, growling right into her face, making her cringe away.

"Leave me alone!" She growled swishing the katana shard at the angel, hitting its eye and pulling it away from its socket.

That angered the terrifying creature, making it snarl threateningly at its prey. Aura was breathing heavily, clutching the small shard tightly, she shook off the eye, waiting for the angel's next move.

Unaware to her, the young boy was watching the fight from behind the corner, hidden safely behind couple of dumpsters. Crouching lowly on the ground, her covered his mouth with his hands to prevent a terrifying shriek from escaping his lips, as the angel charged at her again.

Aura crouched, trying to repeat her agile move once again, but the angel saw it coming, it grabbed her, digging its claws deeply into her shoulders, making her wince in pain, "Fresh meat mine now." It let out a dark chuckle, swinging Aura around playfully.

Getting motion sickness, Aura closed her eyes to prevent herself from throwing up. As a last attempt at fighting back, she swayed the shard around swiftly.

She felt the claws' grip loosening, before releasing her altogether, causing her to land on the ground again. Opening her eyes, she saw the angel, its eye now glazed with death, splattered beside her, completely still, its jaw dangling wide open in wide never-ending malicious smile. Seeing that she quickly scrambled onto her feet again, backing away in hurry.


"That was awesome, dude!" The boy called exiting his hiding spot. "You took it out!" he added more in surprise than amazement, Aura looked at him, too tired to react at him scaring her.

"I guess." She said sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck. The boy walked to her, wearily eyeing the heavenly corpse as he walked past it.

"You're awesome bro!" He exclaimed loudly, making her roll her eyes

"If you haven't noticed yet, I'm a girl." She retorted dryly, eying him. He rolled his violet eyes at her,

"I've noticed sweetheart." He noted, "I just didn't care." He added making her chuckle dryly.

"Figures." Aura muttered swinging her tail around. The boy suddenly looked at her hand,

"Is that from the katana?" he asked pointing at the little piece,

"Yeah." Aura shrugged, looking down at it. "That thing didn't notice it was cracked." She noted, tail pointing at the corpse, examining the piece closely, it had strange ornaments at the top and felt somewhat hot at the touch. The weirdest part, to her, was the faint glow it was radiating.

"So, it's really dead?" The boy asked in heavy disbelief, eyeing the corpse with deep distrust. His eyes were narrowed as he glanced between Aura and the dead angel.

She gave him a shrug, "It wouldn't hesitate to attack us if it wasn't." She reminded him, kneeling down beside the dead body, "It's not that smart to pretend to be dead long enough." She noted shooting him a quick glance.

"So, you're an angel killer then?" Aura looked at him, tilting her head, her eyebrow raised high,

"I'm what?" she asked him, clearly confused by his statement,

"You know, someone who kills angels." He tried to explain pointing at the dead body, "You took Her down."

"That thing was a female?" Aura questioned with wide eyes, the boy nodded,

"She was one of the hunters the heavens sent to decimate us." He informed her just as a low growl came from nearby followed by stomping of several footsteps. Looking at her, he grabbed her hand, dragging her into his hiding spot.

"Shit, we're in deep trouble now!" He cursed in whisper, eyes glued to the dead body,

"Why?" Aura asked following his gaze, "I've took out one, surely I can destroy the rest." She noted, the boy shook his head,

"This is not another angel. It's the demon royalty." The boy explained, "If they find out you took down the angel, they'll want to have you as their personal property." He added, eyeing the road street with the dead body in the center of it wearily.

"Why would demon royalty want me as their property?" Aura questioned crouching beside him, "Aren't they capable of killing them by themselves?" She asked him, making the boy to raise his eyebrow at her.

"You're new here, aren't you?" He asked, eyeing her closely. Aura gave a weak nod, watching as three silhouettes appeared from behind different corner, coming toward the heavenly corpse.


Opening her eyes, all Lizzy could see were gray clouds stretching forever. Her whole body stung; her head was spinning slightly. Standing up slowly she noticed her mother laying few meters way, also unconscious.

"Mom!" she called running to Lilith. Stirring softly, the older woman opened her eyes, blinking few times,

"Lizzy?" she asked in surprise and disbelief before hugging her daughter tightly, "You're okay!" she cried softly. Lizzy smiled at her warmly, joining in the hug. "I was so worried you won't survive after that psycho shot you." Lilith sobbed softly, still holding her daughter close,

"I'm alright now, mom." Lizzy reassured her. When they finally let go of each other, Lilith examined her daughter very closely,

"Not even a tiny scar, I must thank Nicholas for this." She noted kindly making Lizzy look at her in confusion,

"What do you mean, mom?" She asked shuffling closer to her mother. Lilith's eyes narrowed a bit,

"Sweetie, you were shot, don't you remember?" Lizzy thought for a while before shaking her head, Lilith balled her hands into fists to prevent herself from freaking out, "What do you remember the last, honey?" She asked in her kind smooth voice, caressing her daughter's hair.

"Only a pain." Lizzy sighed, "Everything was black, but I remember sharp pain pulsing through me very distinctly." She responded looking up at Lilith, the woman in question sighed before looking at their surroundings for the first time.

"This isn't the hospital." Lilith noted dully,

"No kidding there, mom." Lizzy chuckled slightly looking around.

"Oh, new arrivals. Welcome!" A warm friendly voice made the mother-daughter duo to turn around. This time instead of Apollo, Polly's warm smile welcomed the newcomers.

"Who are you?" Lilith asked making Polly chuckle a little,

"I'm Polly, your guardian angel." She informed them in polite voice,

"Does this mean, we're in heaven now? Is dad here as well?" Lizzy asked in hopeful voice. Polly looked at her, her expression a little sad,

"I'm sorry, child, but your father couldn't be accepted here for his nefarious connections." Polly informed her making Lizzy's face look hurt.

"He wasn't a bad person." She tried to argue. Polly looked at her with a bit of pity,

"I know you think that, child, but Patrick did some questionable things that sent him down in the end." Lizzy sighed sadly, looking down at her feet. Lilith placed hand around her shoulder, pulling her into her chest,

"He didn't deserve being sent into hell." Lizzy whimpered softly into her shoulder,

"I know, sweetheart." Lilith nodded sighing softly, "I know." She whispered rubbing soothing circles on her daughter's back. Polly watched them, keeping herself silent, not wanting to ruin the moment for the duo.

"This is heaven then? Looks kind of dull and empty." Lilith noted looking around,

"Oh no." Polly said waving dismissive hand at her, "This is not heaven, this is the purgatory." She informed them with her ever-present cheerful smile.

"Wait, why are we in the purgatory, isn't that where bad but not evil souls go?" Lizzy asked, causing Polly to laugh,

"You're quite right, young lady." She told her, "Except that every soul that isn't pure enough to enter heaven right away ends up here." She corrected her, floating closer to them.

"Did dad end up here too?" Lizzy asked softly, Polly gave her a confident nod,

"Yes, unfortunately he couldn't be saved from the hellish grasp." The angel noted scratching her head.

"Couldn't or you didn't try to?" Lilith asked with mild accusing voice, her eyes appearing colder as she eyed the levitating heavenly creature in front of her.

"We can't save anyone. It's up to them whether they're good enough to go into heaven or not. We ain't doing anything." Polly defended herself and her coworkers. "Which reminds me, only one of you is actually pure enough to enter the everlasting paradise." She informed them making the mother and daughter look at each other in worry. "I'm sorry, Lilith, but you really shouldn't be flirting with that bartender." Lilith's eyes widened at that sentence,

"Excuse me?! Mom had to do it to keep herself save!" Lizzy defended her mother in brisk tone, making Lilith grip her shoulder tighter to keep her daughter from attacking the small angel. "She wouldn't have done it if the situation depended on her!" Lizzy added growling. Polly looked at her completely unconvinced.

"She should've known better than to marry a mafia high rank later boss." She retorted, almost breaking from her cheerful appearance.

"What?!" This time Lilith was the one to yell, "You're telling me I'm going to hell because I've married someone I loved despite his status and tried to keep the bad suggestions off myself to keep myself safe?" she asked, breathing heavily. Polly folded her arms,

"Most likely." She told her cheerfully with smug grin plastered over her face, "In the end, you could've just divorce him truthfully and not keeping the charade up. God hates liars." She told them in unusual cold voice.

Lizzy then stepped up, "Fine, if mum's going down there then so am I." She said to the angelic woman with determination,

"No! Don't do it, Liz!" Lilith pleaded looking at her daughter with round scared eyes, Lizzy sighed,

"I'd rather be down there with both of you guys than in this stupid fluffy fake lie." She said, her eyes narrowing at the angel,

"If that's what you want, then so be it!" Polly sneered at her weakly, "You'll crawl back pleading soon, just you wait!" She growled at them before creating a portal in front of them. With a swift kick, she pushed them through it in anger.


"How did you guess I wasn't from here?" Aura asked as they watched three demons enter the road,

"I didn't say you weren't from here. I only said you were new here. Because only a complete imbecile or a newbie would say the demon royalty would do something themselves!" He yelled the last part in whisper as to not get the newcomers' attention on them.

Aura opened her mouth to ask something else, but the fellow sinner placed his hand on her mouth, keeping her quiet, 'Shush.' He mouthed shuffling a bit to get a better view at the nearby road.

"That must be fake." A raspy voice said, following the boy, Aura saw a horned vulture-like creature was towering over the corpse, slightly kicking it.

"Must be, there's no way it's real." A smaller dark red impish creature nodded in agreement. The boy suddenly stood up,

"What are you doing?" Aura raised her eyebrow, her eyes widening as he started to walk from their hiding place.

"Not to break your illusions, gentlemen." He said walking toward the duo, "But this," he pointed to the corpse, "is in fact a killed angel." The duo looked at each other before turning their eyes back at the boy.

"And how's that possible?" The vulture asked, glaring at the boy, sighing he pointed to the spot he'd been hiding with Aura few seconds ago. Gesturing for the cat girl to come out, she rose up from the ground and reluctantly exited the save spot.

"Here's your answer." The boy pronounced making Aura glared at him slightly,

'So much for keeping this from royalty.' She thought bitterly, ear twitching a little, suppressing the urge to roll her eyes.

The vulture and imp looked at each other before bursting into a barking laughter, "You're kidding, right?"

"That thing reeks of living world, there's no way a newbie worm could take down one of those!" They barked wiping away tears from their eyes.

Aura let out an unsatisfied huff, "You better become believers then." She hissed at them, clutching the katana piece tightly,

"Or what?" the vulture asked in mocking tone, leaning closer to her face,

"This'll go through your skull." She growled waving the shard in front of him. His eyes widened a bit as the piece started glowing faintly,

"Angel weapon." The imp murmured breathlessly, "Where did you get that?" he asked eyeing her sharply.

"Not your thing." She retorted coldly, causing him to scoff at her angrily. The imp turned toward the boy,

"And how did you find out about this, huh?" The boy shuffled away slightly,

"You escaped, didn't you!" The vulture pronounced sternly, glaring at him, "After we put you into the golden cage!" He hissed darkly, making Aura scoff at him,

"You put him in a cage?!" She gasped, making the duo roll their eyes,

"Why so surprised." The vulture deadpanned,

"He's hardly a loss." The imp added cause the boy to growl.

"Watch it!" he warned them,

"He's poor, owes the boss a lot and he's hardly any use." The imp carried on, completely ignoring him. "The only thing he was good for was using him as a decoy to save ourselves." He snickered evilly.

"Plus no one likes him!" The vulture laughed loudly making the boy uncomfortable, "Not even his ex-boyfriend liked him." He chuckled darkly. Aura rolled her eyes and looked at the boy, he looked like he was about to cry,

"Go fuck yourselves, would you?" She stated flatly, not bothering to look at them.

"Only if you watch." The imp replied teasingly making her glare at him with low growl, fighting the urge to slash the katana deeply into him.

"Perverts." She sneered turning to leave, she grabbed the boy's shoulder, she made him follow her.

"Are you alright?" she asked him once they were far away from their earshot.

"Why do you care?" he asked eyeing her with distrust. Aura sighed heavily,

"My godfather thought me to look for innocent people who are in distress. He's a gentleman, well he was a gentleman. He ended up in the car crash that killed me, so he's probably gone too" She explained sincerely. Looking a bit sad.

"How did you end up here, then? You're nice, polite and well mannered." He explained noticing her confused expression.

"Eh, they were going to force me to gave up bisexuality." She replied a little angry.

"Woah, didn't know they can sink that low." He said, causing her to chuckle a little. "I'm Matthy, by the way." He extended his arm to her and she quickly shook it,

"I'm Aura." She replied.

