
~Duty Before All~

The panic returns and this time, like a hive, it swarms within me.

I force a nod and stride forwards to lay the dagger on the brink of the table.

I entwine my fingers together, squaring my shoulders. "My fondness is not of concern, whatever needs to be done. Let it be done."

Father blows a humoured breath from his nostrils, his cerulean eyes twinkle with amusement. His hair is as grey as winter's storm clouds, with skin just as pale that mourns for its lost youth, cheeks sunken but still droops in despondency. Despite his age, he does not let it tamper with his tall frame, his shoulders in a rigid set, chest puffed out in inherent pride.

"Your spirit is so much like your mother, strong-willed with a true sense of duty."

I push the compliment aside, eagerly waiting for him to drop the bomb already.

He looks to the ground and strolls a couple steps to the left. "You understand the legal burden I bear of not having a son, and the newfound strain I have endured in the Decuria these last few years. Tensions simmering."

He stops pacing and gazes at me with a look that pierces right through me. "When I perish, all my lands and titles will be lost. That is if, you wed a noblemen and although my possessions will lawfully be your husband's, but they will be yours as well. A way to keep the Regnum of Valwa standing."

Angered tears burn behind my eyes and grate the back of my throat. I knew this was inevitable; I have been of age for a while now. The only true Valwa descendant, and a cursed woman at that. The laws have tried at all costs to keep a woman from rising to power. Patriarchy is a plague that refuses to perish. But there are scarce exceptions, the famed heiresses that inherited their fathers' lands out of defaults.

I love my Regnum and my family. I will always do my duty as I have been raised to do. But to be a victim of a prejudicial system that will dictate the rest of my life. Force me to forge a, possibly, loveless marriage out of fear of losing everything.

That I cannot abide to. I just will not.

"Father." My words tremble at the prospect. I steady my resolve. "Legally, there must be another way. I have heard countless of stories whispered through the realm that—"

He raises a silencing hand. My teeth bite into my words, jaw clenched.

"Those stories are all by a stroke of fortune, our laws do not favour empowered woman. I know it is unjust and absurd to say the least. But the realm is the realm, and so are its laws."

Remorse casts a pall across his face like a shadow. "Your mother is meeting with Countess Valtoria, she recommended her a few viable suitors."

Recommended. Pure fury evaporates my tears into nothing.

"So I am to be auctioned to the highest bidder like a prized mule?"

My father warns me with a punishing glare and I look to the ground in a sign of respect.

Adopting a formal tone, I say, "Father." Gentler. "Mother was fortunate to wed you, a kind man, a loving man. What if I am less fortunate and I am bonded with a greedy, arrogant or even a violent man?"

Compassion softens his face, only by a degree, and he looks back at me with a neutral expression. "Your mother is taking every precaution, doing her due diligence. Your marriage will be arranged, but it will not be forced. You will have time to get to know him, and him you. If he is a good man, love will follow."

He rounds the desk and ambles towards me. "I know it is tough, but I trained you to be tougher."

He stops in front of me and cups a hand on my jaw, tilting my face down, he plants a kiss on the crown of my head.

"What needs to be done. Let it be done."

With just one inhale, I slip from him.

In a maelstrom of fear, despair and anger. Everything inside of me teetering on the brink. I spin around and flee down the same path in which I came.

Eventually I exit through the archway and march down the hallway aimlessly. I press my icy palms unto my sweltering cheeks. My mind so occupied with a thousand worries, I reach the foyer sooner than I anticipate. There I reunite with Seliah.

"I told Annabelle to tell the stable boys to prepare our horses for our ride into town. Unless you first want to eat breakfast?"

On approach, Seliah clearly sees my face and reads my eyes.

Her shoulders slump and she nibbles on the corner of her lip. "Perhaps it is best if we have breakfast on the way, surely the bakery is filled with fresh warm goods."

Once Seliah and I were made ready, shoes on our feet and shekels in our satchels. When we left the Regnum, our horses awaited us in front; groomed, fed and saddled.

