

Freya is trying to figure out her life, save up and go to college. She works at a furniture store where she tries to make money in order to support herself. There she meets a hot guy with an attitude that disgusts her. They started off on a bad note, will they remain enemies or become friends and even something more than friends? We’ll find out. Although working at the store can be tasking and stressful, it helped her bring out some things she never knew she had in herself.

Rainbow37 · Urbain
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8 Chs



The house was filled with a lot of people, drunken and half sober people jumping to the base of the music, all sweaty. At different corners, some cliques were pouring mixture of alcohol down the throats of each other, it went in cycle. People grinding each other, almost like they were having sex, while some were making out. It was more like everyone was with someone or a group of people. It was hard to see anyone standing alone. Maybe because the party just began and everyone is being introduced, making small talks.

I was dragged to the dance floor by Nova where we rocked each other, it was almost as if were a thing. We drank a little and checked out some hot guys. I haven't seen any that caught my attention yet, they were hot guys. Don't get me wrong. Just that none of them made me feel the hotness in the room.

Frank shows up immediately and these two started locking lips together without him saying 'hi' or noticing me. Ack!!!

I walked up the stairs and and found my way to the balcony. Surprisingly, no couple was out here making out and probably having sex. It was just me and the cold breeze that brushed my skin, it gave me this exhilarating and sensual feeling.

"You left your girl down there just to be alone here? Are you tired of the party already?" I'd have to say this voice is euphonic and deep, it's arousing and at the same time, warm and inviting. I turned my head right to see the gorgeousness that just spoke to me. I wasn't disappointed by his looks at all, he has black hair and busy dark brows, his nose was slightly crooked, he has full sexy, watery lips and I noticed a tattoo around his neck. He wasn't very tall and he looked physically fit too.

I don't know if it's the alcohol but I was suddenly feeling this guy.

I giggled and smiled, "she's my girl yeah, but we're not a thing. She's my best friend."

"Cool. You didn't say anything about not being alone, that means you are and it's a good thing for me. I could not help but notice how sexy you looked while dancing with your friend." He drew closer to me and in a blink of an eye, I felt his lips on mine.

I pushed him away immediately. "That's rude, we have not fully introduced ourselves yet and you are kissing me already? Don't do that again, at least not without my consent."

"C'mon, don't act like you didn't like it, I know you find me attractive too. I noticed the moment we started talking. There's no need for introductions, it's not necessary. I just want to have sex with you and it'll just be for the night. I have a girl friend but she's out of town, and I'm so horny that I can't wait till she's back." He laughed and continued.

"You turned me on while you were dancing down stairs. Btw, I find you really attractive too." He took a large gulp of the alcohol he was holding in his hand.

"I'm not interested, and besides, you have a girlfriend and I don't want to fuck a guy who can't be loyal to his girl. You can find someone else!" I rolled my eyes at him and walked into the room. 'All that glitters is not gold,' I would have to agree right now because this guy looked amazing and his voice? Nourishing!! But he's not single and obviously not a loyal boyfriend. Tsk! I'm tired of these fine boys getting on my nerves.

I sat by the corner, I began to feel alone.

A girl next to me offered me a smoke, I politely rejected because I don't smoke. I can drink all the alcohol in the world but I can never smoke. Not that I'm judging those that do, I just feel smoking is not thing for me. The smoke began to burn my eyes, I got up and walked towards the kitchen. I needed a glass of water.

I was becoming bored of this party. Texting Nova is a waste of time, she might be in Frank's room getting laid and screaming her lungs away. I was about texting her when a guy walked up to me and asked for a dance. I bulged because I had nothing better doing at the moment and I didn't want to leave yet.

We started dancing. He was grinding me over his arousal, he held my waist, pulled me closer. I began to feel the heat. He put one hand on my thigh and cupped my breast squeezing it hard. I could feel his fingers, I wasn't putting on a bra, it made him feel my breast better. It was beginning to get intense when I realized I was in a room filled with people, and I was dancing this way with a total stranger. I tried to get of oh his embrace. I couldn't because this guy held me tight, he kept grinding and grinding on me. I began to feel his sweat. People were already staring at us, I tried pushing him away and he fell to the ground.

It was as if everyone paused at what they were doing and looked at us, wanting to know what's next. He got up from the floor, held my head with one hand and grabbed my butt with the other and started kissing me. I got so angry that pushed him again and gave him a slap. I didn't know what else to do, I just stood there.

He returned the slap. That was surprising. I never expected it. I tried hitting him again when someone pushed me and gave the guy a punch on the face. The guy lifted his head and he was already bleeding from that one punch.

I still didn't know who stood up for me, he held the guy on the collar and said "Never raise your hand at any lady again in your lifetime. Grow up right you scum bag!" He pushed him to the ground and walked away.

The crowd was cheering for his bravery and in a split of a second, everyone went back to what they were doing. It's a good thing, at least they won't remember all these drama.

I followed the guy to know who he was and to thank him too. I followed him outside where he sat on a chair near the pool. I couldn't believe who it was that just stood up for me! It was Ajax!!. Shoot me!! I was taken aback when I realized it was him. I was in front of him staring in shock unable to bring out words from my mouth. How long has he been at the party that I didn't see him and how long was he staring at me? How much of everything did he see? Everything right? I asked myself these questions and couldn't answer them. I can't ask him these questions either.

" No need to thank me, I didn't do it because it was you. It was for my conscience and also to get that guy straight…" he dropped his drink on the floor and looked at me."…let me get this straight so you don't get the wrong idea, my dad always abused my mom while I was growing and I couldn't do anything then, now I'm older and can do things right, I decided to stand up to guys who think they can get away with hitting a woman. I would do this for anyone and again, don't think it was because of you." He took back his drink and relaxed on the chair he was sitting on.

I was speechless that I couldn't think straight. I think I read the book cover wrongly and judged quickly. He is truly a gentleman man and I got it all wrong all because I concluded quickly.

"Thank you, I didn't expect anyone to do to stand up for me, let alone you. Thank you." I repeated, I was feeling embarrassed now. He ignored me and kept sipping his drink.

"I want to also apologize for the way I behaved…" he cut me again! He raised his hand giving me the stop hand sign, and moved his fingers telling me to scram. I felt more embarrassed but I didn't want to leave here without apologizing not after what he did for me.

"Please just let me speak. Hear what I have to say please." I tried pleading with him so he can give me a little attention so I can get this over with.

" I told you, you don't have to thank me and I don't need your stinking apology. If you don't give me the privacy I need, I will have to leave here for you." He gave me a look telling me to decide which one it would be, either I leave or he does.

I gave an awkward and fake smile in embarrassment and walked away. I stood by the road of the street trying to get an Uber that will take me home, away from this environment where I have embarrassed my self enough. It was 2:32, everywhere was still dark with cold breeze blowing the branches and leaves of and flowers around. I was getting cold waiting outside for my Uber. It was taking forever for him to get here.

My ride finally came and he was driving me home. I rested my head on the back seat trying to understand the night.

"Excuse me, we're at your place." The driver sad waking me up from my sleep.

How did I fall asleep so quick, my head hurts. I turned my head to confirm he was at the right address. And yes he was.

"Thank you," I gave him his money and went straight into the house. I headed straight to my room to finish the sleep I was already sleeping in the car. I took off my boots and laid in bed without changing or cleaning the makeup off my face.

My room light got switched on, "I thought you would not be coming home tonight." That was my mom, she came to confirm who came into her house at that hour. I guess she wasn't sleeping and was working because she had her glasses on. I struggled with my eyes, trying to get them open did not seem easy.

"You reek of alcohol and different types of cigarettes, you're wasted young lady, don't tell me you've started smoking." She put he hand on her waist waist for an answer.

"No mom, it's from random people that did at the party." I replied sounding so weak, I was not sure she heard me clearly. I just wanted to sleep.

"Good for you, at least try changing into something more comfortable and get your makeup cleaned." She concluded and was about leaving the room when I asked her to turn off the lights which she turned on, on her way out.