"So, how did you get to know that duo?" Aura asked pointing behind them, Matthy exhaled in sad sigh,

"They work for Ozzy." He mumbled staring at his feet,

"Your ex?" He nodded, frowning.

"Why would your ex wanted to get rid of you?" Aura asked in sincere confusion.

"It...kinda broke apart." Matthy mumbled, avoiding her gaze. Aura tried to put her hand onto his arm for comfort, but he shrugged her of jerkily, making her frown deepen.

"That's all?" Matthy remained silent for a moment.

"It's...complicated." He answered dully, his eyes glazing with sadness, still watching the ground under his feet. "He said he loved me in the beginning, but...I guess I wasn't the one for him. He just used me for sex." He explained looking at her disgusted face for the first time,

"What an asshole." She growled, "How dares he treating you like that?! I can't wait to meet him." She grumbled, her tail lashing, scaring him a little. "Sorry." Aura apologized calming down little, "I just hate seeing nice people being treated like shit." She looked away from him, sighing sadly.

"You remind me of someone." Matthy noted softly, his head slightly tilted.

"Really, who is it?" She asked her eyes brightening with interest,

"I don't know his name, but he was this big lizard guy who saved me from Ozzy's other duo of workers yesterday." He answered sheepishly, rubbing his neck with one hand. "He was a real gentleman; I was surprised to see someone like him end up here."

"Sounds a lot like Patrick." Aura chuckled softly making Matthy glance at her quickly, "He's, my godfather." She explained with a shrug. 'But why would he end up here?' She thought to herself.


Lizzy screamed as the ground gave in, sending her to plummet down. Lilith watched her with worry before following in her steps. Lizzy saw the ground quickly approaching and closed her eyes tightly, preparing for the rough impact. She landed, hitting a chained fence,

"Yikes." She groaned in pain, falling onto her back.

"Sweet moves!" A cheerful voice came from behind her, rolling over she came face to face, with big yellow eyes plastered on red face with black nose underneath.

"Thanks?" Lizzy moaned little confused. Katara giggled, her light gray hair being ruffled by wind a bit.

"You're welcome, newbie." She responded playfully, grinning widely.

"Newbie?" Lizzy asked with raised eyebrow. Katara snickered,

"Newcomer, from the living world." Katara explained beaming down at her, still smiling, Lizzy rolled her eyes before looking around,

"Whatcha looking for?" Katara asked her tilting her head,

"My mum. I thought she was right behind me." Lizzy replied looking at her.

Katara waved her hand dismissively, making Lizzy frown a bit, "Don't worry. The executions have long ended now. She'll be alright."

"Execution?" Lizzy asked, looking at her in confusion.

"Don't worry about that now, you'll find out soon enough." Lizzy sighed in slight frustration at that, swishing her reptile tail lightly, "Hey, you look familiar." Katara noted happily.

"I do?" Lizzy said in surprise. Katara vigorously nodded her head,

"Yeah!" she grinned widely, a soft purr escaping her.

"Who is it then?" Lizzy chuckled clearly unconvinced,

"Patrick Kelly." Katara stated making her gasp in shock, her eyes wide.

"That's my dad!" Lizzy said loudly, her eyes still wide as ever. Katara looked at her,

"You're Lizzy, then?" Lizzy nodded, making Katara squeal in delight,

"That's awesome, I wanted to meet you so badly since yesterday!"

"You met dad?"

"Yeah! He stays at our palace since yesterday and he's such a cool dude!" Lizzy giggled a bit at her,

"I agree, dad's awesome." Katara looked at her with wide grin,

"Come on, let's take you to him!" She yiped cheerfully, grabbing Lizzy's hand, she started dragging her toward the palace. "I'm Katara, just so you know." She told her on the way.


Lilith crash-landed beside a tall, dark gray palace-looking building. Grunting, she sat up, rubbing her head. "That was worse than expected." She mumbled through gritted teeth trying to catch her breath. She stood up slowly, her eyes widening at the majestic building in front of her.

"Are you alright?" A softspoken voice asked her. Turning around, she spotted a slender, feminine creature with long dark hair with horns coming out of it. There was a pointy tail following her.

"I don't know." Lilith sighed, examining herself,

"It was a pretty rough landing." The female noted, stepping closer to her.