Seliah mounts on her amber-coloured stallion and I settle on my glossy black mustang. Together, our horses trot side by side down the double paved cobblestone path, hooves clapping on the ground.

"So what did father say to you?"

I know we could not even pass through the gates, before she would let her curiosity get the better of her. Enjoying the rhythmic motion of ebony's stride, my fingers rubbing against the leather rein. I overlook the front yard of virescent green pastures on either side, manicured to a clean cut.

"That I am to be wed, and mother is out looking for my future husband."

Seliah stifles a laugh.

I shoot her a bewildered look. "Is my suffering laughable to you?"

She shakes her head, her hair bound into a high bound, still a few locks straggle from its grip that create loops beside her jaw. "Of course not but mind you. You knew of this since you were a child and I regret to inform you that you're no longer one."

I look forward and exhale. "Well, you know she is probably on the hunt for you as well."

Seliah scoffs. "To get rid of me, certainly, and bless me with a stunted husband with no teeth and has a bald spot."

We share a look and explode into a laughter.

"Oh, stop. It won't be that bad," I console.

We reach the end and all that stands between us and few moments of sovereignty are soaring wrought-iron gates. The guards that mane the entrance from the outside, sees us, and they open the gates. Gradually, the gates push open inwards, granting us our freedom.

"Travel safe," one guard bids.

I wave a hand to the sky, off shoulder, I say, "Thank you."

Seliah and I ride into the woods down the charted trail we always take. Our vision is swallowed by the sea of evergreen trees, golden sunlight ventures through the canopy, spewing heavenly light. Through the woods, our words exchanged are few and our sensors are serrate, attention paid more closely to what surrounds us.

The ride is half an hour to reach town.

And once that time completes its circuit.

Infrastructure peeks past the boughs and leaves.

In due course, we spill out of the woods and into town. A town squeezed between two mountains, resting at their feet. The entire foundation is laid in silver stone. Every structure is geometrically positioned, all the stores line the outer edges, the whole outline of the town is like an hourglass figure. It widens, rounds, then narrows and shapes up at the top again.

Only two points of entry. One is from the woods, which only members of my Regnum use. The other point is straight ahead, on the opposite end where both locals and foreigners use to ride in from.

We calmly trot by, seams of people amass all around. Common folk making their way in town to do their regular duties.

"Well, isn't it our favourite Hera."

I bring Ebony to a halt.

Hector moves to stand in front of both of our horses.

"Good day, Hector."

He flashes a welcoming smile and tips his threadbare hat. He looks to Seliah. "Well, don't you look more radiant than a morning sunrise."

She smiles warmly and nods gratefully at him.

"Shall I have the honour of taking your fine stallions to the swells whilst you shop?"

"Yes, please." With practiced ease, I manoeuvre, step, and disembark from the saddle.

Seliah hops off and moves to stand at my side.

Hector takes each of their reins and leads them to the temporary stables.

"Thank you, Hector."

For a moment, I stare after him, observing as he leads the two stallions. They both neigh a cheerful greeting and affectionately rub their faces in his side.

"Alright. Let us go." Seliah readily loops her arm with mine and we both stroll onwards.

"What I delight to travel into town without being watched by guards," Seliah says with cadent relief.

My gaze falters to the ground. "Another freedom I shall lose, as a wife of an Earl or any noblemen. I cannot travel alone, that is if I am even allowed that luxury. The man might want to cage me in, so all I do is tapestry and produce heirs for him."

Seliah shakes my arm in reproach. "You needn't be so negative. You might find that one of the men that your mother chooses will be a good man, a man that you might come to love. Wealthy, titled," she lists in song, "tall and strong. And a bonus if he has a big—"

"Seliah!" I shriek.

"What?" she says innocently. "I was going to say a big estate. But if you were thinking of what I think you were thinking. That is an absolute must."

I laugh and shake my head at her.

What would I do without you?

A sharp pain flares in my side—Seliah nudging her elbow into me.

