
Northern Reaper

Where do you go when Heaven's stairs vanish, and Hell's highway closes? Back to earth. But repeating a life already lived would be to easy right?

SinfulSmile · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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14 Chs

Breaking Point

*Warning Bleep Blaring* "Incoming Projectile" screamed the driver interrupting our conversation. We both grab onto the closest support straps and brace for impact.

"Sin , Vitaly hold tight!" roared the teams grizzly of a man Izaac Lance. A 6 foot 6 inch, toned bald muscle man, also known as Griz,

I think I'd much rather fight a bear than make him mad. He looks friendly, but his anger has always got him in trouble.

The next thing i knew our APV or Anti-Personal Vehicle, flipped throwing us all around. It felt like we rolled 3 or 4 times, and then slammed into something.

The force of what ever broke our momentum flung me into the APV's wall. The last thing i remember was screaming before getting flung headfirst into the wall.

When I came to, the first thing i saw was the drivers, and 2 personnel i never got the name of dead and burning. Sparks everywhere, the blaring of the AI saying *Vehicle damaged beyond repair, please evacuate*

All of a sudden a powerful force ripped at my ankle throwing me into combative shock. I drew my sidearm and went to discharge it in the direction of my attacker when it was suddenly knocked out of my hands.

"Easy Sin it's me!" whispered Grizz while whipping blood off his face. "I took some impact from the early incident, it'll be fine. Right now we need to get out of here, so far no opposition has shown up, so lets not be here when they do!"

*bzkkkkkk* "Fox 7" *bzkkkk* "--cho 6" *bzkkkk* "Alpha" *bzkkk*

"Where's Rory!?" was the only thing i could think of hearing her come over the radio like that.

"She went to get high ground to spot for me while I came back to get supplies and see if anyone was still alive. All we have left are 3 long guns, 2 tech crates, 1 ammo sack, 2 Vectors, and your sidearm." Grizz replied very sternly.

"Well i couldn't get a clear read on that, but it sounds like we should rendezvous at point 7, couldn't tell if it was upper or lower level 6 though. We can deal with that when we get there." I say while gathering what little supplies I can before climbing out of the APV.

"Let's get a move on!"

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