"Yeah." Lilith nodded, rubbing her arm. "It was pretty long too." She admitted meekly before gasping in surprise as she noticed her changed appearance, "Well this is certainly new." She chuckled nervously.

"Don't freak about it. Every sinner changes their appearance once they arrive down here." Lilith nodded sighing softly,

"Thanks." She breathed, the female nodded,

"I know it can be hard for fresh meat, but don't worry. You'll get used to it very quickly."

"You're quite knowledgeable on this whole thing, are you here for a long time?" Lilith asked looking at her,

"Why yes, I'm one of the first to enter here, in fact, I helped building this place myself." The other female chuckled softly making Lilith looked at her quizzically,

"You mean, you're one of the first fallen sinners?"

"The very first one in fact." Lilith chuckled a little, caught off-guard by that statement, "I'm Mags. The very first sinner to be sent here and also the queen of hell." Mags giggled a little, amused by the shock on Lilith's face.

"Nice to meet you." Lilith replied still in daze. Mags snickered a little, outstretching her hand to Lilith who shook it lightly. "I'm Lilith." She said once Mags retreated her hand.

"Nice to meet you as well, Lilith."

The two ladies continued to chat for a while, until two pairs of footsteps got Lilith's attention. Turning around, her eyes widened in disbelief. Right in front of her stood her dear beloved husband, he looked different, taller with his slick green-brown scales adoring his body, but she quickly recognized his face and his brightly glowing eyes, accompanied by a little creature, a thick reddish imp-like build with large black and white stripped horns, she guessed was the hell-ruler himself.

"Patrick!" She squealed running to her husband, she hugged him tightly, "I thought I'd never see you again." She broke down into a fit of sobs, causing the former mafia boss to pull her to his chest tighter.

"It's alright, my dear." He whispered softly caressing her dark green scales plastered on her head like hair. "It's perfectly alright." murmured planting a kiss onto her forehead. Mags and Satine looked at each other warmly before he pulled her to himself, completely enwrapped in the moment's atmosphere.

"Where's Lizzy?" Patrick asked after they broke out of each other's grip,

"I'm not sure." Lilith sighed looking around in worry, "She shouldn't be far away, she fell down just a moment before me." She mumbled, pacing around softly.

"Hey guys!" A cheery voice rang loudly through the air, causing Lilith to jump up lightly. Soon enough Katara walked up the hill, her new companion Lizzy following right behind.

"You won't believe what happened!" She exclaimed rushing to her parents, "An angel fell from the sky inches away from me!" She stated pointing at Lizzy who blushed at the comment, making Katara beam at her, "Aww she's shy. She's so cute!" She squealed bouncing back to Lizzy to hug her, "Can we keep her?" the hell-heiress asked looking at her father.

Patrick and Lilith chuckled as they watched the scene unwind in front of them, "I'm sorry, Kat, but that sweetheart already has a home." He told her with slight grin,

"Oh yeah, where is it, Mr. Obvious?" Katara asked sharply eyeing him with a light scoff.

"She is my daughter. She'll live with me and my wife." He said before he was pulled into a tight hug, this time by his daughter.

"I missed you dad." She murmured into his scaly skin,

"I missed you too, darling. You can't even imagine how much." He caressed her head before being joined by Lilith in the family hug.

"We'll let you guys alone, but you can stay with us if you want." Katara piped up rushing her parents back inside, "Especially you, Angie!" She shot a wink at Lizzy, causing her checks to become deep red.

"So," Lilith started softly after the trio stayed alone, "how did you end up here?" she asked looking at her husband, Patrick let out a sigh,

"I ended up in purgatory at first. But then...my past caught up to me I guess, " he let out a weak dry chuckle, "this little lamb guy wanted me to go to each and every of my nemesis and beg them for forgiveness." Lizzy gasped at that before looking at her dad in pity, "I refused, obviously, and they didn't like it, so they sent me here." He finished with a shrug before looking at his family, "But I always thought you two will go to heaven." He muttered sadly,

"We didn't want to go there." Lilith admitted,

"We didn't want to be somewhere you're not. And besides they tried to change us to their liking." Lizzy added with a firm nod.

"Paradise without you wouldn't be paradise anymore, dear." Lilith told him soft kissing his cheek.