

Adults only!! "Don't cry Hanin, if you cry your beauty will disappear. Look at me! I promise you to come back soon and will repay every drop of your tears." (Rafka Arsha Fathan) "Hanin, believe me there is me who will always take care of you. I will not let you cry and your heart hurt, because I have loved you all my life." (Jonathan Putra) "I love you with all my sincere intentions without limits, choosing you because I believe you are my destiny, regardless of age gap, or span of time." (Hasta Narendra) Hanin Humairah has a self-sufficient life with her two parents who are quite wealthy in her village, Malibu. When she was thirteen years old Hanin was abandoned by her beloved mother. Hanin's life began to experience physical and mental suffering since her father remarried with Dina who also had daughters and sons who were the same age as Amelia Putri and Jonathan Putra. Hanin's life is increasingly becoming the butt of Dina and Amelia when her father has an accident and dies. All household chores and earning a living are all Hanin's daily duties. All of her father's belongings have been taken by Dina. All her friends stayed away because of Amelia's incitement. Only Jonathan and Rafka care about Hanin. Jonathan and Rafka both like Hanin but Hanin prefers Rafka. Until one day Rafka had to leave Hanin and follow his parents to move to the city. In sadness and solitude, Hasta Narendra (38 years old), her father's friend asked her to live together and marry on a fake marriage certificate.. Because of Hasta's sincere love, Hanin's feelings and love turned to Hasta and legally married. During his one year marriage, Rafka returned to Malibu Village to work as a doctor and was engaged to Silviana, who is in the same profession as Rafka. Will Hanin's love last for Hasta after finding out that Rafka is amnesia due to an accident resulting from her breakup? Or Hanin's love will turn from Hasta to Rafka and Jonathan after Hasta leaves her because he knows he will not be able to have children ?? Or is Hanin still loyal to Hasta's love ??? Follow the story "It's not the fault of love" By NICKSCART.

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20 Chs


"Let me go, let me go! I don't want anything to do with you guys!" Hanin shouted as she tried to escape from Sony's grip.

"I told you, you can't just leave Hanin." Sony said with a voice full of pressure.

"Let me go! please let me go!" Hanin wailed with tears already flowing.

"Let him go Sony!" shouted a boy on his bicycle with a face full of anger.

Knowing that it was Rafka, a child who was also feared in his village, Sony released his grip.

Hanin quickly took her selling tray and then walked away from Sony and ran towards Rafka who shouted loudly at Sony and his friends.

"Are you okay, Han?" asked Rafka with a full look at Hanin's face.

"I'm fine, let's go before they attack you." Hanin said with a pale face.

"I'm not afraid of them, you just calm down." said Rafka very calmly.

"Listen Sony! Hanin is my girlfriend! so don't ever bother Hanin or you will see my anger." said Rafka with a sharp gaze, which was able to bring down the guts of Sony and his friends.

"Let's ride Han." Rafka said to Hanin to ride on his bicycle.

"When the weather is cloudy like this, why are you still selling Han?" Rafka asked as he pedaled his bicycle a little harder because it was against a fairly strong wind.

"It's my job every day to sell the cakes until they run out, isn't it?" Hanin replied in a low voice.

"You shouldn't be the backbone of them Hanin, you still have a mother who has to work for her children. And you just help at home by studying hard." said Rafka again who is famous for his very intelligent brain and as the son of a wealthy doctor in the village of Malibu.

"This has become my fate Raf, I can't change my sad fate." said Hanin with teary eyes as the rain suddenly poured down from the sky that looked cloudy and dark.

Rafka stopped his bicycle when he saw the guard post.

"Let's just take shelter here Han." said Rafka with quite wet clothes.

Hanin got down from her place and then ran into the guardhouse with her tray of snacks.

"You're not cold are you Han?" asked Rafka after putting down his bicycle and following into the guardhouse.

"No Raf, are you cold?" asked Hanin when she saw that Rafka's clothes were wet.

"It's okay Han, now tell me what happened to your life? You promised me to tell but until now. You're still shutting up, don't you believe me?" asked Rafka looking at Hanin with pity.

Hanin took a deep breath.

"I have to go home, Mother will look for me later?" said Hanin who was very difficult to open up.

"Didn't you say yourself that if your cake wasn't finished you couldn't go home?" said Rafka smiling sweetly.

"Yeah..it's true what you said." said Hanin with her face down.

"Tell me Hanin, so that your sadness lessens." said Rafka with affection.

"Where should I tell you from? I'm not very good at telling stories." said Hanin still with her head down.

"From the very beginning your life suffered." said Rafka not looking at Hanin.

Hanin wiped her slightly wet face, then looked back at Rafka, a friend who was the same age as her but her attitude was like an older brother to her.

"My biological mother died two years ago, and my father remarried to Dina's mother. Jonathan and Amelia's mother. My life changed when my father had an accident one year ago and died. That's when my life began to suffer until it is today. I'm always not around true in the eyes of both of them." Hanin said with tears in her eyes.

"I didn't know when your father died, it means that at that time I was still with my grandmother in Solo. Because I know when I came you only had a mother and two brothers, but your life seemed to suffer compared to the two of them." said Rafka with a complicated look very sorry not to know from the beginning of Hanin's life that was so sad.

"What makes me sad is that all of my father's wealth was given to me somewhere. I don't know what it was for. I'm sad because the treasure was the result of my father's hard work for years and was just wasted." said Hanin crying sadly.

"And you cry a lot because they are often rude to you." said Rafka looking deeply into Hanin's face.

"I just don't understand why they hate me so much when I always do what they tell me to do." Hanin said covering her face with both hands.

"Cry if you want to cry Han? I will wipe your tears." said Rafka while wiping Hanin's tears.

"I'm ashamed of you Rafka, for crying too much." said Hanin with deep sadness.

"Why should we be ashamed? We are friends who have to look after and protect each other." said Rafka with a smile.

"Right we are friends." said Hanin smiling as she stretched out her finger around which Rafka quickly welcomed.

"We're going home, Raf, it's getting late." said Hanin with a hungry stomach.

"You hungry Han?" Rafka asked when he heard Hanin's stomach growl.

Hanin nodded her head.

"Yes, we have eaten this cake now, don't worry, I'll pay for everything." said Rafka while laughing because he was also hungry.

Smiling Rafka took the cake from the tray and ate it immediately.

"Come on Han, you should eat too..don't worry I don't charge you money." said Rafka by taking another cake and giving it to Hanin.

After finishing the rest of the cakes that were not sold, Rafka got up from his seat.

"This is Han's money." said Rafka giving fifty thousand to Hanin.

"Only twenty thousand Raf, don't you have any small money?" asked Hanin who had no change.

"Just take it, make your snack...don't show it to your mother." said Rafka as he took his bicycle.