
Not at Liberty

Marva Dale is the pen name for author Debra McReynolds. Retired from the public relations field, Debra now spends her free time indulging in her passion for writing. "I used to fill my school notebooks with stories," Debra relates, "and then add artwork to go along with them. My second grade teacher, Mrs. Daley, predicted that I would be a writer one day." A fan of the mystery genre, she enjoys crafting tales with a twist of suspense, a touch of romance, and a bit of humor. Debra and her husband, Dale, make their home in El Paso, Texas, with their dog, cats and rabbits. Sexy, black lawyer, Liberty Sloane is asked to defend a deaf public relations executive accused of killing a well-known physician. Dr. Daniel Baumgard, known for his philanthropy, just opened a new shelter for abused women, although he also ran a women’s healthcare clinic that offers abortions. Madeline Kime promoted the doctor’s endeavors through her PR agency while harboring deep secrets concerning the Baumgard family, including the doctor’s son, Rhett, a congressman, and his socialite wife, Savannah. So who hated the doctor enough to stab him in the foyer of his own home? Liberty has a number of suspects on her list, including a pro-life group, not to mention the additional crimes of stolen clinic files and a blackmail scheme. To complicate matters, she has to fend off the advances of one-time boyfriend Preston Durrell, a private detective, while entertaining a new romance with the officer on the case, Sergeant Byron Keats. Worse, Liberty planned a Caribbean vacation with her BFFs, but has to postpone it in order to defend her client for murder one.

Marva Dale · Urbain
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67 Chs

Chapter 42

She took his second suggestion and fetched one of the café chairs, positioning it near poolside, but just far enough away so he couldn't reach out, grab her and pull her in.Yet she could see him clearly, those stunning dark eyes, the chiseled face with the slim scar down his cheek, his mouth like that of a sensual poet, T.S. Eliot without the jagged edges.Water streamed from his wet hair, the strands black and sleek.His broad shoulders rippled with tough muscle, and the pad of his left shoulder sported a flaming skull tattoo.

She battened down the sizzle of excitement he caused, like sparklers burning bright and caustic in her stomach.Forcing herself to switch her gaze from Keats to the yard beyond the pool, Liberty noticed the children's swing set and the lilac bushes and honeysuckle plants near the tall wood fence that enclosed the yard."This is a very nice place.I assume it belongs to Scott Gamez, the attorney.How do you know him?"