She tilts her head closer for a whisper. "Well, look who it is, your pauper charming."

Adjacent from where we walk, a blacksmith's shop is parked on the one end. A man walks out, his loose-fitting blouse untied at the neckline, the long sleeves voluminous. Paired with brown leather pants and boots.


As If hearing my thoughts, he looks in our direction without delay and a grin brightens his face. Immediately he strides to us in a hasty speed.

His eyes locked on me, he observes me for a long while and his smile stretches to a maximum. "Aurora, you never fail to steal my breath. Your eyes of a million hues and your hair, strands of golden sun."

Seliah pointedly pinches my skin and I swallow a retort.

"Nice to see you to, Wren."

His eyes never waver from mine.

"Wren," Seliah beckons. "I am here as well. I too am ready to be showered with flattery."

He glances at her and his smile wobbles. "Why yes, of course. You look beautiful as always."

Seliah deflates with mock disappointment. "Fortunately, I can compliment myself for the both of us."

Wren sidles my other flank and we all stroll together.

"I do not wish to distract you from your work. Does your farther require any assistance?"

Wren waves off my concern with his hand. "As if he would ask. No, but he is rather apprehensive. We received word that the royal page has been distributed amongst the realm. To everyone, the High King has issued a new edict or is making some kind of announcement."

Seliah and I trade worrisome looks.

"The High king," Seliah repeats for confirmation.

Wren nods sullenly.

"I hope it is not to raise the taxes again, there only so much the people can give," I mumble, my eyebrows furrow, frowning with disapproval.

Wren chuckles and looks down at me. "One of the many things I admire most of you is your selflessness. Even though the taxes do no affect you, you care on how it affects others."

Feeling undeserving of the compliment, I bashfully smile at the ground and say nothing.

One thing I notice …admire...about Wren is his onyx hair, cropped roughly on the sides, a bands of green lines the flanks like the forest's hand stroke the ends of his tresses and left a verdant trail on either side.

"What do you think the edict will be?" Seliah asks. "Do you think it has to do with his son, the Dophan? There were rumours that he has been ill for several weeks now."

Wren and I both shrug.

"Time will tell," I answer.

Seliah lifts a flippant shoulder. "I for one am famished and I can smell Agnes's bread from here."

Inhaling the scent, the air tinctured with fine traces of herbs, cinnamon and oven-baked delectables. My stomach growls with eagerness.

"Wren, would you like to accompany us and share a breakfast?" I offer.

He looks back at me as if I offered him a marriage proposal.

"I would like nothing more."

After breakfast, Wren was forced to leave us to return to his duties. Seliah and I wandered around town for a couple of hours. Even though we were seen as their betters, we treated everyone as equals and made ourselves acquainted with many townsfolk and shopkeepers, and supported them the best we could. Donating on whim, tipping excessively. We had all this wealth, too much to horde, and figured we could make a difference in our community, with one show of kindness at a time.

Several hours before the eventide, Seliah and I go to the swells, where we find Hector napping with the tip of his hat brushing against his nose. Silently, we retrieve our horses, mount up and begin the short ride back to the Regnum.

A half an hour later, we return home. The Regnum's wrought arms welcome us back home and we journey to the main entrance. We are received by the stable boys who take Ebony and Freya back to their stalls. And by surprise, my mother awaits before the double doors that dwarf her in comparison.

Seliah and I make her our way, halfway up the white staircase. We stop and curtsey before the Domina. Her face carved in an aloof expression, staring down at us both. The hue of her eyes are mine when I'm enraged; a deep emerald green.

"A message from the High King has been sent, and has been received whilst you two were gallivanting like unrefined hooligans."

Time was less brutal to mother. She aged like wine, though she is cycles younger than father. Her beauty is apparent, but her perpetual scowl only deepens her newborn wrinkles.

"The edict arrived?" I ask.

She looks at me and flares a brow.

"It is not an edict, at least not one that you think." She twists her torso to turn then straightens to say one last thing.

"Refresh yourselves, your father will read the decree at dinner."