
Not Your Current Woman

He let her die, just like that. For that, she swore for revenge. In case she can reincarnate. As old folks said, be careful about what you wish! Now, her wish came true. ::: Karin is a normal girl who operates a cafe called Black Tea and Coffee. All her life, she feels something is missing in her, but she never knew what it is. Accompanied by various nightmares every night, she keeps wondering what happened to her. Is it just a nightmare or maybe more than that? Until one day, fate brings her close to a mystery guy at her cafe. She can't understand her fright towards the man. The more she avoids him, the more frequent he comes, and the closer he brings to her. Her best friend, Jun Seo offers her protection after he realizes the man brings no good. But, Karin insists on knowing what happened between her and the guy. A meeting with a medium recommended by Jun Seo's friend revealed the whole truth. Sad and broken by the fate she faced in the past, Karin decided to seek revenge on her own. *** "I might have been your wife in the past, but not in the present. Not even in the future!" Karin tilts her head and smirks at Kitthan. The guy watches her, still keeping his calmness intact. "People changed, Karin. That's what people do," he replies. "Yeah, that's what I did. I changed." "What do you mean?" ***

anya_mac69 · Urbain
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60 Chs


The hospital building falls into a deep silence. It's 2 am. No one is there except for the hospital staff. 8 hours left before the hospital opens for another visitation session.

Karin and Khittan chill themselves in the rooftop garden after the bomb-dropping confession made by Karin's grandmother. Both of them still feel the tension after learning the truth.

But still, there is no enlightenment in the case.

"Lady Dowager has little to no hope. I asked the doctor. Her condition is getting worse," says Karin.

"Sorry to hear that," that's all Khittan can say. He is still in a daze.


The man turns his head, facing Karin with his eyes still wet from crying.

"What do you think about the curse?"

Khittan shuts himself. He is having a deep thought. Going through something sinister like all those nightmares that he had for a long period is torture. Learning something about it makes him feel better, at least there is a reason, though it still in a daze.

"I don't know whether it's true or not. At least, we know the story behind it. The rest is history," he replies to Karin.

"What if the curse is breakable?"

The question makes Khittan halt. His brows sew together.

"You mean...?"

"I believe there is a balance in this world. There is night and day, land and sea, cold and hot, diseases and cures, poison and antidote," Karin says. "The same goes for curses. There must be a way," she stares at Khittan with eyes full of determination.

"So, you wanna break the curse?"

"We have made a huge mistake during our past life. There must be a way to correct the mistake. I believe there must be something else that makes me bond with you. All of those mediums told me that by forgiving you, we can end those nightmares," Karin softly taps Khittan's hand. "But, it seems like you still have them," she continues.

Khittan looks down. He can't hide the fact that those nightmares still haunt him until now. They never stop, instead, he's the one who adjusts to those tortures.

"Remember I once told you... I want you to live a normal, happy life. Having those won't help you at all. You can't let go of the past. Thus, you can't open up for the future. That's why you can't accept Ivry, even though you know how much she loves you," Khittan keeps his composure tight because deep down inside, he knows that might be true.

"It's hard for me..."

"Imagine what it feels like for her,"

"My feelings for you have nothing to do with Ivry, or me stuck in the past..." says Khittan. "I love you, perhaps even without that dream. I love you, even if we weren't meant for each other," he pours out his feelings.

"Are you sure? If you are, how much can you trust your feelings?" asks Karin. Her voice strains and is serious.

"What if we break the curse before we meet each other? Will you still look at me the same way as you look at me right now?" her inquires make Khittan think even more deeply.

"What if there's an after-effect?"

"Everything has a risk. If you ask me, for the sake of our life, I'll take the chance," Karin replies.

"So, what should we do now?" asks Khittan.

"There is one way to find out."


Two pairs of boots land in front of a building. It was made of old grey brick. Amulets were hanging in every crook and nook at the entrance.

After the hospital visit, Khittan and Karin decided to pay a visit to The Sacred Moonlight Shrine as told by Karin's grandmother. They finally find it, thanks to the intel group.

According to some of the Fransco elder residents, the shrine it's not easy to find. The government never state the exact location of the shrine, let alone put it on the country's map.

"Only for those who are truly in need..." the King's assistant told the pair before their departure.

Maybe because they need it.

That's why, here they are!

As soon as they step on the first flight of stairs, just at the entrance... The air seems cold.

Karin and Khittan exchange looks. The feeling, somehow it's familiar for both of them.

"You wanna continue?" asks Khittan.

"I have no reason to back off," she replies.

Both of them march inside the shrine. There's a huge monument, right in the middle of it. Karin and Khittan bow, showing some respect to the deity.

"Your Highness..."

The voice from behind the monument makes them turn their head.

"How are you, Venerable?"

"Good as always. How did you make it here? Moonlight Shrine is not easy to find!" asks the priest.

"I know someone in my intel unit who used to study here," Khittan replies to him politely. He takes the offering and hands it to the priest.

"Then, what makes you here today, Your Highness?" the priest asks him again.

Khittan takes a glance at Karin, signaling the lady to come out from behind him. As soon as she appears in front of the priest, the man can't help but shocks.

"Lady.... Sun?"

"Hello, Venerable,"


The priest sighs after hearing the story from Khittan and Karin. He takes a glance at Karin every minute and tries to convince himself that the person who is sitting across from him right now is Karin, not The Crown Princess Sun.

"I believe there must be a way to break the curse. We've been done so much! I did forgive Khittan and The Crown Prince, but it seems like there's another layer that we don't know," says Karin.

"So both of you had experienced a series of nightmares almost all night? What about now?" asks the priest.

"I still have those nightmares. But, Khittan is a lot worse than me. It takes a toll on him," Karin glares at Khittan. The man nods.

"Seems like there is something else that happened to both of you. If it's only an act of vengeance, those nightmares will end. But, even after you forgive The Crown Prince, nothing is changed," the priest makes a summary of the whole story.

"Do you think there's any way to end this?" asks Karin.

"I believe there is one way we can do. We have to put both of you in a state of beyond consciousness. From there, we will go back in time and find out the true story of your past life," suggests the priest.

"You can do that?" asks Khittan.

"I can't. But I know someone who can do the ritual," says the priest.

"Can we meet him? Is he here, in this shrine?"

"Yes. But..." the priest looks hesitated a bit.

"Is there any problem, Venerable?" asks Khittan.

"The person is a kid. Not only that..." the priest pauses a bit. "He's deaf," he continues.

Khittan and Karin look at each other.