
Not Your Current Woman

He let her die, just like that. For that, she swore for revenge. In case she can reincarnate. As old folks said, be careful about what you wish! Now, her wish came true. ::: Karin is a normal girl who operates a cafe called Black Tea and Coffee. All her life, she feels something is missing in her, but she never knew what it is. Accompanied by various nightmares every night, she keeps wondering what happened to her. Is it just a nightmare or maybe more than that? Until one day, fate brings her close to a mystery guy at her cafe. She can't understand her fright towards the man. The more she avoids him, the more frequent he comes, and the closer he brings to her. Her best friend, Jun Seo offers her protection after he realizes the man brings no good. But, Karin insists on knowing what happened between her and the guy. A meeting with a medium recommended by Jun Seo's friend revealed the whole truth. Sad and broken by the fate she faced in the past, Karin decided to seek revenge on her own. *** "I might have been your wife in the past, but not in the present. Not even in the future!" Karin tilts her head and smirks at Kitthan. The guy watches her, still keeping his calmness intact. "People changed, Karin. That's what people do," he replies. "Yeah, that's what I did. I changed." "What do you mean?" ***

anya_mac69 · Urbain
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60 Chs


"How's she?"

"No internal bleeding. That's the good news so far," the doctor says. Khittan held a deep whiff. But, at the same time, he prepares for the worst that is yet to come.

"However, she's covered with bruises. Should ask her to be careful while turning her body around."

He knew this news would come next. When he helped her, she almost barely stood up properly. He had no choice but to lift her to her room, and call the Royal Practitioner.

"Thank you," Khittan pats the doctor's shoulder. The man bows down a bit and leaves the room.

His eyes linger all over Karin's body. She was placed on her stomach since her back received the worst compared to the other parts of her body.

Softly, he touches those bruises on her shoulder. The one that General Sun kicked just now. Deep down inside he wonders, how can a father hurt his daughter like this? Is she not valuable at all?

"How did you live in the past, Karin? How did you survive?"

Tears dwell as he carefully caresses Karin's hair. Life is hard for her, yet she still conceals everything behind her smile. He remembered the first time they met at her cafe. That beautiful face that holds so much pain inside.

Life isn't fair for her. She suffered, even in her fourth-time reincarnation. How much Karin should suffer? How long should she keep up with this?

"Khit..." Khittan quickly brushes tears that stream along his cheek. Karin slowly opened her eyes. Her bruised cheek popped up so badly, she even whinced while trying to open her eyelid.

"Rest. You have to. Your condition is bad,"

"I won't be die, soon... Right?" Karin slowly rose from the bed. Khittan quickly helps her.

"I told you to rest..."

"I'm not dying. Why should I?" she puts up her stubborn face even though it's obvious that she's in pain.

"I'm not dying, am I?"

"Yes. You gonna live for another 20 years," Khittan tries to make some lame joke so the air won't get too tense.

"Is it good if I just die?" suddenly, Karin stares at Khittan. His heart churns. Tears beaming from her eyes as she grips him on his collar.

"Why am I still alive? Why? Is it good if I'm just dead?" Karin asks.


"Let me die, just let me..."

Khittan pulls her into his tight embrace, sobbing softly while consoling her in silence.

"Karin, here.. Look at me..." he pushes her body a bit further from him.

"I promise, I won't let this happen to you again. I won't let anyone hurt you. I won't leave you, ever. Let me be your cure. Let me be your shield. I wanna make you happy. Even if I need to sacrifice my life, I will!"

"Dont! Dont... Sacrifice yourself... I..."

Karin pauses a bit.

"I need you, Khit. Don't leave me..."

"I won't leave you. I promise..."

Karin hugs him tight while sobbing hard in his embrace. When he saved her life just now, her heart melted in total. She knew exactly at that moment, he was the only one who truly cared about her. She can feel his sincerity.

She can feel his love.

"Promise to me, you won't leave me..."

"I promise. Even in the next life, I will be there for you. Always..."

"I wanna be a rock in my next life..."

"I will be a traveler so I can bring you to visit places," both of them suddenly chuckle. Karin gazes at Khittan, deep into his eyes.

"Khit..." the man hums, waiting for the next line from her.

"Khittan... I... Love you..."

Hearing those three magical words, Khittan couldn't help but gasp and be stunned. Karin brushes the hair strands that cover his forehead and watches him attentively.

Slowly, she pulls him into a deep kiss. A long kiss that will last forever. Khittan indulges the kiss slowly and with care. They spend the next hour kissing and making out under the moonlight, where there is no one except for both of them, enjoying the mutual feelings of love.



Karin and Khittan take a rest under the duvet, watching the moon shining with stars compliment the beauty around it. They achieve what they have to in this life. A good accomplishment in this version of their life.

"If we are reborn again, would you find me?" asks Karin, casually laying next to Khittan, on his shoulder.

"I will. As soon as possible. So you do not have to suffer while waiting,"

"Then, we should born in the same hospital, at the same time on the same day," Khittan giggles. He bobs Karin's nose playfully.

"I will immediately cry if someone takes you away from me," he replies to her.

"But, I think you won't date me, especially during my school days," says Karin.


"I'm hideous! When I was in primary school, I was a chub. My friends call me Drum. I was slimmer when I entered middle school, but I was ugly; pimples everywhere. I was okay during my high school years, but still ugly because of the braces," Karin rolls her eyes up.

"I don't mind a chub girlfriend. At least I have a mattress just in case I fall off stairs or somewhere..."

"Yarh, what am I to you? A shield?" Karin jokingly smacks Khittan's shoulder. He whines as he pretends to dodge those hands from his body.

"I think you won't date my teenage self, too..."


"Because I've been a little brat. Parties almost all the time. Girls... Booze... You can ask Yug," Khittan snickers a bit.

"Ah... So, that explains..."

"Explain what?"

"Nothing!" Karin quickly halts and shuts her mouth.

"Hey, don't let your words hang dry!"

Karins flushes. She grabs a small pillow and covers her face. Khittan pulls the pillow away from her and stares at her.

"Tell me what's in your mind..."


"You better be... Or else I'm not let you sleep!"

"Okay. Kay..." Karin takes a deep breath before whispering something in Khittan's ear.

"Oh. You think so?" he smirks.

"Okay... Let me just yeet out..."

"Where are you going, huh?" Khittan pulls her into his embrace, leaning his face even closer to her until their nose touch each other.

"Since you like it so much, I think I should give it to you one more time..."

"Nope. No... I don't want it.." Khittan giggles as he pulls Karin even closer while the lady tries to escape from his attack.

"Khit.. My lips still bruise..."

"I promise I will be gentle..."

After all attempts failed, Karin finally gives up trying. Khittan smiles as he carefully plants his lips against Karin's, full of love and care.

Deep down inside, Karin acknowledges his claim. He was indeed, an experienced ladies' man.