
Not so little witch

This is a story of a little witch named Elaine as she grows takes up both good and evil magic and goes to a witch school. As she turns 18 her life beings to change when she meets a handsome warlock. Elaine's not so little anymore. MATURE PARTS INCLUDED!!!!!! 17+

Chicaluka · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter 15

Elaine POV

It was Monday, I felt nervous as I arrived at school and I thought I was going to run into Nick when I walked through the doors. I speed walk to my locker to avoid running into anyone before class, I got to my locker and opened it as I grabbed my books for my first three classes, I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder and I got chills up my neck; I turned and saw it was only Mal. I released a breath I was holding when I turned. Mal looked at with concerned, "Hey Elaine, are you okay? Were you expecting someone else?" I stayed silent for a sec, "of course I wasn't, you just startled me a little... that's all." I hope she bought that story, I didn't want to go into details with her right now. I slammed my locker shut and we headed off to class. during some of my classes I started to notice that Nick was in some of my classes, I'm surprised I didn't notice before. I went to my last class before lunch and I sat in my usual seat when I saw Nick come through the door; great he's in this class too?! I turn to my bag and took out my supplies for this class and pretended I didn't see him. I put my book in front of me and opened it, I lifted my head from the book just enough to see where he was going to sit or the seat he sat in from the beginning of the semester. When I looked at him he was getting closer but when he was in my row already I started to panic and my breathing was getting out of control. I looked back down and closed my eyes to breathe in and out, soon enough the nerves went away, I looked up again and I didn't see him, he must have gone to the back of the class room. "Hey Elaine, nice to see you here." I turn to my right and I was face to face with Nick, I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw him, I can't believe he was sitting next to me the whole time; okay I have to act cool making sure he didn't notice the change of expression on my face. "oh, hey Nick I didn't know you were in this class too." "Yeah, you probably didn't notice cause I'm quiet." He was actually quiet in class. I was getting a little anxious throughout the class and it was about 2 minutes before class ended and the teacher was finishing up the lesson. The professor let us pack early and once the bell rang I raced out the door as fast I could into the wave of students that filled the hall. It was hard trying to dodge the others, they would be blocking me every time I try to get though, someone's hand took ahold of my should and caused me to turn, it was Nick. "Wow, almost didn't catch up to you." "Oh hey... I need to get to my locker right now, got to go bye. I turn to leave to make a quick get away but his hand was still on my shoulder and held me back. "Elaine, I wanted to ask if you wanted to have lunch with me." "Oh... I'm sorry Nick but I was going to eat with Mal." "Today Mal's going to eat with her boyfriend, I'm sure they want some alone time, and I didn't want you to eat alone." It was so nice of him to be considerate of me, I guess we could sit, have lunch and have a small talk. "Well I guess if you put it that way... Okay lets go." "Great lets go to the hill you sit at." After I had gone to my locker we headed to the tree. We both sat down facing each other and took out our lunches. At first it was quiet but we started to talk about our interests and hobbies, it felt nice talking with him but I still felt nervous around him yet comfortable, it could be the dream I had the previous night that got my stomach in a twist. The bell rang for the end of lunch and we were packing our things, I got up first but I bent my leg due to the down hill we were on; I was falling sideways and I was going to roll down the hill. I closed my eyes ready for the impact but Nick got ahold of my arm and yanked me with force to his side before I fell. I think he used a little to much force that landed on him, I opened my eyes and I found his, I felt so embarrassed I felt my face heating up and got off him quickly. "I'm sorry. I have to go now." I didn't have to let him say anything. I was already heading down the hill, and I'm sure that my face was still red; I was almost at the corner to the school entrance and I took a glance back at Nick, our eyes met again and looked away. I didn't look up in time that I hit my face on the wall, now I feel more embarrassed, I didn't want to look back, I know he saw what happened. I got to my class on time even after that little incident, during the lecture the scenario that happened earlier was playing in my mind and when our eyes met the dream I had was coming back again and it was the same trance I was in. I'm glad he is not in this class with me, the urge to look at him, I wouldn't be able to bear it. The feeling to stare into his eyes felt like he has the power to control me with just locking into each others eyes. What is this feeling? What am I feeling? Why?

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