
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime et bandes dessinées
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163 Chs

Chapter 30

I knew that this was a talk we should have had long ago. Unfortunately, none of us got enough time nor were we together before to talk about it.

So, I opened the door. As soon as I opened it, Gwen leaped into my arms and started sobbing.

"I am sorry! I am sorry! I am sorry!" That was all she was saying while sobbing incessantly.

"Calm down, Gwen. It was not your fault what happened that day. Look I am still here." I tried to make her calm down.

"How can you say that? You almost died that day. I thought I would never see you again. And it was all because of me." Gwen said furiously while still sobbing.

"But you did it because I had become a monster. If you had not stopped me that day, someone could have died at my hands. And then, even if I had survived, I do not know how I would have lived. So, do not have blame yourself." I tried to reason with her.

It seems that Gwen could now understand it somewhat as she slowly pulled herself away from my embrace. As I saw her expression, however, it looked like she was still unconvinced but did not want to talk more about the topic.

"Hey, you have grown taller." Gwen commented after she pulled away from me.

"That's true." Gwen was almost near my height after she got her spider powers but now I was more than a head taller than her.

"Now, tell me how you survived." Gwen asked, her face completely serious.

"And don't think about lying. I know what was your condition then. You should have died in a few minutes." It was clear from her expression that she wanted to learn the truth.

"It would have required a true miracle to save you. Just an X-gene would not have brought you back from the brink of death. And that is not withholding how you reached those sorcerers. What had truly happened, Peter?"

Gwen brought out all the points which were suspicious. It looks like she had given it much thought.

"Alright, I will tell you. But you must promise me that you will keep it an absolute secret." What I was about to tell her could not go outside even if very few people would actually believe it.

"I promise, now tell me." Gwen promised almost immediately.

"It may sound nonsensical but I was saved by Peter Parker." I told her in this way so that it would be easier to explain the whole debacle.

"How can you joke at such a serious topic, Peter?" Gwen said angrily as she thought I was joking.

"I am not joking, Gwen. Calm down and listen to my whole words first." I asked her to stay come and listen.

"I was saved by Peter Parker who was from a different dimension. He was not only a Spider-Man, same as you but also a Sorcerer Supreme, the same position as Ancient One." I explained.

Gwen calmly processed my words. It was after all shocking for anyone to learn that her best friend was said by his own self from a different dimension.

"I am glad that he saved you, Peter. But did he say anything to you?" Gwen asked curiously.

"No, he did not say anything much to me. He appeared when I was dying and asked me if I wanted to live.

I said yes and felt unconscious. When I woke up, I was already at Kamar Taj 4 days later. It is actually due to him that I have so much less restrictions compared to other sorcerers."

I did not know why he saved me but not only did he save my life but also completely changed it. For this, I will always be grateful towards him.

"But even then, you have changed so much, Peter." Gwen said sadly.

"You are no longer that shy, nerdy guy. All I can see is a confident young man ready to take what life throws at him."

That was true. After gaining my powers, I had changed a lot. Now, I realised why she didn't like my new appearance. Because she blamed herself for what happened to me.

"But I am still Peter, Gwen. It is just that I am also something more." I tried to reassure her.

As we continued our conversation, Gwen finally began to find some semblance of calm within herself.

"Say, are you going on patrol today as well, Gwen?" I asked her.

"Yeah! Of course, why?" Gwen asked puzzled.

"Why don't I join you? After all I have now powers too. Also, I have my new armour, perfect for joining you on patrol." I offered.

"But you don't need to, Peter. I can handle myself." Gwen didn't want me to accompany her. It seems that she did not want to put me in danger again.

"Gwen, I have fought and killed interdimensional beasts in battle. What are a few crooks in comparison?" I argued.

"Now that you remind me, what kind of battle was that, Peter?" Gwen asked me with suspicious eyes. Damn! How could I bring back this topic.

"I told you, Gwen. It was just a small scale dimensional invasion." I tried to once again undermine the battle.

"Tell me the truth, Peter." Gwen said, this time with a glare.

"Alright, alright. There were about 100 interdimensional beasts." Finally, I relented.

"How could you participate in such a dangerous battle, Peter?" Gwen said angrily. It seems that she was seriously angry this time.

"I was not alone, Gwen. I was with a whole army of sorcerers." I said in a bid to calm her down. There was no need to tell her that I was on the frontlines.

"Sorry, I got a little overprotective." Gwen apologized as she realised that she was trying to interfere with my freedom.

"Alright, it's nothing. Now, let's get ready for the patrol."

Gwen was about to leave to get ready when suddenly the bell rang.

"Who is it at this time?" I could hear Uncle Ben's grumbling.

"I will take care of it, Uncle Ben." I reassured Uncle Ben that I would see who was at the door.

Putting an illusion spell on myself, I went to open the door.

I opened the door to reveal quite a unique bunch. There was a grumpy looking man accompanied by a bald man in a wheelchair.

Furthermore, the wheelchair was held by a dark skinned woman with silver white hair.


Looks like we have some guests. I guess everyone has already realised who they are? If not, you will see.

As I have already said earlier, for the rest of this month, there will be a total of 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advance chapters on Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye