
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime et bandes dessinées
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108 Chs

Chapter 29

Aunt May's POV

I was in the kitchen making Peter's favourite food as he was finally coming home after more than 2 months. Especially since the last time we met was too short, I could not even hug him then.

"Let me help you, Aunt May." Mary Jane, or as her friends called her, MJ was helping me as she had learned that Peter was arriving today.

"You know, Aunt May. You should have told me the truth about Peter sooner. After all, I was his friend from childhood." MJ was angry that we had not told her about Peter's condition when we first found out.

"Believe me, I wanted to, MJ. But you know how people feel about mutants." We worried that Peter would face discrimination. That is why we never told anyone about him.

"But you know me. I would not discriminate against Peter just because he became a mutant." MJ was angry that we did not believe in her.

"I know that I was not close with Peter those days as I was busy with my band. But still, he suddenly disappeared one day. I do not know what I would have felt if that was the last time I saw him."

It was clear from MJ's words that she was feeling guilty for not being with Peter before he disappeared.

"Thankfully, it was found that he was safe. But even then he did not return. Upon asking, you just said that Peter had a medical emergency and would not be able to join the school for a few months."

"It was all too much suspicious. It was clear from Gwen's behaviour that she knew the truth and even she did not tell me despite me pestering her relentlessly."

MJ's frustration could be clearly seen from her face.

"But I told you the truth, didn't I?" It was me who had told her why Peter had disappeared and why he had not returned back yet.

"Only because I had literally begged you." I still remember how she had come to me crying and asking where was Peter and if he was okay. So, I had no choice but to tell her.

We were about to continue our conversation when we heard the bell ring.

"Ben, check who it is." Ben had come back early today from his job just so that he could spend more time with Peter.

I heard the sound of door opening. Looks like it was not Peter, otherwise he would have called us immediately.

"It's Gwen." So, Gwen was also here now.

"Gwen is saying that Captain Stacy will not be joining us today. He has some important work." Ben's voice came from the living room.

"Tell her that she can spend the night here." I said to Ben from the kitchen.

"But, but---" I could hear Gwen's voice from the living room trying to object.

"No, Gwen. You heard May. You have to stay here." I could hear Ben rebuking her.

Everyone was here now, only Peter was left. When will he arrive?

Peter Parker's POV

I arrived through a portal to an alley near my home. After all, I could not open a portal directly front of my home where anyone could see it.

I wish I could have come back sooner but unfortunately the creation of my personal armour took much longer than I had predicted.

My transformation complicated it as the armour also had to transform in order to accommodate my own transformation.

As I stood before the door, I could hear my heart racing. I closed my eyes and took a deep sigh and then pressed the bell.

I saw an eye in the eyehole and heard Uncle Ben calling for everyone. Soon after, the door opened.

As the door opened, I could see my loved ones whom I had longed to see again. Aunt May, Uncle Ben, Gwen and ..... MJ!

"MJ! What are you doing here?" I was surprised to see her as Aunt May had a not told me about her.

"What, you forgot about your childhood friend so easily, Tiger?" MJ said to me teasingly which was rather typical of her.

"No, I am just surprised to see you here." I clarified.

"You know, Peter. You should have called me about your condition. I am also your friend, you know." MJ said seriously.

"So, what did you learn in that secret magic society?" She asked once again, this time however, with a curious tone.

"Peter, now that you are here, you should remove that illusion spell." Aunt May said after I had finished talking with MJ.

"Illusion spell?" MJ questioned.

"Ah! I forgot to tell you. Peter's appearance changed after he awakened as a mutant." Aunt May clarified.

"Alright!" I removed my illusion spell revealing my true appearance.

As soon as MJ saw my true appearance, it looked like her jaw literally dropped. Although MJ was blushing upon seeing my new appearance, Gwen didn't seem to like it. Perhaps she was feeling guilty regarding what had happened.

"Damn! Peter. You transformed from a shy cute guy to such a handsome one." MJ muttered.

I spread my arms towards Aunt May signifying I could hug her now.

She happily hugged me. I could see that her eyes had turned rather misty when she left my embrace. Uncle Ben's eyes had also turned misty but they were clearly holding themselves back from crying so as to not ruin the occasion.

Then, I turned to Uncle Ben and hugged him. He patted my shoulder pridefully.

"Hey, no hugs for me?" MJ complained.

"Wait for your turn." I said to MJ and then hugged Gwen. At last, I hugged MJ.

"You should go and change first. These robes do not suit your handsome face at all." MJ pointed out my sorcerer robes to me.

I quickly went to my room and changed into a simple white t-shirt and jeans. My old clothes however, stretched against my new muscular body. Looks like I would need to buy new clothes.

As I took the stairs and event to the living room where everybody was waiting for me. They were quite surprised by my muscles which could not be seen previously in my robes.

"I thought that you have joined a secret society, not a gym. How did you gain such muscles?" MJ asked curiously.

"Most of it is from when I gained my powers and the rest is from my martial arts training." I answered.

"Do they train you martial arts in that magic society?" MJ asked again.

"Everyone there knows a little martial arts. However, I trained in mystic martial arts in Ta Lo where I went to control my powers." I explained.

"Ah! That secret society. Where you could not even contact us?" Uncle Ben said this time.

"Yes, it is really a very closed society.

However, I took some pictures there. Let me show you." I showed them all the pictures I took in Ta Lo.

"That baby nine-tails looks so cute." Both MJ and Gwen gushed over the beauty of all these mythical beasts.

"It's time for dinner, everyone." Aunt May said. Soon, all of us were at the dining table.

Aunt May had made all of my favourite dishes. I ate all of them with gusto.

"It seems that your appetite has increased quite much." Aunt May commented seeing me demolish the food on my plate.

"How can I not when you have made all these dishes with so much love?" I replied causing everyone to smile.

Even after dinner, we continued talking from quite some time.

"That reminds me, Peter. Why were you so late when you had told me that your promotion was more than a week ago?" Uncle Ben asked.

"Oh! It was because my armour was being readied from the spoils of battle." Oops! I slipped.

"What kind of battle?" Uncle Ben asked with narrowed eyes.

"Oh! It was just a small battle against some interdimensional beasts who had invaded. I did not even need to do much. I was just shooting my lightning at them." I tried to underplay the whole battle and my role in it.

"Oh! That reminds me I had brought some gifts for both of you. I had forgotten about them in excitement." I tried to change the topic to make them forget about the battle.

I could see that Aunt May knew that I lied but thankfully she did not say anything.

I went to my room in order to take out two amulets from my sorcerer robes and gave them to Uncle Ben and Aunt May.

"These are special magical amulets I have specially enchanted for both of you. They have been enchanted with revitalisation spell which will help you in maintaining your health." I explained the function of the amulets.

"You did not need to do this, Peter." Uncle Ben said emotionally.

"But I wanted to give both of you something as a gift." This was a way for me to repay everything they had done for me, even if a little.

We continue talking from some more time but eventually time went on and night became too deep. So, Mary Jane had to leave for her home.

We also went to retire to our room. As I was about to go to sleep myself, I heard a knock on my door.

"Peter, it's me. We need to talk." Gwen's voice sounded from the other side of the door.


I decided to start this arc directly in New York. What kind of armour was made for Peter and what he learnt in this week will be explained later.

Also, it is finally time for that heart to heart talk which Peter should have had with Gwen a long time ago.

As I have already said earlier, for the rest of this month, there will be a total of 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advance chapters on Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye