

The princess was pressured by her mother as being the first child and legitimate daughter of the Emperor, her father to get married so she could be able to access the throne and lead her people like her father always wanted while the major and commander as the Emperor's fore men wanted the adopted son of the Emperor to rule in regards to the fact that he was a male. They believed they would lose respect from the neighbouring provinces if it is heard that a woman leads an empire. The princess in this note, faked a marriage with a close friend of hers who wasn't from that province. With time, he found an amulet belonging to the late Emperor which was the perfect match of his mom's. Combining the two, forms a heart shaped gemstone. He told the Princess out of excitement that he has found his real dad. His mom has told him about him before but never told him he was royalty. The princess reminded him they were in a contract of faked marriage. After the contract is done, he can go make it known. She felt he was not going to make anything out of his recent finding because the dad in question is late already; but when it was made known, the major was on his side and is ready to fight with him through the hearts of the people to make them accept him as emperor. With the quest for power so he could take revenge on his mother's clan people for traumatizing him for an accident he knew nothing of. The Empress was with her daughter and would want her to rule her people with grace. Emilia has grown in the castle and around her father, so; she knows the ways of royalty better and it's her father's wish too to see her become the first ruling Empress in the whole of the seven provinces. It's a battle of the fittest! But when the case was brought before the royal court, Emilia confessed she was already with a child growing in her for Mario. With series of check-ups, It was confirmed and Mario was made to pick a choice between continuing the marriage with Emilia leading as Empress or find a new life outside the castle be it within the empire or not but the Emperor's wealth would be divided into two and he would possess half of it. The choice was difficult which made him revolt into a protest. On the day of final court hearing on what decision he made, the princess was missing. She never showed up in court and a search party was set up to find her. Things can never get any messier!

Chukx_Whyte · Urbain
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10 Chs


THE CULPRIT "How on Earth would such be said about you my love? I heard something similar from the circus clown when i went to the gates during my walk hour with my maids. Well, i thought it was one of his usual silly jokes not until you just told me about it. Empress Ruby asked her already angered husband. "I would definitely fish out the voice behind this rumor and when i do, he or she would face the flames of Rufus!" The emperor said furiously. Now, Rufus is the last of his kind. The only surviving winged dragon in the whole of the 7 provinces. Blue Dragon was named after the striking quality of Rufus. His scales, so sparkling blue under the summer sun. He only gets sighted once every year during summer when his keeper, the only sorcerer in the whole empire parades him in the sun festival. Rufus was also used to punish serious criminals with death by burning. It was greatly feared in the whole of Blue Dragon Empire. "who is there?!!" The emperor asked from inside his chamber, replying the three sharp knocks that came and interrupted his moment with his wife. "Sire! two maidens have been held by the chief guard in the court yard. He seeks your presence." A guard came to inform the emperor. "right away! on my way" Arthur left his wife and hurried down to the court yard. He saw two young ladies with gift items settled in front of them as they were made to kneel in front of the items they brought. "Who have you bring these items to?" Arthur asked them as he inspects the items in front of him carefully to find out that in one basket was barley, scarf made carefully from wool, a velvet robe and jewelries. In the other basket was mostly food items and jewelries. "My lord, we heard from the women in the street that you are in search of a second wife and would marry the maiden who would bring the most ravishing gift that would be most suiting to an Emperor." The first maiden said as she made to get up. "stay down young woman!" the guard ordered. "Your royal highness, It was rumored that the gate keepers discussed it among themselves and the women who sells at the gate overheard them and spread it through the kingdom" said the second maiden. "The gate keepers you say?" Arthur demanded. "Yes sire!" the second maiden responded. "Let them go" He said to the guards. "Go with your presents, I do not need another wife. I have ever wanted a second wife. Go and spread the word that I am not in search of a second empress" Arthur ordered. "sure sire!" they chorused simultaneously. They left the court yard with their baskets of gifts having disappointment written over their faces. "Summon the gate keepers with immediate effect!" Arthur ordered. In no time, the three morons at the gate were brought before him on their kneels. "I was made to understand that i am in need of a second wife without my knowledge. How would i need a second wife and i won't know i need a second wife? Please explain the rumor you passed to the women at the gates. Who among you three originated this?!!!" Arthur asked with anger echoing through his voice. Thaddeus looked at Darren and then at Romeo. They returned the look and bowed their heads smirking quiet mischievous laughs. "Answer me!!!" Arthur thundered. "Your royal highness, with every honesty in us, we never originated whatever it is you're trying to relate to us." Thaddeus replied the emperor. "Then who did?!!!" Arthur barked back almost immediately. They shivered at the amplified voice of the emperor. "We heard the commander discussing with the major about you taking a new wife as the present empress is not fertile to give you a male child who is rightfully going to replace you and as our late grand queen's dying wish its a thing to be done." Romeo said. "That's all we know sire". "Immediately fetch me the commander and major!!" he ordered. In minutes two guards led the major and commander in. "You sent for us most honored emperor. "Yes. Of everything i hate, I despise a bad name. I have heard from a lot of sources and have seen a lot of embarrassing scenes. I want to know, have i ever made a decree of me needing a new wife?" "Sire, with all due respect, It was just a harmless humble suggestion from the major. We were discussing with the best interest of the Empire at heart. We never asked maidens to come apply for the position of a second wife. We are as surprised as ..." "Quiet!!! So you were behind all these, major!? Of every suspect, you are the last my heart could think of. Well, I am sorry. I have made a degree to serve the culprit to Rufus and there are no exemptions! Gerald! send the message across the whole province and Empire that major Yougov has been stripped of his rank and is no longer major as well the commander. They shall no longer serve in the military or in any royal function. Also pass a message across the kingdom that any young woman seen within the palace bearing baskets of gifts in respect to me would be arrested for further interrogation. Am I understood?" "Very well Sire!" And the message was passed across the kingdom as directed by the Emperor as well as news about the major being fed to Rufus. The whole kingdom was in pandemonium while Arthur enjoyed his peace with his wife. "I would be going with your mother to watch the geese play by the lake. Would you join us? Arthur fondly asked his 3 month old princess who was resting comfortably in her cot with beams of smiles all over her face. "My love I think we should leave now so we can be home before dinner" Ruby said pulling Arthur away from the cot into her arm, kissed him passionately and whispered, "Thank you for loving me even without a male child". He looked at her eyes and saw it was teary. He held her hands, pulled her close and kissed her forehead. "I married you because we share something uncommon. While we secretly visit each other at our spot, the bond and trust is something i have not felt with any woman before. Male child or not, I am satisfied with you. I know we would definitely get a son someday. Do not let pressures get to you okay?" He said hugging her so closely. "Okay darling. Can we go see the geese now? I hear its their mating season. I've never seen geese mating before" She said to her husband, pulling his hand and running towards the door leading outside. "Do you know that the major was the originator of the rumor?" He asked. "Hell no!! Do you mean all these was because of the major? Are you really going to give him to Rufus?" She asked in curiosity. "Of course i am. The royal law makers committee are coming together tomorrow for a fair hearing before Rufus receives his meal.

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